This document outlines an action research study involving music students at a school. The study will examine instructional strategies and teaching methodologies to improve the musical sight-reading skills of beginning band and piano students between January 6 and May 25, 2010. The goal is to identify effective practices that are aligned with state standards and best teaching practices.
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Action research part iii
A. WHO: Participants in this study include students enrolled in second semester
courses in Beginning Band and Beginning Piano Tech I taught by
Robert L. Bryant, Jr., a veteran music educator concluding his thirty-
second year of service in the teaching profession.
B. WHAT: This study is targeted toward the identification of instructional strategies
companioned with teaching methodologies that support and sustain
continuous improvement in the development of the musical skill of
sight-reading that is pedagogically sound and correlated with Georgia
Department of Education QCCs/GPS in the music education
curriculum and APSs twenty-six best teaching practices.
C. WHEN: The timeframe for this study is parallel to and correlated to the second
semester of instruction January 6, 2010 through May 25, 2010.