The document discusses inheritance in C++. It defines inheritance as deriving a class from another class, allowing code reuse and fast development. There are different types of inheritance in C++: single inheritance where a class inherits from one base class; multiple inheritance where a class inherits from more than one base class; multilevel inheritance where a derived class inherits from another derived class; hierarchical inheritance where multiple subclasses inherit from a single base class; and hybrid inheritance which combines different inheritance types. Examples of each inheritance type are provided in C++ code snippets.
Inheritance allows new classes called derived classes to be created from existing classes called base classes. Derived classes inherit all features of the base class and can add new features. There are different types of inheritance including single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, and hybrid. A derived class can access public and protected members of the base class but not private members. Constructors and destructors of the base class are executed before and after those of the derived class respectively.
This document provides an overview of object-oriented programming concepts using C++. It discusses key OOP concepts like objects, classes, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and dynamic binding. It also covers C++ specific topics like functions, arrays, strings, modular programming, and classes and objects in C++. The document is intended to introduce the reader to the fundamentals of OOP using C++.
This document discusses implementation of inheritance in Java and C#. It covers key inheritance concepts like simple, multilevel, and hierarchical inheritance. It provides examples of inheritance in Java using keywords like extends, super, this. Interfaces are discussed as a way to achieve multiple inheritance in Java. The document also discusses implementation of inheritance in C# using concepts like calling base class constructors and defining virtual methods.
The document discusses exception handling in Java. It defines exceptions as runtime errors that occur during program execution. It describes different types of exceptions like checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions. It explains how to use try, catch, throw, throws and finally keywords to handle exceptions. The try block contains code that might throw exceptions. The catch block catches and handles specific exceptions. The finally block contains cleanup code that always executes regardless of exceptions. The document provides examples of exception handling code in Java.
This presentation introduces Java packages, including system packages that are part of the Java API and user-defined packages. It discusses how packages organize related classes and interfaces, the structure of package names and directories, and how to create and access packages. Packages provide advantages like grouping related code, preventing name collisions, and improving reusability.
The document summarizes a presentation on exception handling given by the group "Bug Free". It defines what exceptions are, why they occur, and the exception hierarchy. It describes checked and unchecked exceptions, and exception handling terms like try, catch, throw, and finally. It provides examples of using try-catch blocks, multiple catch statements, nested try-catch, and throwing and handling exceptions.
This document discusses classes and objects in C++. It defines a class as a user-defined data type that implements an abstract object by combining data members and member functions. Data members are called data fields and member functions are called methods. An abstract data type separates logical properties from implementation details and supports data abstraction, encapsulation, and hiding. Common examples of abstract data types include Boolean, integer, array, stack, queue, and tree structures. The document goes on to describe class definitions, access specifiers, static members, and how to define and access class members and methods.
This keyword is a reference variable that refer the current object in java.
This keyword can be used for call current class constructor.
Constructor is a special method in Java that is used to initialize objects. It has the same name as the class and is invoked automatically when an object is created. Constructors can be used to set default values for objects. A class can have multiple constructors as long as they have different parameters. Constructors are used to provide different initial values to objects and cannot return values.
Super keyword is a reference variable that is used for refer parent class object. Super keyword is used in java at three level, at variable level, at method level and at constructor level.
Constructors are special class functions which performs initialization of every object. The Compiler calls the Constructor whenever an object is created. Destructor on the other hand is used to destroy the class object.
This document discusses inheritance in object-oriented programming. It defines inheritance as establishing a link between classes that allows sharing and accessing properties. There are three types of inheritance: single, multilevel, and hierarchical. Single inheritance involves one parent and one child class, multilevel inheritance adds intermediate classes, and hierarchical inheritance has one parent and multiple child classes. The document provides examples of inheritance code in Java and demonstrates a program using inheritance with interfaces. It notes some limitations of inheritance in Java.
This document provides an overview of basic object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts including objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and data abstraction. It defines objects as entities with both data (characteristics) and behavior (operations). Classes are blueprints that are used to create objects. Inheritance allows objects to inherit properties from parent classes. Polymorphism allows code to take different forms. Encapsulation wraps data and functions into classes, hiding information. Data abstraction focuses on important descriptions without details.
