Social Media Strategy dell'Acquedotto Del Fiora realizzata per l'esame finale del corso "Internet Studies - Laboratorio di social media management" tenuto dal professor Alberto Marinelli.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang konsep evaluasi pendidikan yang mencakup pengukuran dan penilaian hasil belajar siswa. Evaluasi pendidikan bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan umpan balik untuk perbaikan. Evaluasi dapat dilakukan melalui pengukuran yang bersifat kuantitatif dan penilaian yang bersifat kualitatif.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
Here is the CSR Mix ( Corporate Social Responsibility) framework, which I have designed. There exist a clear relationship between social and financial performance. CSR strategy helps an organization's mission as well as a guide to what the company stands for to its stakeholders, such as employees and consumers.
Talenox Profiles app is created so that you can onboard your employees in the shortest time possible onto Talenox platform with minimal mistakes.
We are constantly improving on this and aiming to cut down the time to onboard further in the future. :)
Talenox is a Human Capital Management platform on the cloud. Manage all your HR processes in one platform and gain access to fully-integrated Profiles, Payroll, and Leave Management apps.
Best of all, weve made the apps so intuitive, you dont have to be a HR professional to use them. Access our website now at or find out more on
This document summarizes the key aspects of vapour compression refrigeration. It discusses how refrigeration works by extracting heat from a substance using an external work input. Vapour compression refrigeration uses a refrigerant in a closed loop system consisting of an evaporator, compressor, condenser and expansion valve. The refrigerant absorbs heat in the evaporator and rejects heat in the condenser, with the compressor raising the refrigerant's pressure and temperature between these components. This creates a temperature difference that drives heat transfer from the evaporator to the condenser. The document outlines the refrigeration cycle and components in more detail. It also discusses coefficient of performance, units of refrigeration, advantages and disadvantages of vapour compression systems.
Today, a surprising number of corporate websites, even those with a contemporary, mobile-friendly design, are not delivering on their main purpose to act as demand generation engines. Given that during most of the buyers journey, potential customers learn about your company without contacting you, its vital to ensure that they find your site and that when they arrive, they quickly reach conversion points that offer compelling calls to action. Getting your digital presence right must be your number one priority your other marketing programs are useless if your website doesnt provide visitors with reasons to become leads. This presentation shows how to get a prescription for driving demand digitally. The author, Ellen Cliggott, is a proven marketing veteran, with over 15 years of experience developing communications programs in fast-paced environments with tight budgets. Shes been in the trenches for the digital revolution and been hands-on in developing a programmatic, analytical approach to turning websites and social media platforms into demand gen engines. Connect with Ellen at and @ellencliggott.
1. The document discusses plans for a music video to accompany the song "The Mother We Share" by Chvrches. It outlines how different scenes will incorporate either a narrative/storytelling element or a performance/lip-syncing element to match the lyrics.
2. Scenes in the first verse and chorus will show the actress looking through pictures of an ex and remembering their relationship through flashbacks to establish the narrative.
3. Later scenes will show the relationship deteriorating as the boyfriend cheats, culminating in the actress discovering the truth in the third verse and seeking revenge in the final chorus. Both narrative and performance elements will be used to convey the emotions of the story.
Little Italy is a neighborhood on Chicago's Near West Side that was historically populated by Italian immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries. It has a current population of 97,085 people from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The neighborhood's Italian heritage is still evident through restaurants along Taylor Street that serve Italian cuisine. Italians first began arriving in small numbers in the 1850s, and by 1930 over 73,000 Italian immigrants lived in Chicago, many settling in Little Italy. Following World War II, urban renewal displaced over 5,000 residents as hundreds of businesses and homes were demolished to build the University of Illinois at Chicago campus.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily design presentations.
Este documento presenta un resumen del reconocimiento de diferentes dispositivos de computo como monitores, discos duros, memorias RAM, impresoras, teclados, mouse, estabilizadores UPS y equipos de computo todo en uno de marcas como Lenovo, HP y Dell. Describe las caracter鱈sticas t辿cnicas de cada dispositivo e incluye informaci坦n de contacto de las empresas distribuidoras. El autor concluye que ampli坦 su conocimiento de estos dispositivos que ayudan al funcionamiento del computador y podr叩 implementarlo en su vida diaria
The student learned several things from receiving audience feedback on their fashion magazine:
1) The feedback was very helpful for improving both the positive and negative aspects of their work.
2) The feedback helped the student feel more confident in the outlook and approach of their magazine.
