The document discusses the fundamentals of employee discipline for public servants in the Philippines. It outlines types of offenses that can result in disciplinary action and the administrative proceedings involved. It emphasizes that public office is a public trust and officers must serve with integrity, loyalty, and efficiency. Discipline aims to both educate and deter misconduct while preserving the people's faith in government. The document also discusses relevant laws around employee conduct, the powers and duties of disciplinary bodies like the Ombudsman, and the norms of conduct that public officials and employees must follow.
The Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 consolidates previous drug laws and outlines unlawful acts related to drug possession, sale, and trafficking. It establishes penalties such as life imprisonment or the death penalty depending on the drug and amount. The Act aims to prevent illegal drug use and addiction through prohibiting unlawful acts and enforcing penalties.
This document is the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 from the Philippines. It defines cybercrime and establishes punishments for illegal computer access, data interference, system interference, misuse of devices, cyber-squatting, computer-related forgery, fraud and identity theft, cybersex, child pornography, unsolicited commercial communications, and libel committed through computer systems. It assigns the National Bureau of Investigation and Philippine National Police to enforce cybercrime laws and authorizes them to collect traffic data in real-time related to communications with a warrant. Corporations can also face liability and fines if cybercrimes are committed on their behalf.
On Philippine Elections and Political Partiesbrianbelen
Lecture slide deck on Philippine Elections and Political Parties.
This is from a class on Philippine Politics and Governance that I taught from 2003-2005.
This document provides an overview of a research study on the profitability of sand and gravel quarrying in Lupon, Davao Oriental, Philippines. The study aims to determine profitability ratios, identify factors affecting profitability, compute average annual profit, and analyze gross profit margin trends over three years for selected quarries. A literature review discusses the importance of sand and gravel resources to the construction industry and economics. Environmental impacts and sustainable management of extraction are also addressed. The research methodology outlines the sample plan, research instrument, and statistical analysis that will be used.
The document summarizes key aspects of the party-list system for electing representatives to the House of Representatives in the Philippines. It describes how the system aims to provide representation for marginalized groups. Registered national, regional, or sectoral parties and organizations can participate by fielding nominees who must meet certain qualifications. The number of seats allocated is 20% of the total House seats. Voters cast two votes, one for a district representative and one for a party-list. Seats are allocated based on the percentage of the nationwide vote each party receives. Party-list representatives have the same rights and terms as district representatives.
This document provides guidance on conducting a literature review. It discusses the importance of building upon past research and standing on the shoulders of giants. The key steps outlined include developing search strategies, organizing sources, taking notes, identifying themes, and structuring the review. Effective reviews require searching various sources, evaluating relevance, synthesizing information, and presenting findings in a logical flow. The goal is to critically analyze prior work and identify gaps to further research.
Are you gearing up to do specialized research for a grant proposal or your own scholarly work? Learn what a literature review is and how to develop one using University Libraries.
Logistics Management 354 - Reading and Referencingpvhead123
Here are some tips for referencing:
- Check your department/lecturer's preferred style (APA, Harvard etc.) and be consistent.
- Reference as you write to avoid accidental plagiarism - include author surname and year.
- For direct quotes include page number.
- Your bibliography lists full references, arranged alphabetically by author.
- For websites include author/organisation, date, title, URL and date accessed.
- Referencing software like EndNote, Mendeley can help manage your references.
- Your university library offers referencing support and online guides.
- Proofread to check all in-text citations match full references in the bibliography.
Module 4_ Lesson 1 and 2_with Reviewer.pdfTeacherMariza
The document discusses ethics and avoiding plagiarism when writing literature reviews. It provides guidelines for paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting sources. Paraphrasing involves restating a source's ideas in your own words, while summarizing provides a high-level overview of key concepts. Direct quotes should only be used sparingly. The document also discusses how to organize and present a literature review thematically by topic or chronologically based on publication dates. The writing and editing process for a literature review involves creating a rough draft, final draft after incorporating feedback, and further editing to improve technical accuracy.