Static Data Members and Member FunctionsMOHIT AGARWAL
Static data members and static member functions in C++ classes are shared by all objects of that class. Static data members are initialized to zero when the first object is created and shared across all instances, while static member functions can only access other static members and are called using the class name and scope resolution operator. The example program demonstrates a class with a static data member "count" that is incremented and accessed by multiple objects to assign increasing code values, and a static member function "showcount" that prints the shared count value.
An interface in Java is a blueprint of a class that defines static constants and abstract methods. Interfaces are implemented by classes where they inherit the properties and must define the body of the abstract methods. Key points are:
- Interfaces can only contain abstract methods and static constants, not method bodies.
- Classes implement interfaces to inherit the properties and must define the abstract method bodies.
- An interface can extend other interfaces and a class can implement multiple interfaces.
Classes allow users to bundle data and functions together. A class defines data members and member functions. Data members store data within each object, while member functions implement behaviors. Classes support access specifiers like public and private to control access to members. Objects are instances of classes that allocate memory for data members. Member functions can access object data members and are called on objects using dot notation. Friend functions allow non-member functions to access private members of classes.
This document discusses inheritance in C++. It defines inheritance as a mechanism that allows classes to acquire properties from other classes. The class that inherits properties is called the derived or child class, while the class being inherited from is called the base or parent class. The key advantages of inheritance are that it saves memory, time, and development efforts by promoting code reuse. The document provides examples of single inheritance with one parent and one child class, and multiple inheritance with a class inheriting from multiple parent classes.
Packages in Java allow grouping of related classes and interfaces to avoid naming collisions. Some key points about packages include:
- Packages allow for code reusability and easy location of files. The Java API uses packages to organize core classes.
- Custom packages can be created by specifying the package name at the beginning of a Java file. The class files are then compiled to the corresponding directory structure.
- The import statement and fully qualified names can be used to access classes from other packages. The classpath variable specifies locations of package directories and classes.
Object oriented programming (OOP) addresses limitations of procedural programming by dividing programs into objects that encapsulate both data and behaviors. OOP supports features like inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. Inheritance allows new classes to inherit attributes and behaviors from parent classes, polymorphism allows the same message to be interpreted differently depending on the object receiving it, and abstraction focuses on essential characteristics without implementation details. These features help make programs more modular, reusable, and maintainable.
This document provides an overview of Java applets, including:
- Applets are small Java programs that can be transported over the network and embedded in HTML pages.
- The main types of Java programs are standalone programs and web-based programs like applets.
- Applets differ from applications in that they have a predefined lifecycle and are embedded in web pages rather than running independently.
- The Applet class is the superclass for all applets and defines methods corresponding to the applet lifecycle stages like init(), start(), paint(), stop(), and destroy().
- Common methods for applets include drawString() for output, setBackground()/getBackground() for colors, and showStatus() to display in
Operator overloading allows user-defined types in C++ to behave similarly to built-in types when operators are used on them. It allows operators to have special meanings depending on the context. Some key points made in the document include:
- Operator overloading enhances the extensibility of C++ by allowing user-defined types to work with operators like addition, subtraction, etc.
- Common operators that can be overloaded include arithmetic operators, increment/decrement, input/output, function call, and subscript operators.
- To overload an operator, a member or friend function is declared with the same name as the operator being overloaded. This function performs the desired operation on the class type.
A thread is an independent path of execution within a Java program. The Thread class in Java is used to create threads and control their behavior and execution. There are two main ways to create threads - by extending the Thread class or implementing the Runnable interface. The run() method contains the code for the thread's task and threads can be started using the start() method. Threads have different states like New, Runnable, Running, Waiting etc during their lifecycle.
The document discusses the super keyword, final keyword, and interfaces in Java.
- The super keyword is used to refer to the immediate parent class and can be used with variables, methods, and constructors. It allows accessing members of the parent class from the child class.
