1) The document discusses plans for Japan's Next Generation EDINET system to introduce more granular tagging of corporate disclosure documents using XBRL. This will create new transparency for investors.
2) It proposes expanding the XBRL taxonomy to add more detailed tags for various types of corporate disclosure forms and material fact categories. This would help investors more easily understand required disclosure content.
3) Benefits include automatically identifying what types of information companies must report, enabling easier information extraction, and facilitating global sharing of Japanese company information. However, challenges include coordinating taxonomies between different disclosure systems and developing global standards.
This document summarizes a presentation given by David Blaszkowsky, Director of the SEC's Office of Interactive Disclosure, to XBRL Switzerland on June 23, 2009. It discusses the importance of interactive data for financial disclosures, what will be required in terms of content and filers, and the phase-in schedule. It also covers learnings from early interactive data filers, common issues, and next steps for the SEC in implementing the new requirements. The overall goal is to provide more structured financial information to investors through interactive data tagging of SEC filings.
The document outlines the author's transaction experience including: [1] Working on a $40M joint venture in consumer services between a European company and partners in the Middle East, [2] Advising on a $5M acquisition of a medium-scale service provider, and [3] Proposing a leveraged buyout of a large service provider. Additionally, the author has experience with direct investments, fund raising, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, valuations, financial modeling and due diligence.
The document outlines the transaction experience of an individual including joint ventures, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, direct investments, fund raisings, advisory mandates, divestitures, valuations, and financial modeling and analysis work across various sectors such as consumer services, iron and steel, real estate, sports goods retail, insurance brokerage, telecom, and technology.
The document provides an overview of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) fundamentals. It discusses how XBRL extends XML to link financial data with definitions, presentations, calculations and relationships. The key components of an XBRL taxonomy include the schema, which defines financial terms and attributes, and linkbases, which define interrelationships between terms. An XBRL taxonomy provides a systematic classification of business and financial terms to facilitate understanding, reuse, and comparison of financial data.
XBRL stands for eXtensible Business Reporting Language - an language for the electronic communication of business and financial data which provides major benefits in the preparation, analysis and communication of business information and offers cost savings, greater efficiency and improved accuracy and reliability to all those involved in supplying or using financial data; now being put to practical use in a number of countries including India
eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is an extended XML, a tagged data (meta-data) which is machine readable and a standard way to communicate business & financial info.
This presentation introduces XBRL & MAIA Intelligence's postXBRL solution with BI for financial reporting.
SEC Study Financial Literacy of Retail InvestorsSteven Reta
This document summarizes a study by the SEC staff regarding financial literacy among investors as required by the Dodd-Frank Act. The study was based on research including a literature review by the Library of Congress, public comments, focus groups, and an online survey. Key findings include:
1) Existing studies show U.S. retail investors have weak understanding of basic financial concepts and lack knowledge to avoid fraud. Certain subgroups have even less knowledge.
2) Feedback and research identified methods to improve disclosure timing, content, and format including providing disclosures before decisions, using summaries and layered formats, and clear plain language.
3) Useful information for investors includes fees, performance, strategies, risks for financial products and intermedi
This presentation gives a brief overview of the current state of XBRL, its benefits and challenges for public corporations, investors, and university researchers working in finance. See more at findynamics.com and try our Excel platform XBRLAnalyst
110 Introduction To Xbrl Taxonomies And Instance Documents Sept 2007 Print Ve...helggeist
The document provides an overview of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) and compares it to XML. It discusses XBRL taxonomies, which define reporting concepts and relationships, and XBRL instance documents, which contain reported facts that are constrained by the taxonomy. While XML provides a basis, XBRL was created to address XML's limitations for business reporting by allowing flexible extension of reporting structures and validating semantics and business rules, not just syntax.
XBRL is a worldwide standard for exchanging business and financial reporting information. It provides a structured format for financial reports using XML tags. This allows computers to read, analyze, and exchange financial data more easily. The document discusses XBRL concepts and taxonomies, which define the elements used for tagging financial information. It also covers the MCA mandate in India for public companies to file financial statements in XBRL format.
1) XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a common global standard for exchanging business information that allows for the automated exchange and reliable extraction of financial information across all software formats and technologies.
2) XBRL reduces costs and enables quick information analysis by allowing tagged financial information to be transmitted in many formats and deployed with various analytical tools for users such as investors, financial publishers, auditors, regulators, and management.
3) XBRL works by defining a taxonomy or structure for financial data, then creating instance documents that tag financial statements and reports with that taxonomy so they can be read and analyzed by any software application using the same taxonomy definitions.
XBRL is a business reporting standard that uses XML tags to standardize business reporting information. It was created to address issues with existing financial reporting processes, such as duplicated validation efforts and errors from manual data handling. XBRL works by defining concepts like assets and income that make up taxonomies for reporting specific data. It features integration with regulatory agencies, import/export from Excel, automated calculations, and audit trails to support financial statements. Adopting XBRL provides benefits like consistent global standards for electronic business reporting.
