This document contains a series of riddles and physical challenges with video links. The riddles include what has no windows but lets in light, what gathers in millions by ocean and streams, what leaves more behind the more you take, what digs tiny caves and stores gold and silver in them. The challenges include following yoga poses from videos and hula hooping for 5 seconds. The document tests problem solving and physical coordination skills through riddles and activities.
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1. Location
What Kind of Room
has no Windows or
If I was made into a 2
man, I'd make people
dream. I gather in
my millions by
ocean, sea and
stream. What am I?
The more you take 3
the more you leave
behind. What Am I
2. Location
Place the left ear on 4
the left shoulder then
extending the left
arm like a trunk of an
elephant, draw an
infinity sign. Switch
arms after
completing 5 of
Who Am I. I dig out 5
tiny caves, and store
gold and silver in
them. I also make
bridges of silver and
make crowns of gold.
Who Am I? If you 6
give me food I will
thrive. If you give me
water I will die.
3. Location
Watch the following video and 7
How did you go?
Watch the following video and 8
When completed move onto
Watch the following video and 9
try them out.