The document provides guidance on writing literature reviews, including how to avoid plagiarism through proper paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting of source material. It discusses the importance of following ethical standards by not fabricating or falsifying data. It also presents different ways to organize a literature review, such as using a chronological, thematic, or publication-based structure. The writing and editing process for literature reviews is outlined as well, including creating a rough draft, final draft, and performing multiple rounds of editing.
Plagiarism, Citing and Referencing is a document that discusses plagiarism and provides guidance on how to properly cite and reference sources to avoid plagiarism. It defines plagiarism as passing off others' work as your own and explains the penalties for academic misconduct. The document then provides examples of different types of plagiarism and guidelines for how to properly cite sources when writing papers, including how to format citations within texts and how to create reference lists. It emphasizes using citations and references consistently and correctly to acknowledge others' work. The document concludes by listing additional resources for help with citing and referencing.
This presentation aims at providing key aspects of referencing, citing, plagiarism, referencing styles (esp. the Harvard style), and reference management software.
Instructions for writing a paper油油油油油油油油 Content油油 Organize .docxnormanibarber20063
This document provides instructions for writing academic papers, including sections on content, format, style, grammar, references, and qualities of a good research paper. It discusses organizing a paper into clear sections with headings, double spacing text, using 12pt font, numbering pages, writing in third person, avoiding cliches and informal language, explaining equations, carefully editing for spelling and grammar, citing references, and supporting a clear thesis with evidence from sources. A good research paper argues a position, shows wide reading on the topic, acknowledges opposing views, and follows standard writing conventions.
This document discusses referencing and citations. It explains why it is important to reference sources, including to avoid plagiarism, add credibility to arguments, and allow readers to find the original sources. It provides guidance on what should be referenced, such as direct quotes, paraphrases, ideas from other authors. It also discusses common referencing systems like author-date and numerical styles. The document explains how to cite sources in the text and compile a reference list, with examples of different source types like books, journal articles, and websites.
This document provides an overview of referencing and avoiding plagiarism. It defines referencing as acknowledging the intellectual work of others and discusses the differences between reference lists and bibliographies. It also defines plagiarism, provides examples, and discusses consequences. Additionally, it covers topics such as criteria for choosing references, principles of referencing, what to reference, and reference styles like Harvard style. Finally, it discusses using reference management software like Mendeley and Zotero to simplify the referencing process.
This document provides guidance on conducting research for a project. It discusses choosing a topic that interests the reader and meets assignment requirements. It also covers finding and evaluating information from various sources, as well as thinking through the purpose, audience, and context of the research. The document emphasizes that research involves answering questions and sharing results with others. It stresses clarifying the assignment, managing time, and outlining the research process.
The document discusses the electronic writing process. It is divided into four main steps: pre-writing, writing, revising, and post-writing. Pre-writing involves researching and brainstorming topics using electronic resources. Writing uses software and multimedia tools for drafting. Revising utilizes spellcheckers, voice recognition, and other interactive tools. Post-writing adds multimedia elements like images and video when editing and distributing work electronically, such as on the World Wide Web. The electronic writing process is interactive and iterative compared to traditional writing.
This document summarizes an Ed Psych class that covered the following topics:
- Welcoming a guest speaker Dr. Patrick Murphy to discuss education reform
- Presentations on tools for disaggregating student data like OSPI report cards and performance dashboards
- A discussion of constructing a data pyramid to visualize how schools prioritize different types of student data
- Introducing visual models for understanding data like Love's Pyramid and Harvard's Data Wise Cycle
- Defining key vocabulary and discussing stakeholder involvement
- An upcoming assignment to develop a statement of philosophy on assessment and preparing to present to classmates
Plagarism and how to avoiding plagiarism .pptxAshia2
The presentation talk in detail why it is important to avoid plagiarism and how students can avoid committing such academic offence when writing their paper.