Stark Networks HK
Advisory and Consulting for Property Investment Technology Projects
Sustainability * Energy Efficiency
Stark Networks HK :: Advisory and Business Consultancy
Structured Financing in conjunction with Energy :: Working with Corporations in Project Partnerships
1. M S Godbole & Co will create the XBRL instance document for ABC company's annual filing based on the MCA taxonomy.
2. The instance document will then be validated using the MCA validation tool to ensure it meets all requirements.
3. ABC company will pre-screen the instance document and convert it to PDF format to verify the contents.
4. Once approved, the instance document will be attached to Form 23AC-XBRL and Form 23ACA-XBRL and filed electronically on the MCA portal by the 31st of December deadline.
Providing non-financial information to reporters, analysts and asset managers...Chie Mitsui
Nomura Research Institute provides non-financial information to analysts through their upgraded EDINET system. The new taxonomy for EDINET will tag non-financial information such as corporate events, management changes, and risk factors. Sample data shown includes tags for discussion of going concern risks, subsidiaries and affiliates, corporate governance details, and accounting policies. Analysts expect the new system to facilitate easier access and analysis of important non-financial details in company reports.
What is XBRL? How is it different than XML? Who is using it today? With the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandating it; stock exchanges around the world using it; and official support from the European Parliament as well as governments of the Netherlands, Australia, Japan and China--the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) can certainly be considered a global standard for business reporting. In this webcast, These are the slides from teh webcast by Charlie Hoffman, the father of XBRL and Steve Levine, To view the recorded webcast, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW-L8evKD2Y&feature=channel_page
In this presentation Dominik Dumaine, CEO of FinViews covers an introduction to XBRL and how tools based on this standard can improve efficiency for anyone that is involved in financial/ investment analysis.
This document discusses using XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) to help institutional investors more efficiently analyze company agendas and vote in shareholder meetings. It outlines current issues with proxy voting in Japanese companies, and proposes using XBRL to tag past financial reports, current agendas, and voting policies to allow screening of companies. This could help investors globally access qualitative information and better monitor company performance and governance. Several challenges are noted, including standardizing the "facts" and terminology tagged in XBRL. Overall, the document examines the feasibility and potential benefits of using XBRL to improve transparency and efficiency in the proxy voting process.
Why XBRL - Preparing for the Future of Your BusinessBrian Hill
The document discusses the benefits and requirements of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) filing for public companies. It notes that the SEC now requires public companies to tag financial reports with XBRL by 2011. There are three main options for companies to file in XBRL: outsource tagging, use independent software, or integrate a software solution. The document recommends an integrated software solution as it can automate tagging, reduce filing time by 30%, and provide long term benefits by linking tags to source data and facilitating reporting across systems.
Calling all technical accountants!
In anticipation of Bitwave's joint NFT webinar with KMPG this Thursday 11/3, I spent some time digesting the in-depth Accounting for NFTs publication that KMPG released earlier this month. If you want to dive down the NFT accounting rabbit hole, this doc is a GREAT foundation. Kudos to the KPMG team for digging into so many interesting corners of the topic.
I'm sharing my marked up copy with my random notes here. I hope it's helpful!
Public Company Reporting (Series: Securities Law Made Simple (Not Really) Financial Poise
Once public, a company is subject to a continuously evolving landscape of disclosure and reporting requirements. Recent disclosure developments have addressed everything from executive compensation to cybersecurity. In addition, the prevalence of social media has made it such that a company must now consider not only the nuances of what to disclose but also how to deliver that disclosure. Is your company tweeting its earnings reports; are you using your corporate Facebook page to make Regulation FD disclosures?
In this webinar our expert panel provides you with a high-level overview of key public company reporting and disclosure requirements, including the latest developments brought about by the Dodd-Frank Act, JOBS Act, FAST Act and, most recently, the SECs Disclosure Effectiveness Initiative, as well as provide you with tangible examples and practical advice on how to comply with the ever-changing means of delivering that disclosure.
To view the accompanying webinar, go to: https://www.financialpoise.com/financial-poise-webinars/public-company-reporting-2020/
Private equity-market-analysis-and-sizing-2012CAR FOR YOU
- DealMarket provides private equity deal flow management tools and an online platform connecting private equity deals and advisors globally.
- MyOffice, their deal flow management software, brings order and efficiency to how investors source, store, manage and share deal information compared to email and spreadsheets.
- Their online platform DealMarket allows investors to browse current and past deals for free, and sellers to advertise deals, helping connect buyers, sellers, and advisors in a cost-effective manner.
The document discusses the increasing use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) across various financial regulations. It will be required in approximately 50 fields by 2018, up from less than a dozen currently. This expanded use of the LEI will require changes to firms' data landscape and management systems. Firms must analyze how the new requirements apply to their operations and trades. A consolidated approach is recommended to efficiently define all necessary changes at once.
