This study investigated burnout among employees at the Paint Shop 1 production process of Iran Khodro car manufacturing company using the Maslach questionnaire. Additional questionnaires assessed job stress and leadership styles to validate burnout levels. An ergonomic assessment evaluated physical, mental, organizational, and postural conditions. The study found evidence of job burnout at Paint Shop 1 and developed micro and macro solutions to improve burnout related to organizational, managerial, physical, and mental factors.
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Abstract of Inter 1
1. Abstract:
Burnout is the consequences of severe stress and high ideals in work, life
or relation styles which do not lead to the desired result. This study in first phase,
investigated the existence of burnout and determining the level of its
appearance among the personnel of Paint Shop 1 production process of Iran
Khodro car manufacturing company (IKCO) by using Maslasch questionnaire.
Many aspects of an organization and work space could result in the burnout
phenomenon, thus to reassure and validate the burnout estimation, the
Osipow job stress questionnaire and also Metzcus and Burden's leadership
styles questionnaire used in entire work stations of both Pre-Paint Shop 1 and
Paint Shop 1 saloons.
In the second part, the comprehensive ergonomics approaches was
utilized to assess the general status of employees physical environment, mental,
organizational and management, and postural conditions by using the
ergonomics comprehensive assessment method (BELA) developed by
Darmstadt University, Germany. Using Darmstadt shift work checklist, the
conditions of shift works were also studied. Finally, according to the results of
all assessments, dominsted exsistance of job burout at Pain Shop 1 process and
micro and macro scale solutions for improving the state of burnout in
organizational, managerial, physical hygiene and mental aspects in IKCO were
developed and discussed.