The document discusses what research is and why it is important. It defines research as a systematic investigation to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research is important for building knowledge, aiding business success, and resolving problems. The document outlines different types of research, including secondary research using existing sources and primary research conducted by the researcher. It also discusses the importance of writing research and the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, and proofreading.
This document provides an outline for a lesson on research and information literacy. It describes the difference between primary and secondary research sources. It explains what a literature search entails and discusses approaches to online searching for information. It also covers concepts for evaluating evidence such as authenticity, validity, reliability, and triangulation. The document provides examples to illustrate these concepts.
CIS 5681 Research ProjectBig Data Solution for BusinessesVinaOconner450
This document outlines the requirements for a term paper on big data solutions for businesses. It must be approximately 5 pages excluding references, formatted with Arial or Times New Roman font, double spaced, and include citations and a reference list in Chicago style. Possible topics include the impact of big data tools on business productivity and costs, best practices for big data in businesses, and using big data analytics in healthcare. References must come from academic databases and trade publications.
This document provides an overview of how to write a research paper. It begins by explaining why learning to write research papers is important for college students. It then outlines the typical structure of a research paper, including sections like the abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The document discusses how to choose a research topic and gather materials. It provides guidance on writing each section and emphasizes using a consistent format for citations and references. The goal is to teach students the key components of a successful research paper.
This document provides information on writing, referencing, and avoiding plagiarism. It discusses the stages of research, how to read sources selectively, and how to structure a good academic report. It defines plagiarism and provides examples of what constitutes plagiarism. It also discusses how to reference sources correctly, including using in-text citations and reference lists, and provides examples of citations in APA style. Resources for writing, referencing, and plagiarism are also listed.
The document discusses referencing, plagiarism, and proper citation techniques. It defines referencing as attributing the source of ideas and information. References are important as they show research, support arguments, and give credit to other authors. The document outlines different types of references and how to select relevant references. It also discusses plagiarism, including different types like direct plagiarism and paraphrasing without citation. The document provides guidance on properly citing references in the text and reference list, and how to avoid plagiarism through organization, note-taking, citing all sources, and paraphrasing information.
Introduction to Machine Learning
Association Analysis
Supervised (inductive) learning
Training data includes desired outputs
Unsupervised learning
Training data does not include desired outputs
Semi-supervised learning
Training data includes a few desired outputs
Reinforcement learning
Rewards from sequence of actions
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in PracticeDilum Bandara
This document discusses time series analysis and forecasting. It covers the components of time series including trends, seasonality, cyclical patterns and irregular components. It then describes several approaches to forecasting including qualitative judgmental methods, statistical time series models and explanatory causal models. Specific statistical time series forecasting techniques are explained such as simple and exponential smoothing, linear regression models, and Holt-Winters seasonal models. The importance of evaluating forecast accuracy is also highlighted.
Logistics Management 354 - Reading and Referencingpvhead123
Here are some tips for referencing:
- Check your department/lecturer's preferred style (APA, Harvard etc.) and be consistent.
- Reference as you write to avoid accidental plagiarism - include author surname and year.
- For direct quotes include page number.
- Your bibliography lists full references, arranged alphabetically by author.
- For websites include author/organisation, date, title, URL and date accessed.
- Referencing software like EndNote, Mendeley can help manage your references.
- Your university library offers referencing support and online guides.
- Proofread to check all in-text citations match full references in the bibliography.
Module 4_ Lesson 1 and 2_with Reviewer.pdfTeacherMariza
The document discusses ethics and avoiding plagiarism when writing literature reviews. It provides guidelines for paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting sources. Paraphrasing involves restating a source's ideas in your own words, while summarizing provides a high-level overview of key concepts. Direct quotes should only be used sparingly. The document also discusses how to organize and present a literature review thematically by topic or chronologically based on publication dates. The writing and editing process for a literature review involves creating a rough draft, final draft after incorporating feedback, and further editing to improve technical accuracy.