TRUST. IP and Technology Update - IT Audit Toolkit for CIOs and General Couns...Jan Lindberg
Planning the right strategy to survive third-party licence audits is essential to minimizing your expenses that arise out of third-party audits. In this article, we aim to provide experiences from recent IT disputes from the customers or target companys perspective, as well as tools for handling different technology licensing related breach of contract and copyright infringement claims after licence audits.
1) The document discusses effectively analyzing information retention as a business risk and outlines steps to mitigate that risk, including knowing compliance standards, measuring risks, and prioritizing based on factors like data types and volumes.
2) It recommends running a program to achieve business as usual compliance, which includes getting support, funding, clearly defining requirements, and segmenting the work.
3) The document provides examples of tools for the program, like data collection sheets and questionnaires to identify gaps between local laws and baseline requirements.
The document provides an overview of the SFTR regulation which aims to increase transparency of securities financing transactions. It discusses key aspects such as the scope, reporting requirements, phases of implementation, and impact on various entities. The regulation introduces transaction reporting obligations for repo, buy-sell backs, securities lending, and other transactions. Firms must report transaction and position details to trade repositories within one day of the transaction or lifecycle event. Perpetual Motion Consulting offers services to help firms understand their obligations and implement compliant solutions in a cost-effective manner.
Its no secret that the major reporting regimes MiFID II, EMIR, MiFIR, REMIT, CSDR, SFTR, FinfraG have drastically impacted the European financial industry.
The level and volume of new regulations that businesses, firms, providers, and organisations are still adjusting to is only the beginning. Transaction reporting will continue to have a large impact on the infrastructure, resources, and budgets of organisations, providers, firms, and subsidiaries well into the future.
This presentation provides start up managers with an overview of the fund formation process and details many of the hedge fund laws and regulations. A full voice-over of this presentation can be found at www.hedgefundlawblog.com.
The document discusses business valuation methodologies and approaches. It begins by providing background on the growth of mergers and acquisitions in India in 2010, with both outbound and inbound deals increasing. It then discusses the key approaches to valuation: asset-based, earnings-based, and market-based. Under each approach it outlines specific valuation methods, factors to consider like purpose of valuation and sources of information, and provides details on calculating value under certain methods.
110 Introduction To Xbrl Taxonomies And Instance Documents Sept 2007 Print Ve...helggeist
The document provides an overview of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) and compares it to XML. It discusses XBRL taxonomies, which define reporting concepts and relationships, and XBRL instance documents, which contain reported facts that are constrained by the taxonomy. While XML provides a basis, XBRL was created to address XML's limitations for business reporting by allowing flexible extension of reporting structures and validating semantics and business rules, not just syntax.
XBRL is a worldwide standard for exchanging business and financial reporting information. It provides a structured format for financial reports using XML tags. This allows computers to read, analyze, and exchange financial data more easily. The document discusses XBRL concepts and taxonomies, which define the elements used for tagging financial information. It also covers the MCA mandate in India for public companies to file financial statements in XBRL format.
1) XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a common global standard for exchanging business information that allows for the automated exchange and reliable extraction of financial information across all software formats and technologies.
2) XBRL reduces costs and enables quick information analysis by allowing tagged financial information to be transmitted in many formats and deployed with various analytical tools for users such as investors, financial publishers, auditors, regulators, and management.
3) XBRL works by defining a taxonomy or structure for financial data, then creating instance documents that tag financial statements and reports with that taxonomy so they can be read and analyzed by any software application using the same taxonomy definitions.
XBRL is a business reporting standard that uses XML tags to standardize business reporting information. It was created to address issues with existing financial reporting processes, such as duplicated validation efforts and errors from manual data handling. XBRL works by defining concepts like assets and income that make up taxonomies for reporting specific data. It features integration with regulatory agencies, import/export from Excel, automated calculations, and audit trails to support financial statements. Adopting XBRL provides benefits like consistent global standards for electronic business reporting.
Stark Networks HK
Advisory and Consulting for Property Investment Technology Projects
Sustainability * Energy Efficiency
Stark Networks HK :: Advisory and Business Consultancy
Structured Financing in conjunction with Energy :: Working with Corporations in Project Partnerships
1. M S Godbole & Co will create the XBRL instance document for ABC company's annual filing based on the MCA taxonomy.
2. The instance document will then be validated using the MCA validation tool to ensure it meets all requirements.
3. ABC company will pre-screen the instance document and convert it to PDF format to verify the contents.
4. Once approved, the instance document will be attached to Form 23AC-XBRL and Form 23ACA-XBRL and filed electronically on the MCA portal by the 31st of December deadline.
Providing non-financial information to reporters, analysts and asset managers...Chie Mitsui
Nomura Research Institute provides non-financial information to analysts through their upgraded EDINET system. The new taxonomy for EDINET will tag non-financial information such as corporate events, management changes, and risk factors. Sample data shown includes tags for discussion of going concern risks, subsidiaries and affiliates, corporate governance details, and accounting policies. Analysts expect the new system to facilitate easier access and analysis of important non-financial details in company reports.
