Saul Manuel Peña presented his academic game plan which included goals of maintaining a 3.0 GPA by improving in English and Bible class and finishing strong. His college goals were to study before exams and not procrastinate on assignments. After high school, he plans to attend PUCMM to major in Business and minor in Psychology. His top three desired fields are Business, Psychology, and Computer Engineering based on self-assessment. He outlined strategies for time management and his first semester plan while emphasizing the importance of organization and avoiding distractions to succeed academically.
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Academic game plan
1. P R E S E N T A T I O N B Y :
Academic Game Plan
2. Doulos Smart Goal
ï‚— A 3.0 average: 85%.
-Improve in English class
-Improve in Bible class
Finish strong
3. College Smart Goal
ï‚— Study before exams, and specially not
procastinating when doing
5. Choosing my major: Self-assesment
My desired major and minor are: Business, Psychology.
Based on my self-assessment, my top 3 major fields are.
1.Business. ( Administracion de Empresas )
2.Psychology. ( Psicologia )
3.Computer Engineering. ( Ingenieria en Sistema )
6. Time Managment
-Many distractions
-Can fail classes due to
time managment
-Need to improve in my
-Get better flow of things
-Manages your time
-Can succed in class if done
7. My first semester plan
ï‚— Classes may vary. So as for now, I will wait to get in
college. I will follow my curriculum to achieve my
academical success.
8. Strategies for Academic Success
3 Strategies to help me thrive academically
1. Search for help (Teachers/Students)
2. Do my assignments on time ( no procastination )
3. Study before classes & study before exams