27. ?目的
whole-body vibration training が eccentric training群 や wait-and
see 群よりも症状が改善するという仮説を検証すること。
vibration training群:n=23 eccentric training群:n=19
wait-and see 群:n=16
Horstmann, T. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther.2013
Whole-body vibration versus eccentric training or a wait-and-see
approach for chronic Achilles tendinopathy: a randomized clinical tria
?研究デザイン RCT エビデンスレベル:2b
37. ?目的
遠心性Ex. vs 遠心性Ex.+軟部組織治療(Astym)
Joshua R. McCormack.SPORTS HEALTH.2016
Eccentric Exercise Versus Eccentric Exercise and Soft Tissue
Treatment (Astym) in the Management of Insertional Achilles
Tendinopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
?Outcome Measure
?Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment Achilles-Specific
Questionnaire (VISA-A)
?numeric pain rating scale (NPRS)
?Global Rating of Change scale (GROC)
*介入前、4, 8, 12, 26, 52週で評価
46. ?目的 アキレス腱炎,大転子疼痛症候群,Medial tibial stress
syndrome, 膝蓋腱炎,ハムストリングス近位腱炎に対する体外衝撃波
The effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in
common lower limb conditions: a systematic review including
quantification of patient-rated pain reduction
?研究デザイン Systematic Review
Korakakis, V. Br J Sports Med. 2018