3) Gaining audience perspectives from different age groups confirmed that the student successfully targeted and appealed to their intended diverse female audience.
Dokumen ini memberikan panduan pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) bagi guru. RPP harus dikembangkan sesuai dengan standar proses, komponen kurikulum 2013, dan mekanisme pengembangan yang meliputi acuan, format, model pembelajaran, dan penilaian. Tujuannya adalah memfasilitasi guru dalam menyusun RPP secara mandiri atau kelompok sesuai pedoman yang ditetapkan.
"Parla con Noi" - Realizzazione di un format televisivoFlavia Zunino
Rivedendo la mission e la vision del noto format televisivo "Parla con me" abbiamo creato un nuovo prodotto pi湛 giovanile e dinamico, pensato per la ri-targetizzare Rai3.
Questo project work 竪 stato realizzato per il corso universitario della laurea magistrale in Media e Comunicazione Digitale dell'universit La Sapienza tenuto dalla professoressa Gavrila.
The document discusses Jesus' teachings about using one's life to shine light for others like a lamp. It references passages where Jesus says once a lamp is lit, it is meant to shine without hindrance for all to see on a lampstand or hilltop, not be hidden. It also mentions not placing a lit lamp under a bed or jar so that its light cannot escape and be useful. The purpose is to illustrate that one's life should bring light to the world through good works instead of being concealed.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
1. The document discusses plans for a music video to accompany the song "The Mother We Share" by Chvrches. It outlines how different scenes will incorporate either a narrative/storytelling element or a performance/lip-syncing element to match the lyrics.
2. Scenes in the first verse and chorus will show the actress looking through pictures of an ex and remembering their relationship through flashbacks to establish the narrative.
3. Later scenes will show the relationship deteriorating as the boyfriend cheats, culminating in the actress discovering the truth in the third verse and seeking revenge in the final chorus. Both narrative and performance elements will be used to convey the emotions of the story.
Little Italy is a neighborhood on Chicago's Near West Side that was historically populated by Italian immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries. It has a current population of 97,085 people from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The neighborhood's Italian heritage is still evident through restaurants along Taylor Street that serve Italian cuisine. Italians first began arriving in small numbers in the 1850s, and by 1930 over 73,000 Italian immigrants lived in Chicago, many settling in Little Italy. Following World War II, urban renewal displaced over 5,000 residents as hundreds of businesses and homes were demolished to build the University of Illinois at Chicago campus.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily design presentations.
Este documento presenta un resumen del reconocimiento de diferentes dispositivos de computo como monitores, discos duros, memorias RAM, impresoras, teclados, mouse, estabilizadores UPS y equipos de computo todo en uno de marcas como Lenovo, HP y Dell. Describe las caracter鱈sticas t辿cnicas de cada dispositivo e incluye informaci坦n de contacto de las empresas distribuidoras. El autor concluye que ampli坦 su conocimiento de estos dispositivos que ayudan al funcionamiento del computador y podr叩 implementarlo en su vida diaria
The student learned several things from receiving audience feedback on their fashion magazine:
1) The feedback was very helpful for improving both the positive and negative aspects of their work.
2) The feedback helped the student feel more confident in the outlook and approach of their magazine.
3) Gaining audience perspectives from different age groups confirmed that the student successfully targeted and appealed to their intended diverse female audience.
Dokumen ini memberikan panduan pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) bagi guru. RPP harus dikembangkan sesuai dengan standar proses, komponen kurikulum 2013, dan mekanisme pengembangan yang meliputi acuan, format, model pembelajaran, dan penilaian. Tujuannya adalah memfasilitasi guru dalam menyusun RPP secara mandiri atau kelompok sesuai pedoman yang ditetapkan.
"Parla con Noi" - Realizzazione di un format televisivoFlavia Zunino
Rivedendo la mission e la vision del noto format televisivo "Parla con me" abbiamo creato un nuovo prodotto pi湛 giovanile e dinamico, pensato per la ri-targetizzare Rai3.
Questo project work 竪 stato realizzato per il corso universitario della laurea magistrale in Media e Comunicazione Digitale dell'universit La Sapienza tenuto dalla professoressa Gavrila.
The document discusses Jesus' teachings about using one's life to shine light for others like a lamp. It references passages where Jesus says once a lamp is lit, it is meant to shine without hindrance for all to see on a lampstand or hilltop, not be hidden. It also mentions not placing a lit lamp under a bed or jar so that its light cannot escape and be useful. The purpose is to illustrate that one's life should bring light to the world through good works instead of being concealed.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.