In these very challenging times it is important that we get a handle on ourselves. This class will look at:
Understanding and managing stress?
We will explore Resilience and how you can develop yours.
You will understand how your mindset affects whats going on around you.
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Academy of Purpose - Stress, Resilience, & Mindset - Week 5
2. Class outcomes
Understanding and managing stress?
We will explore Resilience and how you can develop yours.
You will understand how your mindset affects whats going on
around you.
5. 1. Stress and how it impacts us Is all stress bad?
It begins with awareness.
You need to begin by
recognising when you are
stressed. Then you can
begin to take action to
reduce it. What strategies
do you need to put in
6. How humans function?
Here is a more in depth look at how
stress can have a diminishing law of
returns on our performance. The trick
is staying in the stretched rather than
stressed zone
7. How does stress affect our brains
This image shows the amygdala when it is very aroused,
the neocortex shutting down and the fight and flight
response engaged. This can lead to distress and is a
performance killer. The trick is reminding ourselves that
our life is not on the line and doesnt warrant a full code
red response. We are not in the jungle being chased by
a tiger in which case FEAR stands for Forget
Everything And Run! It is more likely to be a fear False
Expectations Appearing Real. Most of what we fear
never happens. The danger of treating everything with a
code red response is that the cortisol deposits buildup in
the bloodstream. It is not good for our health - and our
performance is affected and can lead to burnout, panic
attacks etc. So recognising stress build up and having
tools to combat it are important.
8. Resilience is about our ability to
bounce back when things dont go
to plan or when things go wrong,
i.e. from stressful situations.The
ability to be resilient exists in
everybody, but we need to nurture
and build our resilience so that we
can use it as our armour during
tough times.
17. 3.c - Choose your Mindset
One of the key things that can
hold us back from our success
is the mindset with which we
approach situation. We know
that we can grow our brains and
that intelligence grows with
effort. Mindset is about the
approach or attitude that people
take, its having that underlying
belief that you are in control of
your own destiny.
19. How Mindset Affects You At this challenging time Mindset
is more important than anything.
Also, we need to be aware of
what affects our mindset? What
do you think currently might be
affecting your mindset? What
can you do to change it? What
might be the outcomes?
20. The 鍖rst one telegrammed
back waste of trip - nobody
wears shoes out here! The
other salesman telegrammed
back 'unbelievable opportunity
here to sell shoes - nobody is
wearing any - send shoes!'
21. 3.d - Showing Gratitude
What are you grateful for?
Keep a Gratitude Journal, it can
be as simple as writing down or
saying to yourself, 3 things you
are grateful for every day. Try it
and see how it feels after a
couple of weeks
24. Over a 24 hour period
we can process 70,000
thoughts and this
continues even as we
sleep. This equates to a
different thought every
1.2 seconds or two
thoughts for every
A lot of our thoughts are the
eternal internal dialogue, which,
when left unchecked, can turn
to the dark side. This negative
kind of thinking can become
much more persuasive and
dominant than the positive and
supportive kind.
when we turn off
the lights and lie
in the dark, this
can be when our
thoughts are the
Thoughts can
obsessive and
intrusive; they
can also
become stuck
and repetitive.
Just like a computer,
your brain can fill up
with junk and for some
reason this junk takes
up more memory and
space than the
important stuff.
When your memory
is full of junk it
becomes difficult to
concentrate and
focus. E.g. Covid19
This kind of
thinking can lead
to stress, anxiety,
depression and
25. The Power of Mindfulness
Some people may find meditation
very challenging. This is fine. There
are other ways of being mindful.
You can go for a mindful walk,
mindful eating, doing yoga, poi,
gardening, art, music, and so many
more. When you become present
and notice the thoughts passing
through rather than engaging or
feeling lost within them. Be gentle
and take your time