This document outlines the sections and requirements for an action research review project focusing on improving music students' sightreading skills through instruction. The document includes sections for stating the problem, aim, describing the domain of who, what and when for around 4 sentences, methods for collecting data such as observations and pre/post-tests, results and findings, analysis using graphs or rubrics, discussion, and a conclusion with recommendations.
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Action research review april 17
1. ACTION RESEARCH REVIEW April 17, 2010 FINAL DUE: May 8, 2010
I. Statement of the Problem(Improvement of Sightreading through Instruction)
II. Aim(One Sentence)
III. Domain: Who,What, When(+/- 4 sentences)
IV. Method (Plan to collect data/focus,observation,survey,video,pre/post- test,counting)
V. Results/Findings
VI. Analysis(graphs,charts,rubrics,figures)
VII. Discussion
VIII. Conclusion/Recommendation(Now What?)