This document outlines a plan to empower rural women in developing countries through providing access to loans and savings. It will establish a regional office, field officers, and village organizations to deliver financial services. Loans will support income-generating activities selected based on a needs assessment survey. Savings groups of 15-25 women will meet regularly with field officers. The plan aims to develop the local economy through empowering dependent women and establishing sustainable small businesses. Government assistance with training and links to other financial institutions could help the program succeed.
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Achieving financial and social viability at the same, and empowering women in Banglasesh
2. In rural area, women are disproportionately excluded from
financial systems and resources needed to manage
households, limiting their ability to be self-sufficient, or
contribute to the familys income and decision-making.
Furthermore, money in the hands of women is more likely
to be invested in the needs of the family, such as nutrition,
childrens education, land or housing.
We are planning to provide women with access to
investment loans and savings services.These loans will be
invested in a range of uses according to the need of
individual borrowers and their households. It will be used
to support income-generating activities and micro-
enterprises such as cattle-rearing, craft-making, small
cottage businesses etc.
3. First of all, we would like to make a survey for
our target people (women) to know about
their present skills, capabilities, needs then
we will provide the loans according to their
requirement. Loans will be repaid with low
interest rate in weekly or monthly
installments over the course of one year.
4. Our organization will be formed with
A regional office
Field officers and
village organizations(VO).
5. A regional Office with a manager and some customer
service assistants will be placed throughout the center
of village.
Customer service assistants will be women recruited
by us.They will greet the people coming for loans and
even visitors into the office. Before loan disbursement
begins, they will run a short orientation session for all
borrowers that cover important information about the
loans services and good financial practices.
The manager will come at the end to answer any
questions and greet the clients personally.
6. Our products will be delivered via community lending and
savings groups of 15-25 women like a village
organizations (VOs).So we will target women to be our
service provider, as a part of economic empowerment.
VOs will meet regularly with our field officers, in a place
that is convenient for clients, not far from their doorsteps.
Besides making savings deposits and paying loan
installments, there will be some meetings offer a valuable
opportunity to increase financial literacy, raise awareness
about womens rights.TheVO network will be an
important enabler of our success in delivering grassroots
development interventions to the poor women.
7. In afternoon, our field service providers will
provide financial education to a small group
of vulnerable clients, like the pre-
disbursement orientation, how to use the
investment loan in a proper way, giving idea
about small cottage business, good savings
habits, and the dangers of over indebtedness,
and rights of clients.
8. Our services can be availed without wasting time
on paperwork and lengthy formalities.
Our officers can collect data from face to face
meeting even apply from home also possible
like our service provider will go to clients place
with laptop and collect data.
However, they have to satisfy some eligibility
criteria in order to get this loan. For this, they
should be above 18 year of age and must be
residing permanently. At least, they need to hold
a national ID card or birth registration card.
9. As our target is achieving both financial and
social viability at the same time, we want to
develop economy by empowering these
dependent women in rural area.
At first we have to collect the information
about their skills, capabilities, needs and
preferences.Then we will suggest them some
business ideas which will match their
capability and offer financial support as loan
for their investment.
10. The women who knows sewing she can start business with a sewing
machine so we can give her a loan for purchasing a sewing machine,
the women who knows well about cattle rising, preparing food for cattle
they can start dairy farm by purchasing one or two cows,
some women who knows well about raising cock, hen, duck they can
start a poultry farm,
some women can start honey producing business,
some rural women knows to produce herbal products(medicine, health
care) which derived from plants they can start herbal product business,
who knows weaving they can start fabric or cloth business, women who
knows pottery or can make handicraft they can start business,
without these some women can make hanging nets for storage, brooms,
fish traps, woven mats or baskets and many things fromVery small
amount of investment is needed for the raw materials.
11. Only support their business activities and production is not the
end. our service providers will also help them to sell their product
as well as access to markets to ensure fair prices. For this service
we will take a percentage from their profit as service fee.
And we have another opportunity, we can involve our clients to do
small Cottage Business that is operated from home and tend to be
part-time in nature, they can sell the goods which are produced by
the women.
In these ways we will confirm the repayment of our loans. At the
same time we also bound them to do a fix amount savings in our
institution which will be earned from a portion of their profit. It will
be returned to them after a certain time.
Whole business activity, from production to sell will be monitored
and controlled by us so that it minimizes the risk of loan defaults
plus give us the privilege to control the income stream of the
12. Actions taken by Government : As a financial institution we can
provide financial service but for the improvement of our clients
business we need Government assistance.We are maintaining the
social viability by empowering rural women so government can
come forward for sake of these women group. Such as
Government can arrange some training program which will teach
the women to know the exact way of their business- tanning for
sewing, cattle rising, dairy farming, poultry farming etc.
Actions taken by financial infrastructure providers :Another
thing is financial barrier. If we can link up with some other financial
institution then we can run our institution smoothly. If we can
show our success from this project then it will be easy to access for
linking with other financial institutions.
13. Finally, I would like to mention that only
doing these activities maybe not enough, we
should execute the Client Protection
Principles.This is also necessary to ensure the
healthy growth economy.We have to make
them understand the effective ways to use
loan money and the importance of savings
from their profit which can be their own
investment capital in future.