The document provides guidance on writing literature reviews, including how to avoid plagiarism through proper paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting of source material. It discusses the importance of following ethical standards by not fabricating or falsifying data. It also presents different ways to organize a literature review, such as using a chronological, thematic, or publication-based structure. The writing and editing process for literature reviews is outlined as well, including creating a rough draft, final draft, and performing multiple rounds of editing.
Plagiarism, Citing and Referencing is a document that discusses plagiarism and provides guidance on how to properly cite and reference sources to avoid plagiarism. It defines plagiarism as passing off others' work as your own and explains the penalties for academic misconduct. The document then provides examples of different types of plagiarism and guidelines for how to properly cite sources when writing papers, including how to format citations within texts and how to create reference lists. It emphasizes using citations and references consistently and correctly to acknowledge others' work. The document concludes by listing additional resources for help with citing and referencing.
This presentation aims at providing key aspects of referencing, citing, plagiarism, referencing styles (esp. the Harvard style), and reference management software.
Instructions for writing a paper油油油油油油油油 Content油油 Organize .docxnormanibarber20063
This document provides instructions for writing academic papers, including sections on content, format, style, grammar, references, and qualities of a good research paper. It discusses organizing a paper into clear sections with headings, double spacing text, using 12pt font, numbering pages, writing in third person, avoiding cliches and informal language, explaining equations, carefully editing for spelling and grammar, citing references, and supporting a clear thesis with evidence from sources. A good research paper argues a position, shows wide reading on the topic, acknowledges opposing views, and follows standard writing conventions.
This document discusses referencing and citations. It explains why it is important to reference sources, including to avoid plagiarism, add credibility to arguments, and allow readers to find the original sources. It provides guidance on what should be referenced, such as direct quotes, paraphrases, ideas from other authors. It also discusses common referencing systems like author-date and numerical styles. The document explains how to cite sources in the text and compile a reference list, with examples of different source types like books, journal articles, and websites.
This document provides an overview of referencing and avoiding plagiarism. It defines referencing as acknowledging the intellectual work of others and discusses the differences between reference lists and bibliographies. It also defines plagiarism, provides examples, and discusses consequences. Additionally, it covers topics such as criteria for choosing references, principles of referencing, what to reference, and reference styles like Harvard style. Finally, it discusses using reference management software like Mendeley and Zotero to simplify the referencing process.
This document provides guidance on conducting research for a project. It discusses choosing a topic that interests the reader and meets assignment requirements. It also covers finding and evaluating information from various sources, as well as thinking through the purpose, audience, and context of the research. The document emphasizes that research involves answering questions and sharing results with others. It stresses clarifying the assignment, managing time, and outlining the research process.
The document discusses the electronic writing process. It is divided into four main steps: pre-writing, writing, revising, and post-writing. Pre-writing involves researching and brainstorming topics using electronic resources. Writing uses software and multimedia tools for drafting. Revising utilizes spellcheckers, voice recognition, and other interactive tools. Post-writing adds multimedia elements like images and video when editing and distributing work electronically, such as on the World Wide Web. The electronic writing process is interactive and iterative compared to traditional writing.
This document summarizes an Ed Psych class that covered the following topics:
- Welcoming a guest speaker Dr. Patrick Murphy to discuss education reform
- Presentations on tools for disaggregating student data like OSPI report cards and performance dashboards
- A discussion of constructing a data pyramid to visualize how schools prioritize different types of student data
- Introducing visual models for understanding data like Love's Pyramid and Harvard's Data Wise Cycle
- Defining key vocabulary and discussing stakeholder involvement
- An upcoming assignment to develop a statement of philosophy on assessment and preparing to present to classmates
Plagarism and how to avoiding plagiarism .pptxAshia2
The presentation talk in detail why it is important to avoid plagiarism and how students can avoid committing such academic offence when writing their paper.
