This academic transcript certifies that Sachin Pravin completed a part-time Master of Science in Information Technology at University College Dublin in 2013. Pravin earned 90 credits over two semesters with a grade point average of 3.03, resulting in the award of a Second Class Honours, Grade 2. The transcript lists the modules taken, credits earned, and grades received for each. It is signed by the Registrar and Deputy President and includes information to verify the document online.
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Academic Transcript
1. UCD Registry
Student Desk & Records
Cl叩rlann UCD
Deasc na Mac L辿inn & Taifid
Tierney Building
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1555
F: +353 1 716 1234
ras U鱈 Thiarnaigh
An Col叩iste Ollscoille Baile tha Cliath
Belfield, Baile tha Cliath 4, ire
Dere Sachin Pravin
Student Number: 11200839
Date of Birth: 5th May 1976
This is to certify that the above student registered for a part time programme of study leading to the Master of Science
(90 Credits)
Qualification and Award
Qualification: Master of Science
Magisterii Scientiae
NFQ Level: Level 9
Major: Information Technology
Award Status: Completed
Award Date: 23rd July 2013
Award GPA: 3.03
Award: Second Class Honours, Grade 2
Conferring Date:
Module and Assessment Outcomes
Academic Year Module Credits
Grade Grade
2011/12 Semester 1
BMGT4023S Research Paper 1 15.0 15.0 C+ 3.0
BMGT4024S Research Paper 2 15.0 15.0 B- 3.2
BMGT4046S Business Policy 10.0 10.0 D+ 2.4
BMGT4051S Organisational Behaviour & Work 10.0 10.0 A 4.0
FIN4012S Corporate Financial Management 10.0 10.0 C- 2.6
MIS4009S Fundamentals of E-Business 10.0 10.0 B 3.4
MIS4010S Management Support Systems 10.0 10.0 C 2.8
MIS4011S Strategic Information Management for
Competitive Advantage
10.0 10.0 C 2.8
Semester GPA 3.03
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2. UCD Registry
Student Desk & Records
Cl叩rlann UCD
Deasc na Mac L辿inn & Taifid
Tierney Building
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1555
F: +353 1 716 1234
ras U鱈 Thiarnaigh
An Col叩iste Ollscoille Baile tha Cliath
Belfield, Baile tha Cliath 4, ire
Stage Grade Point Averages
Stage GPA Credits
Stage 1 3.03 90.0
Professor Mark Rogers
Registrar and Deputy President
To verify this document, go to and enter
Student/Staff ID: 11200839 & Document ID: B0E89D8F4B71554E
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3. UCD Registry
Student Desk & Records
Cl叩rlann UCD
Deasc na Mac L辿inn & Taifid
Tierney Building
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1555
F: +353 1 716 1234
ras U鱈 Thiarnaigh
An Col叩iste Ollscoille Baile tha Cliath
Belfield, Baile tha Cliath 4, ire
Appendix of Definitions and Guides
Module Grade Scales
Standard Excellent A+, A, A-
Very Good B+, B, B-
Good C+, C, C-
Acceptable D+, D, D-
Fail E, F, G
No Grade NG
Non Standard Audit. No Credit Awarded AU
Distinction DS
Pass P
Pass by Compensation PC
No Work NW
Withdrawn (Future sittings may or may not
have the grade point capped - see
Incomplete I, IX, IP
Qualification and Award Classification
GPA: Grade Point Average
The award GPA is the average grade earned by a student, calculated by dividing the the grade point of the applicable
modules (determined by the programme) by the number of credits earned for those modules. The GPA Range is 0 - 4.2
The level of award is determined with reference to the following GPA scale:
GPA Award
3.68 to 4.20 First Class Honours
3.08 to 3.67 Second Class Honours, Grade 1
2.48 to 3.07 Second Class Honours, Grade 2
2.00 to 2.47 Pass
Stages and Credits
A student will progress through a programme in stages. Completion of each stage normally requires the successful
accumulation of credits specified for each programme.
Programme specifications define the credit requirements of each stage of a programme, and will specify the range of
modules which must, or may, be taken in order to satisfy these credit requirements.
1 Credit is equivalent to 1 ECTS credit and is associated with 20-25 hours of learning.
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4. UCD Registry
Student Desk & Records
Cl叩rlann UCD
Deasc na Mac L辿inn & Taifid
Tierney Building
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1555
F: +353 1 716 1234
ras U鱈 Thiarnaigh
An Col叩iste Ollscoille Baile tha Cliath
Belfield, Baile tha Cliath 4, ire
For further information see:
National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
The National Framework of Qualifications was established in 2003 and provides a structure to facilitate the comparison
of qualifications within Ireland. The Framework categories awards as either Major, Minor, Special Purpose or
Supplemental. Universities generally make awards between NFQ levels 8 - 10 as follows (with Minor and Special
Purpose awards may be awarded at level 7 such as University Certificates and Diplomas)
UCD Major Award NFQ Level
Honours Bachelor Degree Awards / Higher
Level 8
Masters Degree Awards / Graduate Diplomas Level 9
Doctoral Degree Awards Level 10
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