What is XBRL? How is it different than XML? Who is using it today? With the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandating it; stock exchanges around the world using it; and official support from the European Parliament as well as governments of the Netherlands, Australia, Japan and China--the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) can certainly be considered a global standard for business reporting. In this webcast, These are the slides from teh webcast by Charlie Hoffman, the father of XBRL and Steve Levine, To view the recorded webcast, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW-L8evKD2Y&feature=channel_page
In this presentation Dominik Dumaine, CEO of FinViews covers an introduction to XBRL and how tools based on this standard can improve efficiency for anyone that is involved in financial/ investment analysis.
This document discusses using XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) to help institutional investors more efficiently analyze company agendas and vote in shareholder meetings. It outlines current issues with proxy voting in Japanese companies, and proposes using XBRL to tag past financial reports, current agendas, and voting policies to allow screening of companies. This could help investors globally access qualitative information and better monitor company performance and governance. Several challenges are noted, including standardizing the "facts" and terminology tagged in XBRL. Overall, the document examines the feasibility and potential benefits of using XBRL to improve transparency and efficiency in the proxy voting process.
Why XBRL - Preparing for the Future of Your BusinessBrian Hill
The document discusses the benefits and requirements of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) filing for public companies. It notes that the SEC now requires public companies to tag financial reports with XBRL by 2011. There are three main options for companies to file in XBRL: outsource tagging, use independent software, or integrate a software solution. The document recommends an integrated software solution as it can automate tagging, reduce filing time by 30%, and provide long term benefits by linking tags to source data and facilitating reporting across systems.
Calling all technical accountants!
In anticipation of Bitwave's joint NFT webinar with KMPG this Thursday 11/3, I spent some time digesting the in-depth Accounting for NFTs publication that KMPG released earlier this month. If you want to dive down the NFT accounting rabbit hole, this doc is a GREAT foundation. Kudos to the KPMG team for digging into so many interesting corners of the topic.
I'm sharing my marked up copy with my random notes here. I hope it's helpful!
Public Company Reporting (Series: Securities Law Made Simple (Not Really) Financial Poise
Once public, a company is subject to a continuously evolving landscape of disclosure and reporting requirements. Recent disclosure developments have addressed everything from executive compensation to cybersecurity. In addition, the prevalence of social media has made it such that a company must now consider not only the nuances of what to disclose but also how to deliver that disclosure. Is your company tweeting its earnings reports; are you using your corporate Facebook page to make Regulation FD disclosures?
In this webinar our expert panel provides you with a high-level overview of key public company reporting and disclosure requirements, including the latest developments brought about by the Dodd-Frank Act, JOBS Act, FAST Act and, most recently, the SECs Disclosure Effectiveness Initiative, as well as provide you with tangible examples and practical advice on how to comply with the ever-changing means of delivering that disclosure.
To view the accompanying webinar, go to: https://www.financialpoise.com/financial-poise-webinars/public-company-reporting-2020/
Private equity-market-analysis-and-sizing-2012CAR FOR YOU
- DealMarket provides private equity deal flow management tools and an online platform connecting private equity deals and advisors globally.
- MyOffice, their deal flow management software, brings order and efficiency to how investors source, store, manage and share deal information compared to email and spreadsheets.
- Their online platform DealMarket allows investors to browse current and past deals for free, and sellers to advertise deals, helping connect buyers, sellers, and advisors in a cost-effective manner.
The document discusses the increasing use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) across various financial regulations. It will be required in approximately 50 fields by 2018, up from less than a dozen currently. This expanded use of the LEI will require changes to firms' data landscape and management systems. Firms must analyze how the new requirements apply to their operations and trades. A consolidated approach is recommended to efficiently define all necessary changes at once.
TRUST. IP and Technology Update - IT Audit Toolkit for CIOs and General Couns...Jan Lindberg
Planning the right strategy to survive third-party licence audits is essential to minimizing your expenses that arise out of third-party audits. In this article, we aim to provide experiences from recent IT disputes from the customers or target companys perspective, as well as tools for handling different technology licensing related breach of contract and copyright infringement claims after licence audits.
1) The document discusses effectively analyzing information retention as a business risk and outlines steps to mitigate that risk, including knowing compliance standards, measuring risks, and prioritizing based on factors like data types and volumes.
2) It recommends running a program to achieve business as usual compliance, which includes getting support, funding, clearly defining requirements, and segmenting the work.
3) The document provides examples of tools for the program, like data collection sheets and questionnaires to identify gaps between local laws and baseline requirements.
The document provides an overview of the SFTR regulation which aims to increase transparency of securities financing transactions. It discusses key aspects such as the scope, reporting requirements, phases of implementation, and impact on various entities. The regulation introduces transaction reporting obligations for repo, buy-sell backs, securities lending, and other transactions. Firms must report transaction and position details to trade repositories within one day of the transaction or lifecycle event. Perpetual Motion Consulting offers services to help firms understand their obligations and implement compliant solutions in a cost-effective manner.
Its no secret that the major reporting regimes MiFID II, EMIR, MiFIR, REMIT, CSDR, SFTR, FinfraG have drastically impacted the European financial industry.