- The final keyword can be used with variables, methods, and classes. It makes variables constant and prevents overriding of methods and inheritance of classes.
- Interfaces in Java allow achieving abstraction and multiple inheritance. They can contain only abstract methods and variables declared with default access modifiers. Classes implement interfaces to provide method definitions.
Inheritance allows a derived class to inherit properties from a base or parent class. A derived class inherits attributes and behaviors of the base class and can add its own attributes and behaviors. There are different types of inheritance including single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, and hybrid inheritance. Inheritance promotes code reuse and reduces development time.
Access specifiers in Java determine the visibility and accessibility of classes, methods, and variables. There are four levels of access specifiers in Java: default, private, protected, and public. The default access level is accessible only within the same package. Private is accessible only within the same class, protected is accessible within the same package and subclasses, and public has the widest scope and is accessible everywhere.
Access modifiers in Java control the accessibility and inheritance of classes, methods, and fields. There are three main access modifiers: private, protected, and public. Private members can only be accessed within their own class, protected within the package and subclasses, and public anywhere. Access modifiers also impact inheritance, with private members not being inherited by subclasses while protected and public can be.
This keyword is a reference variable that refer the current object in java.
This keyword can be used for call current class constructor.
Constructor is a special method in Java that is used to initialize objects. It has the same name as the class and is invoked automatically when an object is created. Constructors can be used to set default values for objects. A class can have multiple constructors as long as they have different parameters. Constructors are used to provide different initial values to objects and cannot return values.
Super keyword is a reference variable that is used for refer parent class object. Super keyword is used in java at three level, at variable level, at method level and at constructor level.
Constructors are special class functions which performs initialization of every object. The Compiler calls the Constructor whenever an object is created. Destructor on the other hand is used to destroy the class object.
This document discusses inheritance in object-oriented programming. It defines inheritance as establishing a link between classes that allows sharing and accessing properties. There are three types of inheritance: single, multilevel, and hierarchical. Single inheritance involves one parent and one child class, multilevel inheritance adds intermediate classes, and hierarchical inheritance has one parent and multiple child classes. The document provides examples of inheritance code in Java and demonstrates a program using inheritance with interfaces. It notes some limitations of inheritance in Java.
This document provides an overview of basic object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts including objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and data abstraction. It defines objects as entities with both data (characteristics) and behavior (operations). Classes are blueprints that are used to create objects. Inheritance allows objects to inherit properties from parent classes. Polymorphism allows code to take different forms. Encapsulation wraps data and functions into classes, hiding information. Data abstraction focuses on important descriptions without details.
Static Data Members and Member FunctionsMOHIT AGARWAL
Static data members and static member functions in C++ classes are shared by all objects of that class. Static data members are initialized to zero when the first object is created and shared across all instances, while static member functions can only access other static members and are called using the class name and scope resolution operator. The example program demonstrates a class with a static data member "count" that is incremented and accessed by multiple objects to assign increasing code values, and a static member function "showcount" that prints the shared count value.
An interface in Java is a blueprint of a class that defines static constants and abstract methods. Interfaces are implemented by classes where they inherit the properties and must define the body of the abstract methods. Key points are:
- Interfaces can only contain abstract methods and static constants, not method bodies.
- Classes implement interfaces to inherit the properties and must define the abstract method bodies.
- An interface can extend other interfaces and a class can implement multiple interfaces.
Classes allow users to bundle data and functions together. A class defines data members and member functions. Data members store data within each object, while member functions implement behaviors. Classes support access specifiers like public and private to control access to members. Objects are instances of classes that allocate memory for data members. Member functions can access object data members and are called on objects using dot notation. Friend functions allow non-member functions to access private members of classes.
This document discusses inheritance in C++. It defines inheritance as a mechanism that allows classes to acquire properties from other classes. The class that inherits properties is called the derived or child class, while the class being inherited from is called the base or parent class. The key advantages of inheritance are that it saves memory, time, and development efforts by promoting code reuse. The document provides examples of single inheritance with one parent and one child class, and multiple inheritance with a class inheriting from multiple parent classes.
