Acid rain is caused by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides mixing with water vapor and rainwater in the atmosphere, producing weak acids that fall as acid rain. It can harm plants, aquatic animals, and infrastructure. Burning fossil fuels releases these gases. Acid rain increases the acidity of lakes and rivers, harming aquatic ecosystems by dissolving aluminum which poisons fish. It leaches nutrients from soils and trees, weakening their growth. Solutions include installing scrubbers in power plant smokestacks to capture sulfur and reducing vehicle emissions.
Acid rain is rain that is more acidic than normal.
The Rainfall made sufficiently acidic by atmospheric
pollution that it causes environmental harm, typically to
forests and lakes.
It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals,
and infrastructure.
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the major sources
of acid rain.
6. Burning coal, Oil and natural gas, in
power stations makes electricity,
giving off sulphur dioxide gas.
Burning petrol and oil in vehicle
engines gives off nitrogen oxides as
Nitrogen oxides can also be
produced naturally by lightning strikes
and sulfur dioxide is produce by
volcanic eruptions
These gases mix with water vapour
and rainwater in the atmosphere
producing weak solutions of sulphuric
and nitric acids which fall as acid
9. Effect on non-living
The Taj Mahal in Agra, suffering
from sulphur di oxide, sulphuric
acid and other fumes pollutants
released from Mathura Refinery.
Acid Rain causes extensive
damage to building, statues,
bridges, & structural materials of
marble, lime stone, etc.
10. Effects on Living being
The sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide gases,
causes respiratory
diseases like asthma,
chronic bronchitis, etc.
Tiny Particles cause
difficulty in breathing for
humans and animals &
also lead to permanent
lung damage.
On Human Health
11. On Water Animals
Acid Rain increases the acidity of lakes & rivers,
which is directly effect the aquatic ecosystem.
Acids activate aluminium from the soil which
leaches into water and fish die. It effects the gills
of young fish. Even eggs does not hatch and
young fishes die in acidic medium.
13. On Trees & Soil
Acid Rain dissolves all the nutrients and the useful
minerals for the tree to grow.
Weakens the process of photosynthesis.
Acc. to modern researches, Acid Rain leaches
potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. essential elements
from the top of soil & When soil is contaminated, growth
of trees and plant is effected.
14. Cars can be fitted with special converters
which remove dangerous chemicals.
A wet scrubber is basically a reaction
tower equipped with a fan that extracts hot
smoke stack gases such as sulphur from
a power plant into the tower.
Lime or limestone in slurry form is also
injected into the tower to mix with the
stack gases and combine with the sulfur
dioxide present.
18. Let us Revise:
1.What causes acid rain?
2. How does acid rain damage trees?
3. How does acid rain damage fish?
4. What is to be done to reduce the
production of acid rain ?
19. Question :
1. Explain difference between the
green house effect , enhanced
greenhouse effect and global
warming ?