The document discusses what research is and why it is important. It defines research as a systematic investigation to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research is important for building knowledge, aiding business success, and resolving problems. The document outlines different types of research, including secondary research using existing sources and primary research conducted by the researcher. It also discusses the importance of writing research and the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, and proofreading.
This document provides an outline for a lesson on research and information literacy. It describes the difference between primary and secondary research sources. It explains what a literature search entails and discusses approaches to online searching for information. It also covers concepts for evaluating evidence such as authenticity, validity, reliability, and triangulation. The document provides examples to illustrate these concepts.
CIS 5681 Research ProjectBig Data Solution for BusinessesVinaOconner450
This document outlines the requirements for a term paper on big data solutions for businesses. It must be approximately 5 pages excluding references, formatted with Arial or Times New Roman font, double spaced, and include citations and a reference list in Chicago style. Possible topics include the impact of big data tools on business productivity and costs, best practices for big data in businesses, and using big data analytics in healthcare. References must come from academic databases and trade publications.
This document provides an overview of how to write a research paper. It begins by explaining why learning to write research papers is important for college students. It then outlines the typical structure of a research paper, including sections like the abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The document discusses how to choose a research topic and gather materials. It provides guidance on writing each section and emphasizes using a consistent format for citations and references. The goal is to teach students the key components of a successful research paper.
This document provides information on writing, referencing, and avoiding plagiarism. It discusses the stages of research, how to read sources selectively, and how to structure a good academic report. It defines plagiarism and provides examples of what constitutes plagiarism. It also discusses how to reference sources correctly, including using in-text citations and reference lists, and provides examples of citations in APA style. Resources for writing, referencing, and plagiarism are also listed.
The document discusses referencing, plagiarism, and proper citation techniques. It defines referencing as attributing the source of ideas and information. References are important as they show research, support arguments, and give credit to other authors. The document outlines different types of references and how to select relevant references. It also discusses plagiarism, including different types like direct plagiarism and paraphrasing without citation. The document provides guidance on properly citing references in the text and reference list, and how to avoid plagiarism through organization, note-taking, citing all sources, and paraphrasing information.
Introduction to Machine Learning
Association Analysis
Supervised (inductive) learning
Training data includes desired outputs
Unsupervised learning
Training data does not include desired outputs
Semi-supervised learning
Training data includes a few desired outputs
Reinforcement learning
Rewards from sequence of actions
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in PracticeDilum Bandara
This document discusses time series analysis and forecasting. It covers the components of time series including trends, seasonality, cyclical patterns and irregular components. It then describes several approaches to forecasting including qualitative judgmental methods, statistical time series models and explanatory causal models. Specific statistical time series forecasting techniques are explained such as simple and exponential smoothing, linear regression models, and Holt-Winters seasonal models. The importance of evaluating forecast accuracy is also highlighted.
Introduction to Dimension Reduction with PCADilum Bandara
Dimension reduction techniques simplify complex datasets by identifying underlying patterns or structures in the data. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a common dimension reduction method that defines new axes (principal components) to maximize variance in the data. PCA examines correlations between these principal components and the original variables to identify sets of highly correlated variables and reduce them to a few representative components. Eigenvalues measure the amount of variance explained by each principal component, and scree plots can help determine how many components to retain by balancing information loss and simplification of the data.
Introduction to Descriptive & Predictive AnalyticsDilum Bandara
This document provides an introduction to descriptive and predictive analytics. It discusses key concepts including descriptive analytics which uses data aggregation and mining to provide insights into past data, predictive analytics which uses statistical models and forecasts to understand the future, and prescriptive analytics which uses optimization and simulation to advise on possible outcomes. The document also reviews basic statistical concepts such as measures of location, dispersion, shape, and association that are important for data analytics. These concepts include mean, median, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and correlation.
