Abstract Data type (ADT), Related to DATA STRUCTURE and ALGORITHMS STACK QUEUE ARRAY LINKED LIST ALGORITHMS AND INSERTION DELETION MERGE TRAVERSE MODIFY AND OTHER related operation in the algorithms of stack queue array and linked list as an ADT type
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Abstract data types (adt) intro to data structure part 2
5. Abstract Data Types (ADT)
We are well acquainted with data types by
now, like integers, arrays, and so on.
To access the data, we've used operations
defined in the programming language for the
data type, for instance by accessing array
elements by using the square bracket notation.
An abstract data type is a data type whose
representation is hidden from, and of no
concern to the application code.
6. Abstract Data Types (ADT)
For example, when writing application code, we dont
care how strings are represented: we just declare
variables of type string, and manipulate them by using
string operations.
Once an abstract data type has been designed, the
programmer responsible for implementing that type is
concerned only with choosing a suitable data structure
and coding up the methods.
On the other hand, application programmers are
concerned only with using that type and calling its
methods without worrying much about how the type is
7. The Array As An ADT
An array is probably the most versatile or
fundamental Abstract Data Type
An array is a finite sequence of storage cells,
for which the following operations are defined:
create(A,N)creates an array A with storage for N
A[i]=item stores item in the ith
position in the array
A; and
A[i] returns the value of the item stored in the ith
position in the array A.
8. Showing that an array is an ADT
Let A be an array of type T and has n elements then it satisfied the
following operations
1. CREATE(A): Create an array A
2. INSERT(A,X): Insert an element X into an array A in any location
3. DELETE(A,X): Delete an element X from an array A
4. MODIFY(A,X,Y): modify element X by Y of an array A
5. TRAVELS(A): Access all elements of an array A
6. MERGE(A,B): Merging elements of A and B into a third array C
Thus by using 1D array we can perform above operations thus an array
acts as an ADT.
11. Definition
A stack is an ordered collection of
items into which new items may be
inserted and from which items may be
deleted at one end, called the top of the
Stack is a linear data structure where all the
insertions and deletions are done at end
rather than in the middle.
12. Intro
We may come across situations, where
insertion or deletion is required only at one
end, either at the beginning or end of the
The suitable data structures to fulfil such
requirements are stacks and queues.
For ex. a stack of plates, a stack of coins,
a stack of books etc. 12
13. Stack as an abstract data type
A stack of elements of type T is a finite sequence of
elements together with the operations
1. CreateEmptyStack(S): create or make stack S be an empty
2. Push(S,x): Insert x at one end of the stack, called its top
3. Top(S): If stack S is not empty; then retrieve the element
at its top
4. Pop(S): If stack S is not empty; then delete the element at
its top
5. IsFull(S): Determine if S is full or not. Return true if S is
full stack; return false otherwise
6. IsEmpty(S): Determine if S is empty or not. Return true if
S is an empty stack; return false otherwise.
15. Operations
Push Place something on stack on the top
Pop Remove the very top item
Top examine without removing top item
IsEmpty Tells us whether the stack is
size how many elements are there?
17. ADT conclusion
An abstract data type is the specification of the data type which
specifies the logical and mathematical model of the data type.
ADT acts as a useful guideline to implement a data type correctly.
The implementation of an ADT involves the translation of the ADTs
specification into syntax of a particular programming language.
For ex, the int data type, provides an implementation of the
mathematical concept of an integer number.
The int data type in C can be considered as an implementation of
Abstract Data Type, INTEGER-ADT, which defines the union of set
{ -1, -2, -3 } and the set of whole numbers {0, 1, ....}