The document summarizes the Mesopotamian civilization that emerged between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in present-day Iraq. Key points include:
- The first Sumerian cities emerged around 3200 BC as nomadic herders settled and developed irrigation. They built the first cities and developed cuneiform writing and bureaucracy.
- Akkadian and Babylonian empires later rose to power in Mesopotamia, unifying the region through conquest. Hammurabi established the first Babylonian empire and code of laws around 1760 BC.
- Mesopotamian civilization made advances in math, science, trade, and culture. They developed irrigation, the
14. In d o -E u r o p e a n
M ig r a t io n s : 4 m -2 m
T h e M id d le E a s t : T h e
15. T h e A n c ie n t F e r t ile
C r e s c e n t A r e a
T h e M id d le E a s t : T h e C r a d le o f
16. S u m e r ia n
C iv iliz a t io nThe first Sumerian cities emerged in
southern Mesopotamia around
3200 B.C.
Nomadic herders settled in the
Southern part of Mesopotamia and
gradually changed the farming way of
They built dams and dikes to keep
the rivers from flooding their fields.
The farming villages emerged along
the river and grew into 12 city-states
18. S u m e r ia n R e lig io n -
P o ly t h e is t ic
E n k i
A n t h r o p o m o r p h i
c G o d s
the belief in many gods
Enki - the god of rainEnki - the god of rain
Marduk - principal god of BabylonMarduk - principal god of Babylon
Ashur - god of the AssyrianAshur - god of the Assyrian
Gula (in Sumerian) or ShamashGula (in Sumerian) or Shamash
(in Akkadian) - sun god and god(in Akkadian) - sun god and god
of justiceof justice
Ishtar - goddess of warIshtar - goddess of war
Ereshkigal- goddess of theEreshkigal- goddess of the
Nabu- god of writingNabu- god of writing
Ninurta- Sumerian god of war andNinurta- Sumerian god of war and
god of heroesgod of heroes
I邸kur- god of stormsI邸kur- god of storms
Pazuzu - an evil god who broughtPazuzu - an evil god who brought
diseases which had no known curediseases which had no known cure
19. Worshiped many gods.
Believed gods controlled
every aspect of life.
Saw afterlife as a grim
place. Everybody would go
into darkness and eat dust.
To keep the gods happy,
each city built a
ziggurat, or pyramid
Each state had distinct
social hierarchy, or
system of ranks.
Most people were peasant
Women had legal rights;
some engaged in trade
and owned property.
City-states with hereditary
Ruler led army in war and
enforced laws.
Complex government with
scribes to collect taxes
and keep records.
20. T h e
C u n e if o r m
M e s o p o t a m ia n
T r a d e
21. C u n e if o r m : W e d g e -
S h a p e d W r it in gThe Sumerians used a system of record-
keeping that used baked clay
These tablets are invaluable record of history
of the Sumerian and of later peoples of
24. Schools were established:
Only few people (particularly the boys) were
trained to write cuneiform
They were sons of upper-class professionals
(priest, temple and palce officials, army
officers, sea captains and other scribes)
The students who learned the art could work
as scribes for the temple, the royal court or
wealthy merchants
25. S u m e r ia n S c r ib e s
T a b le t
H o u s e
26. Sumer falls to conquerors
They did not form a strong and unified government
War between city-states
Sargon the Great was the ruler of the kingdom of
Akkad who invaded the city-states
He established the worlds first empire
His empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to the
Mediterranean Sea
The empire lasted for only about 100 years
27. T h e A n c ie n t F e r t ile
C r e s c e n t A r e a
T h e M id d le E a s t : T h e C r a d le o f
28. Sumer falls to conquerors
Ur was the city-state that was able to regain
power and ruled both Summer and Akkad
Hammurabi was the ruler from Babylonia
who conquered and united the whole
Mesopotamian Peninsula
30. G ilg a m e s h
The Mesopotamians
believed that the dead
descended to a
gloomy underworld
Epic of Gilgamesh
was one of the
earliest literary works.
31. G ilg a m e s h E p ic
T a b le t :
F lo o d S t o r y
32. Z ig g u r a t a t U r
T e m p le
M o u n t
a in o f
t h e
G o d s
43. Mesopotamian Trade System
The two rivers provided a way to ship
The wheel and the sail improved
transportation system
Marketplace were present in Mesopotamian
44. Clay Tablets : History
Discoveries of clay tablets in the Near East shown
trade contracts, lists of rulers, maps, poems,
legends, prayers and laws (not interpreted until the
Henry Rawilson (1840) discovered the key to the
cuneiform writing.
Tree types of writing on a huge cliff, known as the
Behistun rock.
46. Mesopotamia
Ancient region located between the Tigris
and Euphrates Rivers
Forms part of the Fertile Crescent
Occupied by present day Iraq, South-
eastern Turkey and Eastern Syria
47. Sumerian Civilization (4000-2500
Oldest civilization and center of a
sophisticated culture by 3000 BC
People hailed from the mountains of Turkey
Established autonomous city-states ruled
over by a king with absolute powers or
Cuneiform, irrigation, wheel-turned pottery,
wheel-driven carts
48. Akkadian (2750-2590 BC)
Founded by King Sargon, who united the
warring city state of Sumer and built an
empire in the city of Agade (Akkad)
Destroyed by weak leadership, until the
empire is divided into two following attacks
by the Elamites and the Amorites
49. Babylonian (1760 BC)
Founded in 1760 under Hammurabi, the
sixth Amorite king of Syria who defeated
the Elamites and chose Babylon as the
capital of his empire
The city-states of Akkad and Sumer were
united and trade and commerce flourished
in the region
50. Babylonian (1760- 1500BC)
People worshipped the god Marduk
Code of Hammurabi protected the poor
against the abuses of the rich
Attacked by the Hittites two centuries later
and eventually fell to Agum, a Kassite ruler
in the 16th
century BC
51. The Hittites (1600-1200 BC)
Ancient people of Asia Minor and the
Middle East, inhabiting present day
Anatolia in Turkey,
Most important contribution is their use of
iron, becoming the first people to use horse-
drawn cart during wars
52. Phoenicians, Hebrews, Assyrians
and Chaldeans (1200-400BC)
Abraham; King Solomon
Nineveh as capial
King Nebuchadnezzar
King Darius - Persia