The level and volume of new regulations that businesses, firms, providers, and organisations are still adjusting to is only the beginning. Transaction reporting will continue to have a large impact on the infrastructure, resources, and budgets of organisations, providers, firms, and subsidiaries well into the future.
This presentation provides start up managers with an overview of the fund formation process and details many of the hedge fund laws and regulations. A full voice-over of this presentation can be found at www.hedgefundlawblog.com.
The document discusses business valuation methodologies and approaches. It begins by providing background on the growth of mergers and acquisitions in India in 2010, with both outbound and inbound deals increasing. It then discusses the key approaches to valuation: asset-based, earnings-based, and market-based. Under each approach it outlines specific valuation methods, factors to consider like purpose of valuation and sources of information, and provides details on calculating value under certain methods.
Fintuition is a platform that offers cutting-edge data-mining capabilities and investment decisions making for 10-Ks filings.
Gain further insights into 10-k reports. Helping financial analysts and asset managers in decision making.
The document discusses Slater and Gordon, a leading law firm that floated on the stock market in 2007. It analyzes the firm's financial performance and accounting policies related to revenue recognition under IAS 18 and the newly adopted IFRS 15. Key points:
1) Slater and Gordon saw rapid growth and high shareholder expectations through an acquisition strategy. However, profits and share prices declined sharply in late 2015 when the firm adopted stricter IFRS 15 revenue recognition rules.
2) Under IAS 18, revenue was recognized based on work completed. But IFRS 15 requires revenue to be "highly probable" and contractually agreed to be recognized. This led to large write-downs of
PPT_disclosure in an IPO offer document_Case StudyShanmukh Dave
The document is a report presented by students of Mumbai Education Trust on critical disclosures in offer documents of IPOs. It includes an analysis of the IPO process, guidelines on disclosures as per SEBI, and case studies of recent IPOs of Bharti Infratel Limited and V Mart Retail Limited. The report evaluates the offer documents of these companies on various parameters like company introduction, risk factors, capital structure, object of issue, and basis of issue price. It points out some inconsistencies in the deployment timelines and store expansion plans of V Mart Retail Limited.
Here are the key legal requirements for a sole trader business like Patel Supermarket in Australia:
- Business Name Registration - The business name (e.g. Patel Supermarket) must be registered with ASIC unless it includes the owner's personal name. This helps identify the sole trader.
- Australian Business Number (ABN) - An ABN must be obtained and quoted when conducting business. It is used for tax and dealing with government.
- Insurance - Appropriate insurances like public liability, professional indemnity etc. must be taken depending on the business activities.
- Licenses and Permits - Licenses may be required from local councils for activities like selling food, medicines etc. Other
This document discusses factors to consider when establishing a business in South Africa, including different business formats, location factors, and the internal and external business environments. It describes sole proprietorships, partnerships, close corporations, companies, trusts, and cooperatives as common business formats. The advantages and disadvantages of each are provided. Location factors like access to customers, resources, and infrastructure are also outlined. The document discusses developing a vision, mission, objectives and using a SWOT analysis for the internal environment and how the market, macroeconomic factors, technology and regulations influence the external environment.
Jaguar Land Rover is committed to adding an electric vehicle to their line up. This will require implementing new international supply chains. The report discusses identifying and selecting appropriate suppliers through various data sources and applying decision making frameworks. Legal requirements for collecting, using and storing supplier data are also outlined, including the Data Protection Act. The Elimination by Aspects method is applied to select suppliers based on price, quality, durability and reputation.
Creativity, AI, and Human-Centered InnovationRaj Lal
A 90-minute Design Workshop with David Moore, Lecturer at Stanford Design
Join us for an engaging session filled with actionable insights, dynamic conversations, and complimentary pizza and drinks to fuel your creativity.
Join us as a Volunteer.
Unlocking Creativity & Leadership: From Ideas to Impact
In todays fast-paced world of design, innovation, and leadership, the ability to think creatively and strategically is essential for driving meaningful change. This workshop is designed for designers, product leaders, and entrepreneurs looking to break through creative barriers, adopt a user-centered mindset, and turn bold ideas into tangible success.
Join us for an engaging session where well explore the intersection of creativity, leadership, and human-centered innovation. Through thought-provoking discussions, real-world case studies, and actionable strategies, youll gain the tools to navigate complex challenges, foster collaboration, and lead with purpose in an ever-evolving industry.
Key Takeaways:
From Design Thinking to Design Doing Where are you in the creative process? The best work is multi-dimensional, engaging us on a deeper level. Unlock your natural creative abilities and move from ideation to execution.
Reigniting Innovation: From Firefighting to Fire Starting Weve become so skilled at solving problems that weve forgotten how to spark new ideas. Learn how to cultivate a culture of communication, collaboration, and creative productivity to drive meaningful innovation.
The Human Element of Innovation True creativity isnt just about ideasits about people. Understand how to nurture the deeper, often-overlooked aspects of your teams potential to build an environment where innovation thrives.
