Webinar topic: ACL on Linux - Part 2
Presenter: Achmad Mardiansyah, M. Taufik Nurhuda
In this webinar series, we discussed ACL on Linux
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Recording available on Youtube
2. Pro鍖le
Nama : M. Taufik Nurhuda
Pekerjaan : Guru TKJ, IT Support, Mikrotik
Academy Trainer SMK Pelita Pesawaran
Facebook :
LinkedIn :
Website : www.taufiknurhuda.web.id
3. Linux Permissions
Linux 鍖le permissions are simple but 鍖exible
Have three level categories :
Have three permission categories :
source : RH124-8.0
7. Linux ACL Concept
Using Command :
getfacl /directory/listing
setfacl -Rm u/g:groupname/username:rwX /direcotory/listing
8. Studi Case
At the IT Support Company they con鍖gure share directory on
Ownership of /home/WorkShare directory is admin group.
Have operators and admin group members.
In the operators group has a operator1 and operator2 users.
In the admin group has a admin1 and admin2 users.
admin group will have read and write permissions on
/home/WorkShare directory.
operators group will have read and write permissions to. but
operator2 user will have restricted access to read only.
The permission applies to existing and future 鍖les.