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How to write
Academic Writing is the
process of breaking down
ideas in order to increase
ones understanding about
a particular thing.
The value of an organized
presentation of your case.
The crucial element of strong
Once you pick a topic, you
engage in independent
 Gather several different
viewpoints to appreciate the
topics complexity.
 Take notes
Write in phrases, not
Try to put information into
your own words
Ask questions if you do not
understand something
Academic writing
You should consider:
 Who is your audience?
 Whats the context?
 Whats your message?
 Whats your purpose?
 What documents/ genres
are used?
A thesis statement is a
declarative sentence that
expands your topic which
will prove, defend or
expand on your paper.
The introduction is just
that. You introduce your
argument to your reader
and vice versa. Through
the introduction, you try
to convince the reader
why he should care about
you have to say.
Write a first draft:
This is not the final product.
Write what first comes to
mind following your thesis.
 Try to put in all the
punctuation: capitalize
beginning letters and proper
Academic writing
Illegal immigration in EU
According to a European
Commission communication ,
around 500,000 migrants enter
EU countries illegally. Most of
them come from Syria, Iraq,
Egypt and Somalia. The
following article aims to describe
the illegal immigration in Europe.
It will be focused on the reasons
why they are considered a danger
and are employed illegally, and
the ways in which the European
Law responds.
In the body, you present
the evidence and analysis
that will support your
thesis. This section consists
of a series of paragraphs.
A security threat for European society
In most European countries, illegal immigration is considered a threat by citizens for
several reasons. Firstly, EU states that once immigrants are on European soil, it is nearly
impossible to deport them. In many cases, their ID documents are destroyed either
intentionally or by accident. As a result, they become asylum seekers. Secondly, an
increasing number of radical Islamists jeopardise the European welfare system as a whole.
As they enter the new territory illegally, they do not comply with immigration
requirements, they must be punished by fine or jail. Ultimately, European citizens consider
them as responsible for the distortion of national identity. As far as the latter is concerned,
David Cameron , who is interviewed by the BBB, says: When we find you, and we will
find you, we will make sure you are sent back to the country you come from.
Illegal employment for immigrants in Europe
It is estimated that around 70% of immigrants are engaged in illegal labour. Illegal
employment can be explained for two reasons: legislation which restricts possibilities for
legal labour migration and the incentives of employers to avoid the costs of employing legal
labour. Immigrants are employed in different areas such as agriculture, building, civil
engineering, small-scale industry, hotels and catering and services to households. Thus,
employers take advantage of this problem to reduce their costs through non-payment of
social contributions, lower salaries and hiring workers willing to work more flexible hours.
It also represents a highly problematic issue for governments. On the one hand, efforts to
fight against illegal employment such as border controls, employer solutions are expensive
and difficult to enforce. On the other hand, they are seen under intense pressure to resolve
this problem mainly because they risk losing legitimacy if they do not enforce legislation.
Legal response to illegal immigration
Although there is not an effective response yet, European countries have launched
many programs in order to fight illegal immigration and illegal employment. Firstly,
Dublin Regulation is implemented to control asylum seekers and examine migrants asylum
applications. EU attempts to prevent and reduce irregular immigration by means of an
effective return policy, with due respect for fundamental right. Secondly, the reinforcement
of such means of control has caused the burgeoning of migrant trafficking, and has
prompted organized criminal networks to adopt increasingly sophisticated methods. Even
those immigrants, who enter legally, but overstay the permitted period of stay, rendering
border control beside the point. Finally, it is necessary to claim that although there is no
specific regulation to control this illegal immigration, there are continuing attempts to
provide a promising welfare system to Europe.
When you organize the
paragraphs of your paper,
try to follow a pattern of:
 CLAIM: a statement
supported by the evidence
such as a reference or a
quotation in context.
 IMPACT: An intelligent
of how or why that claim is
important in the context of
the paper
SECOND DRAFT: Develop any
paragraphs that do not provide much
information or argument. . Additional
research may help you.