Packages in Java allow grouping of related classes and interfaces to avoid naming collisions. Some key points about packages include:
- Packages allow for code reusability and easy location of files. The Java API uses packages to organize core classes.
- Custom packages can be created by specifying the package name at the beginning of a Java file. The class files are then compiled to the corresponding directory structure.
- The import statement and fully qualified names can be used to access classes from other packages. The classpath variable specifies locations of package directories and classes.
Object oriented programming (OOP) addresses limitations of procedural programming by dividing programs into objects that encapsulate both data and behaviors. OOP supports features like inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. Inheritance allows new classes to inherit attributes and behaviors from parent classes, polymorphism allows the same message to be interpreted differently depending on the object receiving it, and abstraction focuses on essential characteristics without implementation details. These features help make programs more modular, reusable, and maintainable.
This document provides an overview of Java applets, including:
- Applets are small Java programs that can be transported over the network and embedded in HTML pages.
- The main types of Java programs are standalone programs and web-based programs like applets.
- Applets differ from applications in that they have a predefined lifecycle and are embedded in web pages rather than running independently.
- The Applet class is the superclass for all applets and defines methods corresponding to the applet lifecycle stages like init(), start(), paint(), stop(), and destroy().
- Common methods for applets include drawString() for output, setBackground()/getBackground() for colors, and showStatus() to display in
Operator overloading allows user-defined types in C++ to behave similarly to built-in types when operators are used on them. It allows operators to have special meanings depending on the context. Some key points made in the document include:
- Operator overloading enhances the extensibility of C++ by allowing user-defined types to work with operators like addition, subtraction, etc.
- Common operators that can be overloaded include arithmetic operators, increment/decrement, input/output, function call, and subscript operators.
- To overload an operator, a member or friend function is declared with the same name as the operator being overloaded. This function performs the desired operation on the class type.
A thread is an independent path of execution within a Java program. The Thread class in Java is used to create threads and control their behavior and execution. There are two main ways to create threads - by extending the Thread class or implementing the Runnable interface. The run() method contains the code for the thread's task and threads can be started using the start() method. Threads have different states like New, Runnable, Running, Waiting etc during their lifecycle.
The document discusses the super keyword, final keyword, and interfaces in Java.
- The super keyword is used to refer to the immediate parent class and can be used with variables, methods, and constructors. It allows accessing members of the parent class from the child class.
- The final keyword can be used with variables, methods, and classes. It makes variables constant and prevents overriding of methods and inheritance of classes.
- Interfaces in Java allow achieving abstraction and multiple inheritance. They can contain only abstract methods and variables declared with default access modifiers. Classes implement interfaces to provide method definitions.
Inheritance allows a derived class to inherit properties from a base or parent class. A derived class inherits attributes and behaviors of the base class and can add its own attributes and behaviors. There are different types of inheritance including single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, and hybrid inheritance. Inheritance promotes code reuse and reduces development time.
Access specifiers in Java determine the visibility and accessibility of classes, methods, and variables. There are four levels of access specifiers in Java: default, private, protected, and public. The default access level is accessible only within the same package. Private is accessible only within the same class, protected is accessible within the same package and subclasses, and public has the widest scope and is accessible everywhere.
Access modifiers in Java control the accessibility and inheritance of classes, methods, and fields. There are three main access modifiers: private, protected, and public. Private members can only be accessed within their own class, protected within the package and subclasses, and public anywhere. Access modifiers also impact inheritance, with private members not being inherited by subclasses while protected and public can be.
What Are Access Modifiers ?
Access modifiers are keywords used to specify the declared accessibility of a member or a type.
Access modifiers support the concept of encapsulation, which promotes the idea of hiding functionality.
Access modifiers allow you to define who does or doesn't have access to certain features.
Types Of Access Modifiers:
Access modifiers in Java control the visibility and scope of classes, fields, methods, and constructors. There are four access modifiers: private limits access to the class only; default limits access to the package; protected allows access from subclasses even outside the package; and public allows full access from anywhere. Non-access modifiers include static, abstract, synchronized, native, volatile, and transient which change how a class or member functions but not its accessibility.