AI as Your Creative Partner, Not a Shortcut AI can be an incredible toolbut only if you use it wisely. Learn when and how to integrate AI into your workflow, craft effective prompts, and avoid generic, uninspired results.
Mastering Team Dynamics: Communication, Listening & Collaboration Teams are unpredictable, and clear communication isnt always as clear as we think. Discover strategies for building strong, high-performing teams that listen, collaborate, and innovate effectively. This session will equip you with the insights and techniques needed to lead with creativity, navigate challenges, and drive innovation with confidence.
What PE Teachers and PEX Professionals Have in CommonKaiNexus
Presented by Shawna Forst, Performance Excellence, Quality & Risk Coordinator at MercyOne Newton Medical Center
What do physical education teachers and performance excellence professionals have in common? More than you think! This session will feature one former P.E. Teacher's perspective on the similarities between coaching kids and leading quality and improvement efforts in the workplace while also sharing how to leverage KaiNexus to support and encourage those endeavors.
In this webinar, you'll learn:
To explore the basic fundamentals of being an effective coach, regardless of field.
To identify how KaiNexus can be leveraged in being an effective coach.
To understand how Lean methodology, leveraging KaiNexus, can help eliminate waste, build teamwork, reduce conflicts, reduce or eliminate defects, create IDEAL processes, services, and products as well as improve client satisfaction.
About the Presenter:
Shawna Forst
Shawna is the Performance Excellence Quality & Risk Coordinator and Lean Healthcare Coach at MercyOne Newton Medical Center. Shawna has been a Lean Healthcare facilitator since January 2007 and has two years of experience as a technician in a cardiac unit. Since then, she has had various roles in Healthcare Quality and Safety. Shawna graduated from Simpson College in 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and a Coaching Endorsement. In 2010, she became a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) and received her LEAN Green Belt certification in 2014. She also received her Masters in Business Administration from Western Governors University in 2018.
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls...Lviv Startup Club
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Get Lifetime Access to Premium AI Models with AI IntelliKit's One-Time PurchaseSOFTTECHHUB
Imagine a tool that brings all the top AI models such as ChatGPT 4.0, Claude, Gemini Pro, LLaMA, Midjourney, and many more under one roof. Thats exactly what AI IntelliKit does. Designed to replace expensive subscriptions, this toolbox lets you access premium AI tools from a single, user-friendly dashboard. You no longer need to juggle between multiple platforms or pay recurring fees.
No Objection Letter, No Objection CertificateSeemaAgrawal43
A No Objection Certificate (NOC) is a formal document issued by an organization or authority indicating that they have no objections to the specified actions or decisions of the recipient. Commonly used for various legal and administrative purposes, an NOC typically includes the issuer's name, recipient's name, the purpose of the certificate, and a clear statement of no objection. It may also include conditions or limitations if applicable. The NOC is signed and stamped by the authorized person from the issuing organization, providing official consent and facilitating processes like property transfers, job changes, or further studies.
Your brand might be pushing clients away without you knowing.Group Buy Seo Tools
Avoid these personal branding mistakes:
Being inconsistent (confusing messaging = lost trust).
Only posting sales content (value first, sales later).
Not engaging with your audience (ghosting your followers isnt good for business).
Branding is more than a logo; its your reputation.
Follow for more branding tips.
Professor Paul Allieu Kamara is a distinguished academic and practitioner specializing in
Leadership Development, Financial Crime Prevention and Christian Leadership, with over 18
years of experience spanning administration, media, teaching and ministry, he has significantly
contributed to both academic and practical fields.
Academic Qualifications:
Fields of studies: Philosophy, Journalism, Leadership and Organizational Development, Business
Administration, Christian Business Administration, Christian Leadership, Curriculum Designing
and Research Education Years of experience: 19 years in Administration, Media, Teaching,
(Offices: Admin, Media, Classrooms).
Project Status Report Template that our ex-McKinsey & Deloitte consultants like to use with their clients.
For more content, visit www.domontconsulting.com
In the fast-paced world of business, staying on top of key projects and initiatives is crucial for success. An initiative status report is a vital tool that provides transparency, accountability, and valuable insights to stakeholders. By outlining deadlines, costs, quality standards, and potential risks, these reports ensure that projects remain on track and aligned with organizational goals. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of an initiative status report, offering a comprehensive guide to creating effective and informative updates.
21 Best Crypto Wallet in UAE The complete 2025.pdfDubiz
The cryptocurrency sector worldwide has undergone significant transformation with increasing adoption and acceptance. It is one of the emerging sectors converting cash treasuries into digital currencies. In UAE too, people are heavily being drawn towards investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In fact, it is among the top investment opportunities in Dubai in 2025. You can find some of the best crypto wallet in UAE, offering safe and efficient platforms for storing, managing, and even trading digital assets.
However, with such digital transformation comes an increased risk of cyberattacks and scams. This is why, to ensure your investments are completely safe, you must choose a secure and highly reliable crypto wallet in the UAE.
