Active Path Solutions (APS) is a patented software that provides an integrated collaborative environment for sharing information across departments. It combines knowledge management with best practices to streamline customer-focused processes. APS offers a single interface to access structured content from multiple applications and databases, improving collaboration and allowing organizations to access comprehensive customer information to enhance customer service while reducing costs.
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Active Path Solutions Collaborative Content Management
2. Active Path Solutions An integrated working environment for cross-functional collaboration providing a set of tools and techniques to streamline information intensive processes for user with different skills and expertise
4. APS Overview A state-of-the-art patented software solution supporting enterprise community: By combining efficient storage and utilization of knowledge with best practices and guidelines, foster communication, collaboration and teamwork within the enterprise to significantly lower the cost while increasing the quality of customer care delivery process Provide a seamless collaborative environment between Sales, Marketing, R&D, Customer Support, Finance, and Billing to for faster and better response to customers Enable workflow process definition and rapid prototyping based on standards and best practices which would result in more efficiencies and lower costs Ability to rapidly customize to clients needs As the glue connecting various applications, software and hardware platforms for: Integration of multi-discipline information where needed Keep up and track the latest customer related information Without additional capital investment
5. Building Customer Delivery Process Architecture Promote Strategic Business Goals & Objectives APS Solutions Improved collaboration for timely access to comprehensive customer information APS Operation Solutions & SD - foundation to Improve customer care delivery process APS SD Enabling efficient cross-functional Collaboration APS SD The Information Repository Builder, Digital Library Training materials Operations Review Package Product Documentation Process Models Operations Procedures Training Sales and Marketing Collaterals Standards and Best Practices Templates for Operations review Work flows Documentation (image, text, audio) Organization Specific Policies/Standards/ Templates Existing, improved, and new processes Tools classification, metadata tagging Authoring Capturing content and or contributions Collaboration Tools revision, security, tracking Repository Web access, publishing Flexible structure model, template definition, archiving, search Marketing/ PM Product Development QA Sales Customer Support Process definitions Training materials
7. APS for Cross Functional Collaboration Customer Sales Support Other Organizations Enterprise Marketing QA Sales Communication Collaboration Teamwork Users need a quick, easy and secure way to document, organize, classify, categorize, share, and track information
8. APS The Interface to Multiple Applications, and Databases Customer QA Sales R&D Customer Care Delivery Process Design Multiple information resources, data and records Seamless integration of : Existing third-party vendor applications Diversified knowledge basis No additional capital expenditure required
9. How APS Does it? Producing a structure to represent data and information so that complex relationships may be visualized Developing methods for acquisition and presentation of data Managing change among people, process, and information technology so that the use of information is optimized Integrating information from diverse sources to provide more than the sum of the parts, and integrating information into work processes so that it can be acted on when it can have the largest effect.
10. Object Oriented, Client-Server Application Domain Application Access Process Share Information INFO DATA KNOWLEDGE storing distributing organizing Server Application Tools KNOWLEDGE Desktop OS Network OS Docs Structured Object Repositories Workflow Video Images Screens Links Concept Maps Interactive Glossary Process
11. Content Model-Dynamic Knowledge Objects Knowledge Component A Unit Reusable Knowledge Object Information Objects Functional requirements, Bid, Pricing, etc. Test plan, design document, customer brochure, etc. Comprehensive Customer File, Audit information, contracts, proposals, etc. Knowledge as objects: entities with properties and values objects within a class superclasses and subclasses database, OLE/CORBA, etc Customer/industry requirements/information - Text, Image, audio/video
12. APS Summary A simple tool for cross-functional collaboration of business workgroups. Object-oriented, adding structure to content: customization & reuse One screen easy to use interface for search, utilization, and processing of information in a multi-discipline, multi-layer application environment Enabling efficiency and productivity
Editor's Notes
#11: Our infrastructure consists of a knowledge network system and our product is an integrated, modularized software interface that lets users create and share knowledge by connecting everything to everything, everyone to everyone, and managing the resultant intersections and connections. 油 This is not a simple set of point-to-point connections.油 It is a complex, interwoven set of dynamic and adaptive relationships that are constantly evolving, growing, and changing.油 In this process knowledge is created, shared and distributed. Tools transform information into knowledge
#12: Conceptualizing online material as "objects" is a crucial principle of a our architecture. Knowledge objects are entities with properties and values; objects can be within a class, a superclasses and subclasses. An object can be any type of material , such as paragraph, an entire module, a still image, a video clip, or an interactive animation. An object is collected or developed by our authoring tool and may be used in any educational context. This confers tremendous flexibility; by treating these resources as independent, stand alone entities, one is free to associate and reuse objects in a number of different ways. Size Matters: size matters. smaller is better油I have had a long standing vision for an equivalent of LEGO blocks in the world of learning content and information. I won't belabor the vision, but an epiphany I had with my own kids as they played with LEGO blocks led to my vision of having their equivalent characteristics of reusability, construct/deconstruct, making new assemblies with no new creation of content or blocks, catering to all learning styles, etc. Primary of the ways this occurs is through the absolute adherence to the LEGO standard of their pin size which largely makes this all possible. Wayne Hodgins, Director of Worldwide Learning Strategies, Autodesk