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Action Spectrum
portfolio development across the control,
        guide, and nurture realms

                               by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Action Spectrum

 Control   Guide   Nurture

                    by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Control                                       Control

 Closed, simple systems and predictable consequences.

 Mechanistic. Reductionism works.

 Short timeframes and quick feedback loops.

 Most organizations focus attention:

   place boundaries

   claim ownership

   set clear expectations

                                              by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Examples                        Control

 Flip a light switch. Light turns on.
 Record image and sound with a video
 Turn key in car, ignites engine. Engine

                                 by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Process                                       Control

 Action triggers result, possibly through a series of
 cascading actions.

 If the result does not happen, troubleshoot elements of the
 closed and known system.

 Improvement comes from increased efficiency.

                                               by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Metrics                                     Control

 Measurable, Countable

 Clear relation of input to output

 Dependable and predictable


 Examples: # of parts or products, amount of money, or
 length of video, rate of production.

                                             by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
京艶稼艶鍖t壊                                Control

 Excellence of what is known.

 Known and clear agent or authority.

 Predictable outcomes.

 Easily measurable results.

                                       by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Risks                                         Control


 Brittle, non-learning

 Tendency to stay small scale.
 Effort needed to control grows exponentially with linear
 growth of size and required adaptability. Which, quite often,
 grinds you to a halt.

                                               by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Guide                                             Guide

 Complicated or even complex systems.

 Interpersonal dynamics. Attribution shared.

 Most organizations focus attention:

   incentives and bonuses for employees to cooperate

   legal agreements

                                               by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Examples                                  Guide

 Team designs product.

 Directing the creation of a video.

 Creating agreements with suppliers.

                                       by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Process                                          Guide

 Action success depends partly on interpersonal dynamics.

 If the result does not happen, leverage in鍖uence or increase
 buy-in of parties.

 Effectiveness comes from process improvement and better
 human dynamics.

                                              by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Metrics                                         Guide

 Milestone or goal achieved.

 May be sortable or rate-able.

 May be unclear what inputs were necessary to achieve

 May be non-zero sum

 Examples: number of takes in shooting 鍖lm, rating of
 quality in the product, sales numbers.

                                             by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
京艶稼艶鍖t壊                                             Guide

Share responsibility and access shared knowledge.

Flexible, more resilient than control space.

Shared attribution.
(sharing attribution with you doesnt decrease my credit! Non-
zero-sum dynamics.)

Guessable outcomes (not 100% predictable though).

A key issue in service companies, managers often resort to
proscribing behavior, then things collapse.
When guiding by shared values and principles, the system
becomes self-managing.

                                                by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Risks                                            Guide

Dependency on others.

Requires interpersonal skills
(non-rational environment).

Challenging metrics and more complicated feedback loops.

                                              by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Nurture                                       Nurture

 Complex adaptive systems. Probability instead of causality.

 Organic learning. Attribution distributed.

 Long, if not in鍖nite, timeframes with webbed feedback
 loops. Warning: power laws live here.

 Most organizations focus attention:

   interactions that invite and incentivize

   encouraging innovation and creativity

                                              by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Examples                               Nurture

 Sharing this presentation with you.

 Share video through social media.

 Most advertising.

                                       by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Process                                       Nurture

 Same action can produce a wide variety of results.

 Plant seeds and see what grows fruit. Expect most to fail.

 Improvement unpredictable. Iterate and watch for patterns.

                                               by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Metrics                                       Nurture

 Sampling of outcomes (full measure unknown).

 Complex and often multi-layered metrics pointing toward
 intended outcome but are rarely the outcome itself.

 Challenging to predict. Wide variations.

 Examples: eyeball or viewer count within time period, story
 attributing credit, change or deviation from previous

                                              by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Potential                                Nurture

Resilient, at times even anti-fragile.

Power laws.

Large scale collective impact.

                                         by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Risks                                          Nurture

Dependency on networks and others beyond in鍖uence.

Diffuse authority and difficult attribution.

Unpredictable timeframes.


                                               by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Action Spectrum

 Control   Guide   Nurture

                    by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Action Portfolio

Every organization has actions
within each realm.
Set expectations for each area
Metrics different for each.