Hard to Paralelize Problems: Matrix-Vector and Matrix-MatrixDilum Bandara
The document discusses several problems that are hard to parallelize, including matrix-vector multiplication and matrix-matrix multiplication. It describes 1D and 2D assignment approaches to parallelizing matrix-vector multiplication across multiple processors. 1D assignment distributes the rows of the matrix and vector across processors, while 2D assignment distributes them in a 2D grid. It also outlines map-reduce approaches to parallelizing vector-matrix and matrix-matrix multiplication, breaking the problems into mapping and reducing stages.
Introduction to Map-Reduce Programming with HadoopDilum Bandara
This document provides an overview of MapReduce programming with Hadoop, including descriptions of HDFS architecture, examples of common MapReduce algorithms (word count, mean, sorting, inverted index, distributed grep), and how to write MapReduce clients and customize parts of the MapReduce job like input/output formats, partitioners, and distributed caching of files.
This document discusses embarrassingly parallel problems and the MapReduce programming model. It provides examples of MapReduce functions and how they work. Key points include:
- Embarrassingly parallel problems can be easily split into independent parts that can be solved simultaneously without much communication. MapReduce is well-suited for these types of problems.
- MapReduce involves two functions - map and reduce. Map processes a key-value pair to generate intermediate key-value pairs, while reduce merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key.
- Implementations like Hadoop handle distributed execution, parallelization, data partitioning, and fault tolerance. Users just provide map and reduce functions.
Data-Level Parallelism in MicroprocessorsDilum Bandara
1. The document discusses data-level parallelism and summarizes vector architectures, SIMD instruction sets, and graphics processing units (GPUs). 2. It describes vector architectures like VMIPS that can perform operations on sets of data elements via vector registers. 3. It also explains how SIMD extensions like SSE exploit fine-grained data parallelism and how GPUs are optimized for data-parallel applications through a multithreaded SIMD execution model.
Instruction Level Parallelism Hardware Techniques such as Branch prediction (Static and Dynamic Branch Prediction).
Tomasulo Algorithm and Multithreading.
CPU Pipelining and Hazards - An IntroductionDilum Bandara
Pipelining is a technique used in computer architecture to overlap the execution of instructions to increase throughput. It works by breaking down instruction execution into a series of steps and allowing subsequent instructions to begin execution before previous ones complete. This allows multiple instructions to be in various stages of completion simultaneously. Pipelining improves performance but introduces hazards such as structural, data, and control hazards that can reduce the ideal speedup if not addressed properly. Control hazards due to branches are particularly challenging to handle efficiently.
Advanced Computer Architecture An IntroductionDilum Bandara
Introduction to advanced computer architecture, including classes of computers,
Instruction set architecture, Trends, Technology, Power and energy
Principles of computer design
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
3. It is widely believed that
the climate is deteriorating.
It is claimed that this
process has been
continuing for nearly 100
years. This belief appears
to be supported by
McKinley (1997), who
shows a 55% increase in
the frequency of severe
winter gales since 1905
hey! :-) wots up? u
going 2 da party
2night? hope 2 c u
there. have a gud
day!! :P
5. Substance of academic writing must be
based on solid evidence & logical analysis,
& presented as a concise, accurate
Academic writing can allow you to present
your argument & analysis accurately &
6. Language has to be clear, concise, &
Material is to be well researched
Appropriate theories should be used
It should be supported by relevant
All literature should be correctly
7. Aim for precision
Dont use unnecessary words or waffle
Get straight to the point
Make every word count
If there is any uncertainty about a particular
point, use cautious language
e.g., may, might, could, potentially
Unless you are a confident writer, best to avoid
over-long sentences
Aim for a mixture of long & short sentences for variation
& rhythm
Avoid repeating same words
8. Avoid overly elaborate language
Use simple words in place of obscure words that
have same meaning
Use of overly elaborate language can make your
writing seem pretentious
Use technical language & words specific to your
discipline where appropriate
Avoid vague terms
A nice addition, very high overhead, ever-large
data sets
9. During last decade, large-scale scientific computing plays
a major role in High Performance Computing (HPC). The
absolute objective of todays technology is to evaluate
ever-large data sets and run ever-larger simulations has
diverted the scale of high performance computers from
thousand to many thousands of processors. As its widest
classification, HPC is describe as which facilitate difficult
computer applications that handle large-scale data sets
and experience parallelism on a large scale.