The document discusses the different types of access modifiers in Java - default, public, protected, and private. Each type of access modifier controls the visibility and accessibility of classes, methods, and variables. The default access modifier allows access within the same package only. The public access modifier allows access from any class or package. The protected access modifier allows access from subclasses regardless of package. The private access modifier only allows access within the same class. Examples are provided to demonstrate the accessibility of each modifier type.
Modifiers types are keywords that set access levels for classes, variables, methods, and constructors. There are 4 types of access modifiers: default, public, private, and protected. The default access modifier allows access within the same package only. The public access modifier allows access from anywhere in the program. The private access modifier allows access only within the class. The protected access modifier allows access within the same package or subclasses in different packages.
Public access allows classes, methods, and fields to be accessed from any other class. Private access restricts access to only within the declared class. Protected access allows subclasses in other packages or classes within the package to access protected members. The default access level is equivalent to no access modifier specified, making classes only visible to other classes in the same package.
Access modifiers in object-oriented languages set the accessibility of classes, methods, and members. The main types are default, private, protected, and public. Default members are accessible only within the same package, private only within the same class, protected within the same package or subclasses in other packages, and public globally accessible. Access modifiers control encapsulation by restricting access to components from other code outside their defined scope.
This document discusses object-oriented programming concepts like classes, objects, methods, inheritance, and encapsulation. It explains how to define classes with members like fields and methods, and how to declare variables and instantiate class objects. The document also covers access modifiers and their effects on accessing members from inside and outside classes, as well as inheritance and how derived classes can access base class members.
The document discusses access protection and access modifiers in Java. It explains the different access modifiers - public, private, and protected. Public members are accessible everywhere, private members are only accessible within their own class, and protected members are accessible within the class, subclasses, and packages. It provides examples of how to use access modifiers with classes and class members, and recommends generally making data private and accessor methods public. A sample Person class is provided to demonstrate applying access modifiers.
The access modifiers in Java specify the visibility or scope of classes, fields, methods, and constructors. There are four access modifiers: private (visible only within the class), default (visible within the package), protected (visible within the package and subclasses), and public (visible everywhere). Access modifiers determine where classes, fields, methods, and constructors declared with the modifiers can be accessed.
The document discusses object-oriented programming concepts like classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. It explains that OOP provides modularity and code reuse through techniques like inheritance and polymorphism. A class defines the blueprint for an object by encapsulating its state as member variables and behavior as methods. The document outlines class members like fields, methods and constructors. It also covers access modifiers, static and final modifiers for classes and members.
Power point presentation on access specifier in OOPsAdrizaBera
This document discusses access specifiers in Java programming. It defines four access specifiers in Java - public, protected, private, and default/package access. It explains what members each access specifier grants access to, such as only allowing private members to be accessed within the same class. Examples are also provided to demonstrate how different classes within and across packages can access members using each access specifier.
The document discusses how to test internal and protected methods in C#. It describes using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute to test internal methods by making them visible to test assemblies. It recommends testing protected methods by inheriting from the test class and overriding the method as public, or by using protected internal and InternalsVisibleToAttribute to avoid compiler warnings.
Access Modifiers To set the access levels of variables,methods (mem.pdfsanjeevtandonsre
Access Modifiers: To set the access levels of variables,methods (members of a class) we use
Access Modifiers.The different types of access specifiers available are:
1. Public
2. Private
3. Protected
Public: When we declare a variable, method as public, it means that we can access those from
outside the class but within a program . When we inherit a class all public members of the class
will be accessible by the derived class.
Usage: Prefix the variable or method definition by the keyword public.
Example: public:
int x;
void print();
Private: When we declare a variable, method as private, it means that we can access them only
within the class. Private variables of a class can be accessed only through getter and setter
methods which are public. By default the members of a class are private, if we do not specify any
access modifier it is considered to be private. This is concept used to achieve encapsulation.
