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www.arcademicskillbuilders.comGo to Facebook Group: MAET.East Lansing.Summer.2009 On wall click on link titled Arcademic Skill BuildersClick on Play
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Shortest Person is now the Race Manager		*Race Manager selects Create Game 		*Then select private game		*Enter 1234 for password		*Select Create Game*Team Members:  click on your  Race Mangagers name under the private tab*Click on join game*Enter password 1234Everyone can click on cars to choose your own color!When ready select start race
Arcademic Skill Builder ArcadeGrand Prix MultiplicationSuccessful technology software that touches on the Behaviorism method of learning
4 Behavioral ConceptsOperant ConditioningPositive ReinforcementShapingMissing Concepts  Prompting, Cueing & Fading
Operant ConditioningConditioning behavior  a simple form of learning involving the formation, strengthening, or weakening of an association between a stimulus and a response.
Positive ReinforcementIncrease desirable behaviorStimulus follows responsePositive Reinforcement increase correct answer by car moving forward in race
ShapingMethod of successive approximationsVariant of operant conditioningBehavior molded into desired formAs student becomes successful at the game after playing on a regular basis, multiplication facts will be known quicklyStudent will perform better on curricular activities that require them to multiplyStudents will have more confidence with their mathematical skills when solving multiplication problems
Behavioral Concepts MissingPrompting & CueingHint & CrutchArtificial Supporti.e. allowing learners to try again if they get a question wrongFadingReducing strength of promptEliminating help over time
Prompts, Cueing & Fading?PositiveHelps learners understand the correct answer before moving on to another questionNegativeReduces speed of gameReduces competitionSolutionLevel systemUse of fading
How do we learn?Building on what we already knowRepetitionChunkingPurpose & Interest
How do we transfer learning into other contexts?With automaticityDecision making skillsTeacher choosing learning activity
How do we forget?No associations with materialNot enough practice with skillNot applicable to other situationsDistractions
What drives us to learn?Extrinsic rewardsInterest in subject matter

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Arcademic Skill Buider Arcade