Since computational power is incredibly expansion,
becoming faster, more creative and more commercial
during the time, the user requirements and application
capacity is also increases
10. Typical write up
A lot of people think that the weather is getting worse.
They say that this has been going on for quite a long
time. I think that they are right. Research shows that we
now get storms, etc. all the time.
Revised Version
It is widely believed that the climate is deteriorating. It is
claimed that this process has been continuing for nearly
100 years. This belief appears to be supported by
McKinley (1997), who shows a 55% increase in the
frequency of severe winter gales since 1905.
11. Sadly, serious crime like murder is going up.
Serious crime, such as murder, is increasing.
You cant always trust the numbers in that report.
The figures in that report are not reliable.
The second thing is that most kids in that district
will become criminals.
The second factor is that the majority of children in that
district may become criminals.
A few years ago they allowed women to vote.
Women were allowed to vote in 1994.
12. Readers are overloaded with too much to
Too many tools suggesting them what to read
Tell key ideas early
Readers loose interest, if they cant find key ideas
within first few sentences
Use your limited word budget to get most
Cut all unneeded words
Let most sentences be short & simple
Simplicity wins
14. A direction to a journal article, book, passage, etc.,
where certain information may be found
An indication of author(s), work, page, etc., to be
looked at or consulted
Can be a book, journal article, newspaper, website,
blog, diagram, or any other source
How it looks depends on referencing style you are using
15. To inform reader of sources of direct
quotations, data, diagrams, etc.
When paraphrasing another authors
When describing a theory or model
associated with a particular author
To give weight & credibility to your
As supporting evidence
To avoid charges of plagiarism
16. The action or practice of taking someone
else's work, idea, etc., & passing it off as
one's own; literary theft
- Oxford English Dictionary, 2008
17. Your own ideas & observations
Common knowledge
Things that are referenced in the past may
become common knowledge with time
e.g., theory of relativity, Newtown's laws
Historical overviews
18. Key idea is to be consistent within an
article/paper & across articles/papers
Author & year of publication inserted in brackets after
a quote or paraphrase
Usually reference list at end of your article/paper
arranged alphabetically by author
Number each quote or paraphrase in the text
Usually reference list at end of the article/paper with
references in numerical order
19. .. [Perera and Peter; 2013]
According to Perera and Peter [2013]
.. [Perera and Peter; 2012a]
.. [Perera and Peter; 2012b]
. [12]
According to Perera et al. [12]
Based on [2-5] we also
[2, 3, 4, 5]
20. Numerical
Save space on manuscript
MLA (Modern Language Association) style
Journals & conferences may slightly alter a
common style to save space
21. Conference
Author names, Paper Title, Conference Name, Month & Year,
I. Baumgart, B. Heep, and S. Krause, OverSim: A Flexible Overlay
Network Simulation Framework, In Proc. 10th Global Internet Symp.,
May 2007, pp. 79-84.
Author names, Paper Title, Journal Name, Volume, No, Year,
W. Rao, L. Chen, A.W.-C. Fu, and G. Wang, Optimal Resource
Placement in Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks, IEEE Trans.
Parallel and Distrib. Syst., vol. 21, no. 7, July 2010
D. McLaughlin et al., Short-Wavelength Technology and the
Potential for Distributed Networks of Small Radar Systems, Bull.
Amer. Meteor. Soc., vol. 90, Dec. 2009, pp. 17971817.
22. Zotero
Web-browser based, free
Mendeley -
Web & desktop based, partly free, automatically
pull references from paper
Application, commercial,
Many university libraries provide access