Usage: Prefix the variable or method definition by the keyword private
Example: private:
int x;
void setX();
Protected: When we declare a class, variable, method.,etc as public, it means that we can access
them within the class and the class with inherits it i.e,protected members can be accessed by the
derived class or child class also.
Usage: Prefix the variable or method definition by the keyword protected
Example: protected:
int x;
1(c): class Rectangle: public Shape{
string _type;
bool isSquare() {
if(width==height) return true;
return false;
double area() {
return width*height;
How are the Rectangle class and Shape class related?
Answer: D. The Rectangle class inherits the Shape class.
Access Modifiers: To set the access levels of variables,methods (members of a class) we use
Access Modifiers.The different types of access specifiers available are:
1. Public
2. Private
3. Protected
Public: When we declare a variable, method as public, it means that we can access those from
outside the class but within a program . When we inherit a class all public members of the class
will be accessible by the derived class.
Usage: Prefix the variable or method definition by the keyword public.
Example: public:
int x;
void print();
Private: When we declare a variable, method as private, it means that we can access them only
within the class. Private variables of a class can be accessed only through getter and setter
methods which are public. By default the members of a class are private, if we do not specify any
access modifier it is considered to be private. This is concept used to achieve encapsulation.
Usage: Prefix the variable or method definition by the keyword private
Example: private:
int x;
void setX();
Protected: When we declare a class, variable, method.,etc as public, it means that we can access
them within the class and the class with inherits it i.e,protected members can be accessed by the
derived class or child class also.
Usage: Prefix the variable or method definition by.
This document discusses abstraction and encapsulation in Scala. It defines abstraction as hiding internal details and showing only functionality. Abstraction can be achieved through abstract classes and interfaces/traits. Abstract classes can contain abstract and non-abstract methods, while interfaces contain only abstract methods. The document also discusses packages, which provide namespaces, and access modifiers like private, protected, and public, which restrict access to class members.
3) Distinguish among various methods to implement access controlsSolut.docxcarold12
3) Distinguish among various methods to implement access controls
Generally access controls of Object oriented programing languages are public ,private, protect, default ,final, abstract .
In this we define as the final, abstract is called Non access Modifiers.
Access Modifiers are like public, private, default, protect.
Here we can use the access controls as at before the class name and method names. Generally Public can be used as the before the Class Declaration and Method Declaration. In method declaration, we can access method anywhere in the Class.
Private access is used before the variables names. We can use private as before declaration of variable in Class.
Protected this can be declared before the variable, that means it can be accessed by the that Class and its Subclasses.
Default access can be accessed that Class members and its subclasses.
Coming to the Point of Non Access modifier
Final it can be used before method name can但t be overridden.
Final it can be used before variable name can但t change.
Abstract method that not contains any defination.It can be implemented in is subclasses.
The document discusses key concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) including encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. It defines encapsulation as making fields private and providing public access methods. Inheritance allows classes to extend other classes, with types including simple, multilevel, hierarchical, and hybrid inheritance. The document also covers access specifiers like public, private, protected, and default and provides code samples to demonstrate their usage. Interfaces are described as similar to classes but containing only abstract methods and final fields, with classes implementing interfaces by providing method code.
This document discusses encapsulation in object-oriented programming. Encapsulation involves enclosing data and functions together within a class and restricting access to that data. The document defines encapsulation and explains how it is used to hide implementation details and bind data to a single unit. It also discusses different access specifiers like public, private, protected, internal, and protected internal and how they control access to variables and methods within and outside of classes.
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The hospitality industry is deeply influenced by social and cultural factors that shape customer expectations, service delivery, and overall business operations. Hospitality, which encompasses lodging, food and beverage services, travel, and tourism, thrives on human interactions. Understanding the social and cultural dimensions is crucial for businesses to create positive guest experiences, ensure inclusivity, and maintain a competitive edge in a globalized world. This paper explores the social and cultural perspectives in hospitality, focusing on their impact on service quality, customer relations, workforce diversity, and the adaptation of businesses to different cultural settings.