  • 1. www.arcademicskillbuilders.comGo to Facebook Group: MAET.East Lansing.Summer.2009 On wall click on link titled Arcademic Skill BuildersClick on Play
  • 3. Enter your name & click create
  • 4. Shortest Person is now the Race Manager *Race Manager selects Create Game *Then select private game *Enter 1234 for password *Select Create Game*Team Members: click on your Race Mangagers name under the private tab*Click on join game*Enter password 1234Everyone can click on cars to choose your own color!When ready select start race
  • 5. Arcademic Skill Builder ArcadeGrand Prix MultiplicationSuccessful technology software that touches on the Behaviorism method of learning
  • 6. 4 Behavioral ConceptsOperant ConditioningPositive ReinforcementShapingMissing Concepts Prompting, Cueing & Fading
  • 7. Operant ConditioningConditioning behavior a simple form of learning involving the formation, strengthening, or weakening of an association between a stimulus and a response.
  • 8. Positive ReinforcementIncrease desirable behaviorStimulus follows responsePositive Reinforcement increase correct answer by car moving forward in race
  • 9. ShapingMethod of successive approximationsVariant of operant conditioningBehavior molded into desired formAs student becomes successful at the game after playing on a regular basis, multiplication facts will be known quicklyStudent will perform better on curricular activities that require them to multiplyStudents will have more confidence with their mathematical skills when solving multiplication problems
  • 10. Behavioral Concepts MissingPrompting & CueingHint & CrutchArtificial Supporti.e. allowing learners to try again if they get a question wrongFadingReducing strength of promptEliminating help over time
  • 11. Prompts, Cueing & Fading?PositiveHelps learners understand the correct answer before moving on to another questionNegativeReduces speed of gameReduces competitionSolutionLevel systemUse of fading
  • 12. How do we learn?Building on what we already knowRepetitionChunkingPurpose & Interest
  • 13. How do we transfer learning into other contexts?With automaticityDecision making skillsTeacher choosing learning activity
  • 14. How do we forget?No associations with materialNot enough practice with skillNot applicable to other situationsDistractions
  • 15. What drives us to learn?Extrinsic rewardsInterest in subject matter
  • 16. What does it mean for teaching?Program that teaches routine skillsHas reward or positive reinforcementDirect AssessmentClear Goals
  • 17. How can technology help?Helps with motivation and interestGame gives immediate feedbackInteractiveSeeing games as educational tools rather than just a way to pass timeWe are math champions!
  • 18. SourcesLloyd, M. (n.d.). Psych Web by Russ Dewey. Retrieved June 24, 2009, from http://www.psywww.comPROMPTING AND FADING. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2009, from http://www.bbbautism.com/prompting_and_fading.htmTeaching Children with Autism: The Discrete Trial: Prompting. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2009, from http://www.polyxo.com/discretetrial/prompting.html"Classical vs. Operant Conditioning." Sacramento Stae University. 20 June 2009 <www.csus.edu/indiv/b/brocks/Courses/EDS%20240/EDS%20240%20Handouts/Operant%20Conditioning%20O_H%20&%20H_O.pdf>."Condtioning: Operant vs. Classical." University of West Florida. 20 June 2009 <uwf.edu/jgould/ClassicalvsOperant.pdf>."Educational Psychology Interactive: Operant Conditioning." VSU Faculty WWW. 24 June 2009 <http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/behsys/operant.html>."Operant Conditioning Basics." Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction | Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction. 24 June 2009 <http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/proj/nru/opcond.html>."Operant Conditioning." ePsych: An electronic Psychology text. 24 June 2009 <http://epsych.msstate.edu/adaptive/Fuzz/index.html>."Operant Conditioning." ePsych: An electronic Psychology text. 24 June 2009 <http://epsych.msstate.edu/adaptive/Fuzz/index.html>."conditioning - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary." Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online. 24 June 2009 <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conditioning>.Behaviorism." Funderstanding: Education and Training for Active Learners. 24 June 2009 <http://www.funderstanding.com/content/behaviorism>. "Behaviorist Learning Theory." Innovative Learning. 24 June 2009 <http://www.innovativelearning.com/teaching/behaviorism.html>. "Behaviorist theories of learning." SIL International: Partners in Language Development. 24 June 2009 <http://www.sil.org/lingualinks/literacy/ImplementALiteracyProgram/BehavioristTheoriesOfLearning.htm>. Standridge, Melissa. "Behaviorism - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology." Projects Server Introduction. 24 June 2009 <http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Behaviorism>.

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Thorndike and Skinner coined the terms influenced behavior and operant behavior respectively.Operant behavior is so because one is operating on, or influenced by the environment. Compared with classical conditioning, where the stimulus triggers a response; operant conditioning calls for the response to trigger the stimulus and thus, the response determines whether the stimulus occurs again. However, the influenced response must have resulted through a prior environmental change, or event.Our game conditions the user by rewarding or providing positive stimulus, acceleration, for correct or incorrect answers. Additionally, the user is provided a stimulus based upon the speed at which they respond. The quicker the response, the better the chance of reaching the finish line first.The reinforcement of the response with either a positive or negative stimulus is an example of positive or negative reinforcement.
  • #10: Building on what we already know- need classroom instruction of what multiplication isRepetition playing on a regular basisBy breaking down skills or information into smaller chunksChunking whole game series touches on all math factsPurpose & Interest winning as a goal - fast pace holds interest choose color of car (shows identity of student)
  • #11: With automaticity more practice the betterDecision making skills they have to choose the answer instantlySomething that does not happen consciously pace & repetitionTeacher choosing learning activity routine for effective transmission of knowledge better than paper pencil timed tests
  • #12: Associations relevant to what is covered in classPractice game done regular basis will improve knowledge availability outside of the classroomOther situations can not be done in isolation, must also include connection back to the classroom Distractions other cars and competition could be distracting (NEGATIVE ASPECT OF GAME) however, can play by themselves at their own pace if competing against others is too stressful
  • #13: Rewards trophy, beating classmatesSubject matter having fun in a race - unique activity - fun vs. chore
  • #14: Program routine skills duhReward with + reinforement exciting fuhn game with trophyDirect Assessment In order to get them right, need to apply knowledge thru classroom instructionClear Goals learn info that was taught in class, LEARN X Facts and feeling comfortable doing it quickly