We asked 40 students at Manshead School to fill out a questionaire on the subject of bullying, and also the organisation 'Beatbullying.org'. This presentation shows the results of our questionnaire.
IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance (Portugu棚s)Felipe Freire
IBM Mobile Quality Assurance provides a continuous delivery approach for high quality mobile apps. It uses in-app feedback, crash reporting, sentiment analysis and over-the-air app builds to reduce the time for developers to get feedback and improve apps. This helps businesses address quality issues proactively and keep users engaged with their mobile experiences.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a de aprendizaje sobre dispositivos de red como conmutadores y concentradores. Explica conceptos clave como VLAN y el modelo OSI. Incluye actividades pr叩cticas de simulaci坦n y configuraci坦n de estos dispositivos usando herramientas como Packet Tracer. El objetivo es que los aprendices adquieran conocimientos sobre c坦mo funcionan y se configuran estos dispositivos de red de acuerdo con est叩ndares internacionales.
Este documento describe los diferentes bloques que componen una consulta en encuestas, incluyendo el t鱈tulo, texto introductorio, opciones de respuesta con l鱈mites num辿ricos, y la capacidad de restringir el per鱈odo de respuesta. Explica que una vez creada la consulta aparecer叩 un icono de interrogaci坦n junto al t鱈tulo para identificarla.
Lars Bj淡rnshauge presented findings from the PASTEUR4OA project on open access policies around the world. The project analyzed 663 open access policies, with most being from institutions in Europe and funders in North America. Strong mandatory policies that require deposit and prohibit waivers see higher levels of open access materials deposited than non-mandatory policies. However, overall deposit rates of published articles are low, around 15% for full text. Certain policy criteria like requiring deposit and prohibiting waivers correlate with higher deposit rates and shorter deposit times. While progress has been made in policy adoption, more work is needed to increase compliance and transition to open access publishing.
Manual en espa単ol del software SMART Notebook, v.9. para los a炭n usuarios de esta versi坦n.
Pizarra Digital SMART - Manual Software Notebook 9.
Recomendamos actualizar tu PDI y tu sistema a las 炭ltimas versiones
The document provides instructions for using Microsoft Word and Excel to create and analyze a questionnaire. In Word, it describes how to format questions with numbering and response boxes. In Excel, it outlines how to transfer questionnaire results, select data to create a pie chart, generate the pie chart, and include it in a presentation with the question. The instructions are intended to guide someone through the basic software tools and steps to develop, distribute, and visualize the results of a market research questionnaire.
Construction,operation and maintenance of trickling filter2Shivamsanoo
The document discusses the construction, operation, and maintenance of trickling filters. It describes the technology, materials, and analysis used in construction. It explains the biology of bacteria and microorganisms involved in operation. Maintenance requires periodic washing to prevent clogging and monitoring by a skilled operator. Designs can include one-stage or two-stage filters. Advantages include high nitrification and good dependability, while disadvantages include head loss and high costs.
El mu単eco de nieve visita a los ni単os y les dice que saldr叩 si adivinan el color de su gorro. Les da pistas utilizando las primeras letras de los nombres de varios ni単os para revelar que el color del gorro es verde. El mu単eco de nieve les anuncia que ma単ana vendr叩 el soldado de plomo con otro acertijo y les pide que vengan con una banda del color que quieran, como la que lleva el soldado de plomo.
We asked 40 students at Manshead School to fill out a questionaire on the subject of bullying, and also the organisation 'Beatbullying.org'. This presentation shows the results of our questionnaire.
IBM MobileFirst Quality Assurance (Portugu棚s)Felipe Freire
IBM Mobile Quality Assurance provides a continuous delivery approach for high quality mobile apps. It uses in-app feedback, crash reporting, sentiment analysis and over-the-air app builds to reduce the time for developers to get feedback and improve apps. This helps businesses address quality issues proactively and keep users engaged with their mobile experiences.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a de aprendizaje sobre dispositivos de red como conmutadores y concentradores. Explica conceptos clave como VLAN y el modelo OSI. Incluye actividades pr叩cticas de simulaci坦n y configuraci坦n de estos dispositivos usando herramientas como Packet Tracer. El objetivo es que los aprendices adquieran conocimientos sobre c坦mo funcionan y se configuran estos dispositivos de red de acuerdo con est叩ndares internacionales.
Este documento describe los diferentes bloques que componen una consulta en encuestas, incluyendo el t鱈tulo, texto introductorio, opciones de respuesta con l鱈mites num辿ricos, y la capacidad de restringir el per鱈odo de respuesta. Explica que una vez creada la consulta aparecer叩 un icono de interrogaci坦n junto al t鱈tulo para identificarla.
Lars Bj淡rnshauge presented findings from the PASTEUR4OA project on open access policies around the world. The project analyzed 663 open access policies, with most being from institutions in Europe and funders in North America. Strong mandatory policies that require deposit and prohibit waivers see higher levels of open access materials deposited than non-mandatory policies. However, overall deposit rates of published articles are low, around 15% for full text. Certain policy criteria like requiring deposit and prohibiting waivers correlate with higher deposit rates and shorter deposit times. While progress has been made in policy adoption, more work is needed to increase compliance and transition to open access publishing.
Manual en espa単ol del software SMART Notebook, v.9. para los a炭n usuarios de esta versi坦n.
Pizarra Digital SMART - Manual Software Notebook 9.
Recomendamos actualizar tu PDI y tu sistema a las 炭ltimas versiones
The document provides instructions for using Microsoft Word and Excel to create and analyze a questionnaire. In Word, it describes how to format questions with numbering and response boxes. In Excel, it outlines how to transfer questionnaire results, select data to create a pie chart, generate the pie chart, and include it in a presentation with the question. The instructions are intended to guide someone through the basic software tools and steps to develop, distribute, and visualize the results of a market research questionnaire.
Construction,operation and maintenance of trickling filter2Shivamsanoo
The document discusses the construction, operation, and maintenance of trickling filters. It describes the technology, materials, and analysis used in construction. It explains the biology of bacteria and microorganisms involved in operation. Maintenance requires periodic washing to prevent clogging and monitoring by a skilled operator. Designs can include one-stage or two-stage filters. Advantages include high nitrification and good dependability, while disadvantages include head loss and high costs.
El mu単eco de nieve visita a los ni単os y les dice que saldr叩 si adivinan el color de su gorro. Les da pistas utilizando las primeras letras de los nombres de varios ni単os para revelar que el color del gorro es verde. El mu単eco de nieve les anuncia que ma単ana vendr叩 el soldado de plomo con otro acertijo y les pide que vengan con una banda del color que quieran, como la que lleva el soldado de plomo.
El 8 de mar巽 辿s el Dia Internacional de la Dona Treballadora. Aquesta tradici坦 comen巽a al segle XX ( vint). El 1908, un grup de dones treballadores de Nova York va fer una vaga per demanar millors condicions laborals i el dret a vot. El 1910, a una confer竪ncia a Copenhaguen (Dinamarca), dones de molts pa誰sos van decidir celebrar un dia per reivindicar la igualtat. El 1917, dones de R炭ssia van organitzar una manifestaci坦 per la pau i la just鱈cia. Avui, el 8 de mar巽 hi ha manifestacions, debats i homenatges a tot el m坦n per recordar la lluita de les dones per la just鱈cia social.