The financial technology landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and 2025 promises to be a transformative year for the industry. From AI-driven banking to decentralized finance, the future of FinTech is brimming with innovation. In this carousel, we explore the five key trends that will shape the FinTech ecosystem in 2025. Stay ahead of the curve and discover how these advancements will redefine the way we manage, invest, and interact with money. Swipe through to dive into the future of finance! 叶
Ross Chayka: AI in Business: Quo Vadis? (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
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Rostyslav Chayka: 丕仗舒于仍仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟仂 亰舒 亟仂仗仂仄仂亞仂 AI (UA)Lviv Startup Club
Acdm4 chiemitsui
1. Academic Track:04 Academic Developments
New EDINET taxonomy creates new
transparency for market, XBRL of
material fact for investors
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Data Analyst Chie Mitsui
2. Contents for Todays session
Material Fact for investors
Why is "Material Fact" important for investors?
Disclosure rules for "Material fact" in Japan
Plan for Next Generation EDINET
What will we be able to achieve?
Other possibilities for exploring use of corporate action
For Global investors.
Whats the Next Step?
About Nomura Research Institute鐚
A research institute which is a member of a group companies in financial sectors.
Nomura security broker was a parent company before we went to public
Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our department is providing information and system
solution for mainly asset management, trust, advisory, etc.
3. Material Fact for investors
Selected lists
Using past financial
financial data
Have to reset or
reconsider their
decision / plan to
Some events (such as merger, stock splits)
make investor reset their decision / plan to
4. Disclosure rules for "Material fact" in Japan
Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (FIEA)
Material facts are classified into several categories as shown below;
1) Management decisions (e.g., dividend payments, equity issuance, stock
splits, stock swaps, stock transfers, mergers, business divestments, spin-offs,
dissolutions, etc.)
2) Events (e.g., disasters, changes in major shareholders shareholding ratio)
3) Information on financial results
At the same time, Tokyo Stock
Exchange sets a rule for listed
companies to disclose their
material facts or tender-offer
information via TDnet.
FSA requires companies
to file reports to EDINET
when such material facts
are recognized.
TDnet (Timely Disclosure network)
5. How can investors access this information?
MEDIA Data provider
support service
Hundreds of announcements are
released per day.
Selected only famous companies
All companies data but need time
to provide them
Public & Private
companies and funds
Rule of Stock
Public companies
6. Disclosure material and XBRL coverage
Financial statement Result Primary financial statements
Earning digest (forecast) 鐚鐚 --- Primary financial statements
Dividend (result forecast) 鐚鐚 (--) partially, only TDNET
Issuing new shares
stock splits stock swaps, etc
mergers, business divestment, etc
changes in external auditor or
corporate officers
Debt, bond
shareholder meeting
Press release ---
material disasters
: minimum criteria for disclosure requirement
7. What are the issues?
Company needs to file separately for TDnet and EDINET because requirements
are slightly different to each other. => Information becomes scattered.
The existing announcements are hard to understand - What is material ? What
kind of influence would it have on its future cash flow?
The standards by which the law and media judge materiality do not necessarily
coincide with investors'. => Some companies are not covered by the media
Investors need to be aware of the frequent changes in a share-price so they have
to spend long time catching up with the information, Especially
Small and
Mid cap
Many shares in the portfolio
I'm avoiding buying shares of some companies that do
not provide such information immediately ( nor
provided but it is not clear enough) 6
8. What are the Benefits of XBRL?
What is the main purpose for introducing XBRL to Exchanges
and Regulators who are in charge of establishing rules for
disclosure to the capital market?
Fairness and effectiveness are always required for XBRL.
Also, it has to work in order to activate the market.
Investors need to be updated with the corporate information
without any language or obscurity barriers. XBRL has been
adopted for primarily financial statements.
9. Plan for Next Generation EDINET
EDINET is scheduled to be
upgraded in fiscal 2013
10. Taxonomy draft (1)
A challenge for XBRL - Need to comply with new types of reports.
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 2 Securities Registration Statement
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 3 Annual securities report
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 4-3 Quarterly securities report
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 5 Semiannual securities report
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 5-3 Extraordinary securities report
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 11 Shelf registration statement
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 12 Shelf registration supplements
Disclosure of Corporate Information Form No. 17 Share buyback report
Internal Control Form No. 1 Internal Control Report
Large Volume Holding Form No. 1 Report of large volume holding
Tender Offer by Issuer Form No. 2 Tender offer notification
Tender Offer by Issuer Form No. 3 Written Withdrawal of Tender Offer
Tender Offer by Issuer Form No. 4 Tender offer report
Tender Offer by Those Other than Issuer Form No. 2 Tender offer notification
Tender Offer by Those Other than Issuer Form No. 4 Subject company's position statement
Tender Offer by Those Other than Issuer Form No. 5 Written Withdrawal of Tender Offer
Tender Offer by Those Other than Issuer Form No. 6 Tender offer report
Tender Offer by Those Other than Issuer Form No. 8 Tender offeror's answer
11. Public offering or secondary distribution of securities outside Japan
Private placement of securities
Issue of stock options not subject to securities registration
Changes in parent companies or specified subsidiaries
Changes in major shareholder
Significant disaster
Commencement or resolution of litigation
Decision on share exchange
Decision on share transfer
Decision on absorption-type split
Decision on incorporation-type split
Decision on absorption-type merger
Decision on consolidation-type merger
Decision on transfer or acquisition of business
Decision on acquisition of subsidiary
Changes in representative directors
Resolution of shareholders' meeting
Amendment or rejection by shareholders' meeting
Change in independent auditors
Petition, etc. for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings
Likelihood of uncollectible or delinquent accounts
Event with significant effects on financial position, business performance, and cash flows
Similar material fact above regarding to consolidated subsidiary
Event with significant effects on financial position, business performance, and cash flows of group
New matters or changes in public offering information through to last day before IPO
Taxonomy draft (2)
Elements of Extraordinary reports.