Write the
The conclusion is the
summary paragraph. You
remind the reader of the
papers thesis by
paraphrasing it.
spelling, capitalize
beginning letters.
 ELIMINATE rhetorical
questions or passive verbs
such as was, were, is, etc
and make passive sentence
active ones.
In presenting this article, we conclude that
illegal immigrants are not fully accepted for several
reasons. They enter a country illegally, create fear
and contribute to political and social destabilization.
As they do not have many options to improve their
quality of life they are consequently employed
illegally. Due to the massive arrival of immigrants in
Europe; governments are forced to create different
programs to control them. Even today, no successful
solution has been provided.
Put together all the
important points by way of
a summary.
 Check your spelling,
punctuation, grammatical
resources, use of appropriate
linkers. Be sure that your text
is cohesive and coherent.
 Use the correct format
(MLA or APA format).
Remember add your sources
To sum up, this is how our paper must
be organized:
Also, there are some
things to consider in
order to write
appropriate paragraphs:
Academic writing
 That the paragraphs
must hang together 
 That the paragraphs
must make sense 
Your paper must be
cohesive by the use of
 Lexical chaining
words that share similar
Your paper must be
Micro- level:
- additive
- adversative
- causal
- temporal
Macro- level:
- Key words
- Schema
- Script
Now read the following
My favourite colour is blue. Blue sports cars go very
fast. Driving in this way is dangerous and can cause
many car crashes. I had a car accident once and broke
my leg. I was very sad because I had to miss a holiday in
Europe because of the injury.
This text has cohesion but is not
My favourite colour is blue. I'm calm and
relaxed. In the summer I lie on the grass and look
This text is coherent but not
Finally, remember all
these advices to
improve your
academic writing. And

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Academic writing

  • 2. WHAT IS ACADEMIC WRITING? Academic Writing is the process of breaking down ideas in order to increase ones understanding about a particular thing.
  • 3. ACADEMIC WRITING IS AN ARGUMENT The value of an organized presentation of your case. The crucial element of strong evidence.
  • 4. Once you pick a topic, you engage in independent RESEARCH. FIND SOURCES: Gather several different viewpoints to appreciate the topics complexity. Take notes
  • 5. HOW TO TAKE NOTES? Write in phrases, not sentences Try to put information into your own words Ask questions if you do not understand something
  • 7. You should consider: Who is your audience? Whats the context? Whats your message? Whats your purpose? What documents/ genres are used?
  • 8. FORMULATE THESIS STATEMENT A thesis statement is a declarative sentence that expands your topic which will prove, defend or expand on your paper. Debatable Specific Concise
  • 9. WRITING YOUR PAPER: INTRODUCTION The introduction is just that. You introduce your argument to your reader and vice versa. Through the introduction, you try to convince the reader why he should care about you have to say.
  • 10. Write a first draft: This is not the final product. Write what first comes to mind following your thesis. Try to put in all the punctuation: capitalize beginning letters and proper nouns.
  • 12. Illegal immigration in EU Introduction According to a European Commission communication , around 500,000 migrants enter EU countries illegally. Most of them come from Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Somalia. The following article aims to describe the illegal immigration in Europe. It will be focused on the reasons why they are considered a danger and are employed illegally, and the ways in which the European Law responds.
  • 13. THE BODY OF YOUR PAPER: In the body, you present the evidence and analysis that will support your thesis. This section consists of a series of paragraphs.
