The document summarizes a thesis project to build an open-source software radio application called gr-bertool to evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of digital modulations over communication channels. The application uses GNU Radio to provide digital signal processing blocks and allows static or real-time BER evaluation of modulations like PSK, FSK, and QAM over additive white Gaussian noise and Rician/Rayleigh channels. It provides a graphical user interface with tools to analyze the effects of noise on digital audio, video, and constellation points. The modular design supports integration of new components and a user-friendly layout.
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Abstract Thesis A. Rinaldi
1. Emulation of a Radio Link by means of Software Radio (Abstract)
Arturo Rinaldi
The goal of my thesis research was to build an open-source application, the gr-bertool, consisting of a set of
useful tools to evaluate the BER (Bit Error Rate) performances of the digital modulations (such as PSK, FSK,
QAM and so on) over the wired and the wireless channels of the communication systems.
The choice of pursuing this target was dictated by the fact that most of the university students, attending
communication systems courses, need a ready-to-go and useful resource to compare their theoretical learning
with practical examples. By using the gr-bertool the student can get a quick comparison from what it has just
learnt in a few minutes.
Together with my supervisors, I decided to use the GNU Radio DSP (Digital Signal Processing) open-source
platform to build the core of my application. It provides a great number of DSP blocks written in C++ and
its bindings with the Python programming language as well. So the obvious choice was to write my entire
application with the Python language and nesting the GNU Radio blocks in a e鍖ective way inside the lines of
code of the main body of the application itself.
I took care of all the events regarding the GUI (i.e. the actions following the pression of a button, the start of
a 鍖ow diagram and so on) in a clever and easy way. When running, the main GUI of the application shows all
the available tools in one single frame. The most important are the ones regarding the BER calculation.
It is possible to perform a BER evaluation in static and in a real-time way. The 鍖rst method consists in
calculating the BER and then plotting the theoretical and experimental curves, while the second one allows the
evaluation by means of GUI scopes available in the source tarball of the platform. During the real-time BER
evolution is also possible to observe how the constellation points of the digital modulations are a鍖ected by the
noise propagating in the simulated trasmission channel.
In addition, complementary tools are available to show how the most common audio (i.e. mp3, wav, ai鍖)
and video (i.e. jpg, bmp, png) 鍖le formats are a鍖ected by the digital modulations.
I used two channel models to perform the evaluation of the BER during my work, the AWGN (Additive
White Gaussian Noise or wired) Channel and the Rician/Rayleigh (or wireless) channel. Both are modeled in a
mathematical way using the Python scienti鍖c libraries. In particular, I made an extensive use of the numpy and
the scipy packages which together provided me all the functions needed to write the BER theoretical formulas
of the di鍖erent modulations.
In addition to all these features my application is multi-threaded, so it is possible to launch di鍖erent instances
of it (depending on the number of avalaible CPU(s) of course), and software-independent by which i mean I
didnt use any external software to plot my theorethical and experimental curves. This task is well ful鍖lled by
the matplotlib libraries package.
All the programming work has been also set up in favour of high modularity, to allow the building and in-
tegration of new modules in addition to the existing ones in a very easy way (future developments could include
a Bluetooth or a 802.11n module). It takes only of a few line of codes to merge a new component into the whole
work. Great care was also taken to create a user-friendly layout of all the elements of every single graphic frame
to make it very simple and intuitive.
For further reference, please consider also viewing the PDF slides of my work uploaded on the 鍖le
hosting service by clicking on the following hyperlink : Thesis A.Rinaldi