Strategic Excellence: In the ever-evolving landscape of business, technology, and governance, traditional views of capital as a static resource no longer suffice. To maintain a competitive edge, organizations must not only accumulate resources but must activate, integrate, and orchestrate them in ways that align with long-term goals. Jarinzo Tanabatas Six Capital Forces offers a rigorous and pragmatic framework for achieving this level of strategic agility. By viewing capital not as a static accumulation but as an interconnected system of forces, Tanabata introduces a model that drives growth, innovation, and sustained competitive advantage.
In the same tradition as thinkers like Peter Drucker, who emphasized the importance of aligning strategy with organizational capabilities, and Michael Porter, who outlined the critical dynamics of competitive advantage, Tanabata offers a vision of capital that is fluid, responsive, and ever-adapting. His Six Capital Forces Intellectual, Social, Financial, Human, Structural, and Natural must be continuously activated, integrated, and orchestrated to yield real value. This approach aligns with the strategic and operational needs of organizations looking to excel in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.
Traditionally, capital was seen primarily as a static resource to be accumulated: assets, cash reserves, intellectual property, and human resources. But Tanabata's framework challenges this perspective by viewing capital as a dynamic force, a series of interrelated modalities that must be activated and integrated to drive sustained value creation. The success of modern institutions, corporations, and political bodies does not lie simply in their capital reserves but in their capacity to activate and orchestrate these reserves to deliver tangible, long-term results.
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In the heart of Africa, where innovation meets resilience, lies an untapped reservoir of scientific brilliance. Yet, too often, groundbreaking research remains confined within the walls of journals, inaccessible to the communities it seeks to serve. This February, I am thrilled to join the "Science Communication Beyond Journal Publications" workshop at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) as one of the lead trainers. Together, we will unravel the power of storytelling, creative media, and strategic communication to amplify science's voice beyond academia.
Science is not just about discoveryit's about connection. Imagine a researcher in Kampala whose work could transform public health policy but struggles to translate their findings into actionable insights for policymakers. Or a young scientist in Nairobi whose groundbreaking study on climate resilience could inspire farmers but remains buried in technical jargon. These stories matter. They hold the potential to change lives and rewrite Africas narrative on poverty and development.
At this workshop, we will explore how scientists can collaborate with communicators to craft compelling stories that resonate with policymakers, communities, and global audiences alike. From podcasts that bring lab discoveries to life ァ to press releases that spark media attention and digital tools that democratize knowledge we will empower participants to make their research accessible and impactful.
This mission aligns deeply with my belief that Africa MUST change the way it tackles poverty. Science communication is not just about sharing knowledge; it's about driving action. When researchers effectively communicate their work, they empower communities with solutions rooted in evidence. They influence policies that prioritize sustainable development. They inspire innovation that addresses grassroots challenges.
Let us humanize scienceinfuse it with stories of hope, struggle, and triumphand ensure it reaches those who need it most. Because when science connects with people, it transforms lives.
To my fellow scientists and communicators: this is our call to action. Lets bridge the gap between discovery and impact. Lets co-create stories that not only inform but inspire action across Africa and beyond.
Access specifiers(or access modifiers) are keywords in
object-oriented languages that sets the accessibility of the
classes , methods and others members
3. .
4. .
No keyword is required to specify default
access specifier
When no access modifier is specified for a
class, method or data member it is said to be
having the default access specifier by default.
Default access specifier are accessible within
the same package.
The private access specifier is specified using the
keyword private.
The methods or data members declared as private
are accessible only within the class in which they are
Any other class of same package will not be able to
access these members.
Classes or interface can not be declared as private.
The protected access specifier is specified
using the keyword protected.
The methods or data members declared as
protected are accessible within same package
or sub classes in different package.
The public access specifier is specified using the
keyword public.
The public access specifier has the widest scope
among all other access modifiers.
Classes, methods or data members which are
declared as public are accessible from every where in
the program. There is no restriction on the scope of
a public data members.
Specifier Class Package Subclass Everywhere
Default Y Y N N
Private Y N N N
Protected Y Y Y N
Public Y Y Y Y