                        by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
Corporate Example
   makes tshirt in a factory
   metrics: # of shirts produced/hour

   designs new tshirt using a creative team
   metrics: # of hours spent designing, employee turnover, comparitive shirt

   invites shirt buyers to upload photos of themselves wearing shirt
   metrics: # of sales, # of views to invitation, # of uploads

                                                                 by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  feed homeless at a shelter
  metrics: # of meals served

  education program to rehabilitate homeless
  metrics: # of homeless who graduate within time limit, # of homeless with
  jobs within time limit

  campaign to prevent homelessness
  metrics: # of high risk individuals touched by program, story from at-risk
  youth attributing program with prevention, change in rate of homelessness
  (quali鍖ed by other potential factors in rate change)

                                                          by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net

More Related Content

Action Spectrum

  • 1. Action Spectrum portfolio development across the control, guide, and nurture realms by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 2. Action Spectrum Control Guide Nurture by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 3. Control Control Closed, simple systems and predictable consequences. Mechanistic. Reductionism works. Short timeframes and quick feedback loops. Most organizations focus attention: place boundaries claim ownership set clear expectations by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 4. Examples Control Flip a light switch. Light turns on. Record image and sound with a video camera. Turn key in car, ignites engine. Engine runs. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 5. Process Control Action triggers result, possibly through a series of cascading actions. If the result does not happen, troubleshoot elements of the closed and known system. Improvement comes from increased efficiency. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 6. Metrics Control Measurable, Countable Clear relation of input to output Dependable and predictable Zero-Sum Examples: # of parts or products, amount of money, or length of video, rate of production. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 7. 京艶稼艶鍖t壊 Control Excellence of what is known. Known and clear agent or authority. Predictable outcomes. Easily measurable results. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 8. Risks Control Monoculture Brittle, non-learning Tendency to stay small scale. Effort needed to control grows exponentially with linear growth of size and required adaptability. Which, quite often, grinds you to a halt. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 9. Guide Guide Complicated or even complex systems. Interpersonal dynamics. Attribution shared. Most organizations focus attention: incentives and bonuses for employees to cooperate legal agreements by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 10. Examples Guide Team designs product. Directing the creation of a video. Creating agreements with suppliers. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 11. Process Guide Action success depends partly on interpersonal dynamics. If the result does not happen, leverage in鍖uence or increase buy-in of parties. Effectiveness comes from process improvement and better human dynamics. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 12. Metrics Guide Milestone or goal achieved. May be sortable or rate-able. May be unclear what inputs were necessary to achieve outcome. May be non-zero sum Examples: number of takes in shooting 鍖lm, rating of quality in the product, sales numbers. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 13. 京艶稼艶鍖t壊 Guide Share responsibility and access shared knowledge. Flexible, more resilient than control space. Shared attribution. (sharing attribution with you doesnt decrease my credit! Non- zero-sum dynamics.) Guessable outcomes (not 100% predictable though). A key issue in service companies, managers often resort to proscribing behavior, then things collapse. When guiding by shared values and principles, the system becomes self-managing. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 14. Risks Guide Dependency on others. Requires interpersonal skills (non-rational environment). Challenging metrics and more complicated feedback loops. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 15. Nurture Nurture Complex adaptive systems. Probability instead of causality. Organic learning. Attribution distributed. Long, if not in鍖nite, timeframes with webbed feedback loops. Warning: power laws live here. Most organizations focus attention: interactions that invite and incentivize encouraging innovation and creativity by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 16. Examples Nurture Sharing this presentation with you. Share video through social media. Most advertising. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 17. Process Nurture Same action can produce a wide variety of results. Plant seeds and see what grows fruit. Expect most to fail. Iterate. Improvement unpredictable. Iterate and watch for patterns. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 18. Metrics Nurture Sampling of outcomes (full measure unknown). Complex and often multi-layered metrics pointing toward intended outcome but are rarely the outcome itself. Challenging to predict. Wide variations. Examples: eyeball or viewer count within time period, story attributing credit, change or deviation from previous measure. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 19. Potential Nurture 京艶稼艶鍖t壊 Agile. Resilient, at times even anti-fragile. Power laws. Large scale collective impact. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 20. Risks Nurture Dependency on networks and others beyond in鍖uence. Diffuse authority and difficult attribution. Unpredictable timeframes. Uncertainty. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 21. Action Spectrum Control Guide Nurture by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 22. Action Portfolio Every organization has actions within each realm. Set expectations for each area appropriately. Metrics different for each. by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 23. Corporate Example Control makes tshirt in a factory metrics: # of shirts produced/hour Guide designs new tshirt using a creative team metrics: # of hours spent designing, employee turnover, comparitive shirt sales Nurture invites shirt buyers to upload photos of themselves wearing shirt metrics: # of sales, # of views to invitation, # of uploads by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net
  • 24. Philanthropy Example Control feed homeless at a shelter metrics: # of meals served Guide education program to rehabilitate homeless metrics: # of homeless who graduate within time limit, # of homeless with jobs within time limit Nurture campaign to prevent homelessness metrics: # of high risk individuals touched by program, story from at-risk youth attributing program with prevention, change in rate of homelessness (quali鍖ed by other potential factors in rate change) by Jean Russell at Thrivable.net

Editor's Notes