12. What will we be able to achieve?
This is a new challenge to make use of XBRL for narrative information.
In a Next EDINET, new taxonomy was introduced mainly block tags. However, it has tag
for basic information such as "company name", "security codes", "dates". Besides tags for
categories of material facts, obeying regulation numbers. Regarding with tender offers, it
has tags for terms and conditions (Though narrative facts are written in Japanese).
Investors automatically will understand what kind of category required in order to file the
reports. English labels provide the capability of automatic translation into English.
Tagging for narrative information can identify each information clearly. Compared to "word
search function, tagging makes it much easier to understand ".
For example, two company names appear in one document - one is an acquirer and other one is a
TOB target. There might be more than one information on dates, which might be an announcement
date or a date of starting to acquire. Using tags make it possible to identify which information is what.
Im expecting for the announcement on voting results from the
shareholder meetings, which will be written in XBRL for extraordinary
reports. It is difficult to collect this data without manual operation.
From our survey
13. What we should consider MF /CA XBRL handling together?
In order to continue developing such a detailed tagging, for example
We need to
(1) organize the contents such as owner name or executive names, etc.
(2) consider cross-documents. For example, extraordinary report on "resolution of
shareholders meeting" contains information on number of resolutions and categories
(dividend proposal, election of directors proposal). They are appeared on agenda of
share-holder meeting.
(3) use same elements similar to taxonomy with TDnet or other related documents.
Information which is distributed on TDnet are also handled by the same purpose.
User can double check by taking both information.
Considering to use the same frame as EDINET, other systems might have issues such
No space to fill in the filing time. ( this is spec issues of XBRL).
No space to fill in the re-filing or the delete information.
Regarding to TDnet, it updates its requirements for disclosure, depending on market
needs more often. Its framework needs to be flexible.
If such functions are provided in different way by each filing system, it will be a barrier
for global XBRL data distribution.
14. Determination as
material fact information
Company announcement
for material fact
Transfer information
To Security broker
Finding suspicious
insider trace.
Tag on the documents of
material fact announcement
Tokyo Stock Exchange
Monitoring Insider trade
Security broker => Automate checking system
If any suspicious,
Institutional Investor
Consideration for planning portfolio
Re-selecting stocks.
Other possibilities for exploring use of CA XBRL
15. For Global investors.
Case from US
The US Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) has started to apply XBRL to
corporate actions information for ADRs (American depositary receipts) since this July, after
conducting a pilot test in 2011.
This XBRL taxonomy has been developed by user group, which consists of Citibank,
XBRL US, DTCC with SWIFT, Globetax and XSP. Other ADR depositary banks have since
joined the pilot test together. The taxonomy is applied ISO20022 message. (such dividends,
interest paying etc..) This must help for exchange information among different regulatory
XBRL disclosure to encompass material facts would not only improve market participants'
operational efficiency but also greatly help Japanese equity market to increase transparency
and gain trust from overseas.
Next step should be not only to adopt the same taxonomy framework between TDnet and
EDINET, but also to start discussing the adaptation or creation of de fact standard cords for
contents with the consideration of global usage.
16. Whats the Next Step?
Some contents are required to be disclosed by several different reports.
Some contents such as owner names or executive names won't work well for users,
only setting same element-name for tags of each taxonomy. We need to discuss how
we should organize those contents.
My previous presentation in Abu Dhabi conference, explained potential usage of "Agenda of
Shareholder meeting" written in XBRL. Next generation EDINET will apply XBRL to Extraordinary
reports which includes results of the shareholder meeting. In case of Japan, those documents are
supervised by different regulatory bodies and different government agencies, however they should
use the same tags for usability, if they are going to use XBRL detail tags in the future.
In order to pursue the global usage of XBRL, global standard discussions such as
ISO, will be needed.
We should improve the functionality of XBRL as well as extension, for those
contents, because they are often updated depending on market needs.
Each country has different regulations. We need a monitoring system for taxonomy
making process in order to affect the market use.
Still there are not so many opportunities to discuss about XBRL for capital market
in XBRL community. We need to have more discussion for this purpose.