  • 14. A security threat for European society In most European countries, illegal immigration is considered a threat by citizens for several reasons. Firstly, EU states that once immigrants are on European soil, it is nearly impossible to deport them. In many cases, their ID documents are destroyed either intentionally or by accident. As a result, they become asylum seekers. Secondly, an increasing number of radical Islamists jeopardise the European welfare system as a whole. As they enter the new territory illegally, they do not comply with immigration requirements, they must be punished by fine or jail. Ultimately, European citizens consider them as responsible for the distortion of national identity. As far as the latter is concerned, David Cameron , who is interviewed by the BBB, says: When we find you, and we will find you, we will make sure you are sent back to the country you come from. Illegal employment for immigrants in Europe It is estimated that around 70% of immigrants are engaged in illegal labour. Illegal employment can be explained for two reasons: legislation which restricts possibilities for legal labour migration and the incentives of employers to avoid the costs of employing legal labour. Immigrants are employed in different areas such as agriculture, building, civil engineering, small-scale industry, hotels and catering and services to households. Thus, employers take advantage of this problem to reduce their costs through non-payment of social contributions, lower salaries and hiring workers willing to work more flexible hours. It also represents a highly problematic issue for governments. On the one hand, efforts to fight against illegal employment such as border controls, employer solutions are expensive and difficult to enforce. On the other hand, they are seen under intense pressure to resolve this problem mainly because they risk losing legitimacy if they do not enforce legislation. Legal response to illegal immigration Although there is not an effective response yet, European countries have launched many programs in order to fight illegal immigration and illegal employment. Firstly, Dublin Regulation is implemented to control asylum seekers and examine migrants asylum applications. EU attempts to prevent and reduce irregular immigration by means of an effective return policy, with due respect for fundamental right. Secondly, the reinforcement of such means of control has caused the burgeoning of migrant trafficking, and has prompted organized criminal networks to adopt increasingly sophisticated methods. Even those immigrants, who enter legally, but overstay the permitted period of stay, rendering border control beside the point. Finally, it is necessary to claim that although there is no specific regulation to control this illegal immigration, there are continuing attempts to provide a promising welfare system to Europe.
  • 15. When you organize the paragraphs of your paper, try to follow a pattern of: CLAIM: a statement supported by the evidence such as a reference or a quotation in context. IMPACT: An intelligent of how or why that claim is important in the context of the paper
  • 16. SECOND DRAFT: Develop any paragraphs that do not provide much information or argument. . Additional research may help you.
  • 17. Write the CONCLUSION. The conclusion is the summary paragraph. You remind the reader of the papers thesis by paraphrasing it.
  • 18. EDIT YOUR DRAFT: START IN GENERAL: fix spelling, capitalize beginning letters. ELIMINATE rhetorical questions or passive verbs such as was, were, is, etc and make passive sentence active ones.
  • 19. Conclusion In presenting this article, we conclude that illegal immigrants are not fully accepted for several reasons. They enter a country illegally, create fear and contribute to political and social destabilization. As they do not have many options to improve their quality of life they are consequently employed illegally. Due to the massive arrival of immigrants in Europe; governments are forced to create different programs to control them. Even today, no successful solution has been provided. Put together all the important points by way of a summary.
  • 20. WRITE YOUR FINAL DRAFT Check your spelling, punctuation, grammatical resources, use of appropriate linkers. Be sure that your text is cohesive and coherent. Use the correct format (MLA or APA format). Remember add your sources appropriately.
  • 21. To sum up, this is how our paper must be organized:
  • 22. Also, there are some things to consider in order to write appropriate paragraphs:
  • 24. HAVE IN MIND: That the paragraphs must hang together COHESIVE That the paragraphs must make sense COHERENT
  • 25. Your paper must be cohesive by the use of LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL DEVICES.
  • 26. LEXICAL DEVICES Repetition Lexical chaining words that share similar meaning
  • 28. Your paper must be COHERENCE. (makes sense) Micro- level: LOGICAL RELATIONS: - additive - adversative - causal - temporal ORGANIZATION
  • 29. COHERENCE Macro- level: TOPIC: - Key words - Schema - Script
  • 30. Now read the following examples: My favourite colour is blue. Blue sports cars go very fast. Driving in this way is dangerous and can cause many car crashes. I had a car accident once and broke my leg. I was very sad because I had to miss a holiday in Europe because of the injury. This text has cohesion but is not coherence. My favourite colour is blue. I'm calm and relaxed. In the summer I lie on the grass and look up This text is coherent but not cohesive.
  • 31. Finally, remember all these advices to improve your academic writing. And REMEMBER: