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Research Scholar
1. Problem Statement
2. Introduction
3. Motivation of mHealth Applications
4. Literature Review on Related Work
5. Objectives of the Proposed Research
6. Research Methodology
7. Research Plane with Time Schedule
8. Work Under Progress
9. Conclusion
10. References
various human physical activities
data science approach.
Mobile smart devices are becoming increasingly sophisticated. The latest generation of smart
cell phones now incorporates many diverse and powerful smart sensors
Friday, August 12, 2016
 GPS (Geographical position system ) sensor
 Magnetometer sensor
 Gyro meter sensor
 light sensor
 Temperature sensor
 Direction sensor
 Orientation sensor
the latest wearable sensors called mobile health (mHealth)
sensors for health related activities measurements and basic
vital sign of human. Deployment of these diverse mHealth
sensors at different spatial locations on human body sets up
human activity environment where different human activities
recorded and measured can be used for Human Activity
Recognition (HAR) for all basic function of human
WHAT IS mHealth..?
 mHealth is the use of mobile and wireless
technologies, such as mobile phones, patient
monitoring devices, personal digital assistants,
and mobile software applications (apps),to
support the achievement of health objectives
 The adoption of mHealth seeks to take
advantage of the explosion in mobile devices
available worldwide
Friday, August 12, 2016
mHealth Applications and Benefits
The United Nations has identified seven application categories within the mHealth field, including:
 Remote monitoring
 Remote data collection
 Education and awareness
 Diagnostic and treatment support
 Disease and epidemic outbreak tracking
Benefits include the ability to:
 Access healthcare information.
 Diagnose & track disease.
 Gather actionable public information.
 Deliver medical education & training
What is physical activity?
Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy.
 Climbing Stairs,
 Front elevation of arm
 Jogging, jump front andBack
 Knee bending
 Lying down
 Running, Sitting & relaxing
 Standing still
 Waist bend forward,
Activity recognition in health field
Physical activity is important for everyone, but how much you need
depends on your age.
Friday, August 12, 2016
 Most of the 60 minutes should be either
moderate- or Vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity,
 Should include vigorous-intensity physical activity at least
3 days a week.
 Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes
 There is not a specific recommendation for the number of
minutes young children should be active each day.
 Children ages 2-5 years should play actively several times
each day.
 Their activity may happen in short bursts of time and not
be all at once.
 Physical activities for young children should be
developmentally appropriate, fun, and offer variety
Friday, August 12, 2016
4. LITERATURE REVIEW on Related Work
Article Key concept Limitations
Kwapiz et al [2011] Sensor data mining, activity
recognition Cell phone,
Activity Recognition using cell phone
Bingchuan et al
ADLs, Smartphone, Wearable
Wireless Sensor, Machine Learning,
Cloud Infrastructure, Unsupervised
Learning, Real-time Activity
Smartphone-based Activity Recognition Using
Hybrid Classifier
Utilizing Cloud Infrastructure For Data Analysis.
Torres-Huitzil [2015] Human activity recognition,
accelerometer, smart phone,
mHealth, time domain features
Wireless device used support mHealth services
Vincent S Tseng et
al [2008]
Data mining, Electrocardiogram
analysis, Patient monitoring system,
Vital sign analysis
Vital Sign Data Mining System for Chronic Patient
Friday, August 12, 2016
Human Activity Recognition based on
Mobile Sensor Data Sets
Relevant classification methods implemented for Human Activity recognition for Mobile health
Monitoring System
Kwapisz, Jennifer R., Gary M. Weiss, and Samuel A. Moore.(2011) "Activity
recognition using cell phone accelerometers." ACM SigKDD Explorations
Newsletter 12, .2, pp.74-82.
Algorithms Accuracy(%)
Walking 89.9 91.6 93.6 37.2
Jogging 96.5 98.0 98.0 29.2
Upstairs 59.3 61.5 27.5 12.2
Down stairs 55.5 44.3 12.3 10.0
sitting 95.7 92.95.0 92.2 6.4
Standing 93.3 91.9 87.0 5.0
Overall 85.1 91.7 78.1 37.2
Friday, August 12, 2016
Relevant classification methods implemented for Human Activity recognition for Mobile health
Monitoring System
Bingchuan., Herbert, J., & Emamian, Y. (2014). Smartphone-based activity recognition using hybrid classifier. In Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2014)
Overall Model accuracy for Female user
Bayes Network Decision Tree K-NN Neural Network
1st 84.45 68.37 72.35 95.97
2nd 89.67 79.51 79.51 96.54
3rd 95.48 96.61 82.84 88.43
Overall Model accuracy for the Male and Female user
1st 84.38 90.74 91.23 87.83
2nd 92.57 93.02 94.14 90.69
3rd 92.93 94.77 94.41 91.86
Relevant classification methods implemented for Human Activity recognition for Mobile health
Monitoring System
3 Torres-Huitzil et al,(2015) "Accelerometer-Based Human Activity Recognition in Smartphones for
Healthcare Services." Mobile Health. Springer International Publishing, pp.147-169.
Activity NB K-NN SVM
Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall
Static 100 99.36 100 99.36 100 99.36
Running 100 100 100 100 100 100
Walking 91.03 85.71 79.27 84.42 91.00 59.09
UP-stairs 80.98 88.69 78.07 86.90 57.30 93.45
Down stairs 82.28 79.27 79.41 65.85 57.52 39.63
Average 90.85 90.60 87.35 87.30 81.16 78.30
EGCG Signal Data Analaysis
Friday, August 12, 2016
VincentS Tseng et al(2008), Development of a Vital Sign Data Mining Systemfor Chronic PatientMonitoring,Proceedingsof
International Conference on Complex,Intelligentand SoftwareIntensive Systems,2008. CISIS 2008,4-7 March2008,pp. 649 - 654.
Sl.No Methods Recall
(True Positive)
(False Positive)
1 Na誰ve Bayes Simple 68% 67%
2 Na誰ve Bays 57% 56%
3 libSVM 61% 56%
4 Radial Bias Function 57% 67%
5 Random-Forest Tree 39% 21%
6 J48 32% 26%
7 1-NN classifier 29% 26%
8 Logistic Regression Tree 25% 36%
9 Classification tree 21% 19%
10 Probit-Regression Tree 21% 35%
11 ADTree 18% 25%
12 Random Forest 7% 4%
5. Objectives of the Proposed Research
The following objectives are determined
1. Development of Advanced Data mining classification models for human activities recognition.
2. Clustering models for grouping healthy and unhealthy persons based on their ECG signals.
3. Prediction models for determining the vital signs of persons based on the ECG signals during their activities.
4. Identification of physical human activities based on the mHealth sensor data sets.
5. Determination of basic health heart monitoring activities.
6. Determination of various arrhythmia or looking at the effects of exercise on the ECG values during physical
7. Determination of bodys basic function using ECG
8. Determination of persons vital signs , which are varying with age, weight, gender, and overall health
9. Determination of the pulse rate (Heart Rate), body temperature, respiratory rate and blood pressure of the
normal and abnormal human being.
6. Research Methodology
Friday, August 12, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
 The MHEALTH (Mobile HEALTH) dataset comprises Physical
activities and vital signs
 Recordings for ten volunteers of diverse profile while
performing several physical activities.
 Sensors placed on the subject's chest, right wrist and left
ankle are used to measure the motion experienced by
diverse body parts,
 namely, the acceleration, the rate of turn and the magnetic
field orientation.
 The sensor positioned on the chest also provides 2-lead ECG
measurements, which can be potentially used for basic heart
monitoring, checking for various arrhythmias or looking at
the effects of exercise on the ECG.
Friday, August 12, 2016
7.Research Plane with Time Schedule
Friday, August 12, 2016
Year Sl.
Progress task/per Every six month I Year
II Year
III Year
1-6 7-12 1-6 7-12 1-6 7-12
I 1 Course Work Completion
2 Literature Survey on the proposed research
issue/Data collection/Research Toll Understanding
II 3 Data Model Design/Design and Development of
data processing Model
4 Development of Classification Model or HAR and
comparing with exiting Algorithms and
Evaluation(Model Deployment, Operations
and optimization)
III 5 Development of Predictive Model for Vital Sign
Analysis and their evaluation (Model
Deployment, Operation and Optimization)
6 Publication of Research outcome at National and
International Level journal/conference preceding
7 Preparation of Documentation of work for thesis
Friday, August 12, 2016
8. Work Under Progress
Friday, August 12, 2016
Classification accuracies of various common exiting methods implemented on proposed mHealth Datasets (Banos et al,
2014) proposed for the prediction of vital signals of Human during their activities.
Sl nor Activity J48 N B REP TREE SMO Predictive Data Models
1 Walking 99.90 99.15 99.90 100 - -
2 Jogging 97.23 93.33 97.94 95.46 - -
3 Running 96.19 92.74 91.86 91.33 - -
4 Knees Bending 100 99.86 100 100 - -
5 Lying down 100 100 100 100 - -
6 Jump F & B 93.18 93.18 97.77 91.61 - -
Further study is focused on the investigation of advance data mining algorithms and their evaluation on ECG Lead
data signals of mHealth data sets
Friday, August 12, 2016
The following activities need to predictive Vital sign
Climbing Stair
Friday, August 12, 2016
Running person Heart rate, BP, Temperature,
& respiration rate
Cycling Person HR, BP, Temperature, Respiration
The Vital sign varies, which
are varying with age,
weight, gender, and
different physical activities
Cycling Friday, August 12, 2016
According to mHealth dataset it contains 12 different physical activities and do 12 different vital function of all
12 different physical from mHealth
Running person Heart
rate, BP, Temperature, &
respiration rate
Friday, August 12, 2016
 Aim is to Develop classification methods for human activity recognition
and Vital prediction models.
 Literature survey is done on both human activity classification methods
and vital sign classification.
 Data Science approach is proposed for design , deployment , operation
of the proposed models.
 Primary data sets are obtained from mHealth Sensors.
 Plane of research is proposed.
 Little work carried out on the primary data sets using WEKA Tool.
Friday, August 12, 2016
2. Banos, O., Garcia, R., Holgado, J. A., Damas, M., Pomares, H., Rojas, I., Saez, A., Villalonga,
mHealthDroid: a novel framework for agile development of mobile health applications.
Proceedings of the 6th International Work-conference on Ambient Assisted Living an Active Ageing (IWAAL
2014), Belfast, Northern Ireland, December 2-5, (2014). Data set available at Download mHealth data sets.
http://www .northbridgeasia.com/research_reports.aspx
Friday, August 12, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Your suggestions and comments
Yogesh K M
Friday, August 12, 2016

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Activity recognition in health field

  • 2. 1. Problem Statement 2. Introduction 3. Motivation of mHealth Applications 4. Literature Review on Related Work 5. Objectives of the Proposed Research 6. Research Methodology 7. Research Plane with Time Schedule 8. Work Under Progress 9. Conclusion 10. References
  • 3. vital signs various human physical activities data science approach.
  • 4. Mobile smart devices are becoming increasingly sophisticated. The latest generation of smart cell phones now incorporates many diverse and powerful smart sensors Friday, August 12, 2016 GPS (Geographical position system ) sensor Magnetometer sensor Gyro meter sensor light sensor Temperature sensor Direction sensor Orientation sensor the latest wearable sensors called mobile health (mHealth) sensors for health related activities measurements and basic vital sign of human. Deployment of these diverse mHealth sensors at different spatial locations on human body sets up human activity environment where different human activities recorded and measured can be used for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) for all basic function of human (VITAL SIGN).
  • 5. WHAT IS mHealth..? mHealth is the use of mobile and wireless technologies, such as mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants, and mobile software applications (apps),to support the achievement of health objectives The adoption of mHealth seeks to take advantage of the explosion in mobile devices available worldwide Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 6. mHealth Applications and Benefits The United Nations has identified seven application categories within the mHealth field, including: Remote monitoring Remote data collection Education and awareness Diagnostic and treatment support Disease and epidemic outbreak tracking Helpline Benefits include the ability to: Access healthcare information. Diagnose & track disease. Gather actionable public information. Deliver medical education & training
  • 7. What is physical activity? Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy. Climbing Stairs, Cycling, Front elevation of arm Jogging, jump front andBack Knee bending Lying down Running, Sitting & relaxing Standing still Waist bend forward, Walking.
  • 10. Physical activity is important for everyone, but how much you need depends on your age. ADULTS (18-60 YEARS):
  • 11. Friday, August 12, 2016 2. CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (6-17 YEARS) Most of the 60 minutes should be either moderate- or Vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity, Should include vigorous-intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week. Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes 3. YOUNG CHILDREN (2-5 YEARS) There is not a specific recommendation for the number of minutes young children should be active each day. Children ages 2-5 years should play actively several times each day. Their activity may happen in short bursts of time and not be all at once. Physical activities for young children should be developmentally appropriate, fun, and offer variety
  • 13. 4. LITERATURE REVIEW on Related Work
  • 14. Article Key concept Limitations Kwapiz et al [2011] Sensor data mining, activity recognition Cell phone, accelerometer Activity Recognition using cell phone Accelerometer. Bingchuan et al [2014] ADLs, Smartphone, Wearable Wireless Sensor, Machine Learning, Cloud Infrastructure, Unsupervised Learning, Real-time Activity Recognition Smartphone-based Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Classifier Utilizing Cloud Infrastructure For Data Analysis. Torres-Huitzil [2015] Human activity recognition, accelerometer, smart phone, mHealth, time domain features Wireless device used support mHealth services Vincent S Tseng et al [2008] Data mining, Electrocardiogram analysis, Patient monitoring system, Vital sign analysis Vital Sign Data Mining System for Chronic Patient Monitoring. Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 15. Human Activity Recognition based on Mobile Sensor Data Sets
  • 16. Relevant classification methods implemented for Human Activity recognition for Mobile health Monitoring System Kwapisz, Jennifer R., Gary M. Weiss, and Samuel A. Moore.(2011) "Activity recognition using cell phone accelerometers." ACM SigKDD Explorations Newsletter 12, .2, pp.74-82. Activity Algorithms Accuracy(%) J48 M P L P STRAW MAN Walking 89.9 91.6 93.6 37.2 Jogging 96.5 98.0 98.0 29.2 Upstairs 59.3 61.5 27.5 12.2 Down stairs 55.5 44.3 12.3 10.0 sitting 95.7 92.95.0 92.2 6.4 Standing 93.3 91.9 87.0 5.0 Overall 85.1 91.7 78.1 37.2 Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 17. Relevant classification methods implemented for Human Activity recognition for Mobile health Monitoring System Bingchuan., Herbert, J., & Emamian, Y. (2014). Smartphone-based activity recognition using hybrid classifier. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2014) Activity Overall Model accuracy for Female user Bayes Network Decision Tree K-NN Neural Network FEMALE USER 1st 84.45 68.37 72.35 95.97 2nd 89.67 79.51 79.51 96.54 3rd 95.48 96.61 82.84 88.43 Overall Model accuracy for the Male and Female user 1st 84.38 90.74 91.23 87.83 MALE 2nd 92.57 93.02 94.14 90.69 3rd 92.93 94.77 94.41 91.86
  • 18. Relevant classification methods implemented for Human Activity recognition for Mobile health Monitoring System 3 Torres-Huitzil et al,(2015) "Accelerometer-Based Human Activity Recognition in Smartphones for Healthcare Services." Mobile Health. Springer International Publishing, pp.147-169. Activity NB K-NN SVM Precision Recall Precision Recall Precision Recall Static 100 99.36 100 99.36 100 99.36 Running 100 100 100 100 100 100 Walking 91.03 85.71 79.27 84.42 91.00 59.09 UP-stairs 80.98 88.69 78.07 86.90 57.30 93.45 Down stairs 82.28 79.27 79.41 65.85 57.52 39.63 Average 90.85 90.60 87.35 87.30 81.16 78.30
  • 19. EGCG Signal Data Analaysis
  • 21. VincentS Tseng et al(2008), Development of a Vital Sign Data Mining Systemfor Chronic PatientMonitoring,Proceedingsof International Conference on Complex,Intelligentand SoftwareIntensive Systems,2008. CISIS 2008,4-7 March2008,pp. 649 - 654. Sl.No Methods Recall (True Positive) Precision (False Positive) 1 Na誰ve Bayes Simple 68% 67% 2 Na誰ve Bays 57% 56% 3 libSVM 61% 56% 4 Radial Bias Function 57% 67% 5 Random-Forest Tree 39% 21% 6 J48 32% 26% 7 1-NN classifier 29% 26% 8 Logistic Regression Tree 25% 36% 9 Classification tree 21% 19% 10 Probit-Regression Tree 21% 35% 11 ADTree 18% 25% 12 Random Forest 7% 4%
  • 22. 5. Objectives of the Proposed Research
  • 23. The following objectives are determined 1. Development of Advanced Data mining classification models for human activities recognition. 2. Clustering models for grouping healthy and unhealthy persons based on their ECG signals. 3. Prediction models for determining the vital signs of persons based on the ECG signals during their activities. 4. Identification of physical human activities based on the mHealth sensor data sets. 5. Determination of basic health heart monitoring activities. 6. Determination of various arrhythmia or looking at the effects of exercise on the ECG values during physical activities. 7. Determination of bodys basic function using ECG 8. Determination of persons vital signs , which are varying with age, weight, gender, and overall health 9. Determination of the pulse rate (Heart Rate), body temperature, respiratory rate and blood pressure of the normal and abnormal human being.
  • 26. The MHEALTH (Mobile HEALTH) dataset comprises Physical activities and vital signs Recordings for ten volunteers of diverse profile while performing several physical activities. Sensors placed on the subject's chest, right wrist and left ankle are used to measure the motion experienced by diverse body parts, namely, the acceleration, the rate of turn and the magnetic field orientation. The sensor positioned on the chest also provides 2-lead ECG measurements, which can be potentially used for basic heart monitoring, checking for various arrhythmias or looking at the effects of exercise on the ECG. Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 27. 7.Research Plane with Time Schedule Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 28. Year Sl. Nor Progress task/per Every six month I Year 2015 II Year 2016 III Year 2017 1-6 7-12 1-6 7-12 1-6 7-12 I 1 Course Work Completion 2 Literature Survey on the proposed research issue/Data collection/Research Toll Understanding II 3 Data Model Design/Design and Development of data processing Model 4 Development of Classification Model or HAR and comparing with exiting Algorithms and Evaluation(Model Deployment, Operations and optimization) III 5 Development of Predictive Model for Vital Sign Analysis and their evaluation (Model Deployment, Operation and Optimization) 6 Publication of Research outcome at National and International Level journal/conference preceding 7 Preparation of Documentation of work for thesis submission Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 29. 8. Work Under Progress Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 30. Classification accuracies of various common exiting methods implemented on proposed mHealth Datasets (Banos et al, 2014) proposed for the prediction of vital signals of Human during their activities. Sl nor Activity J48 N B REP TREE SMO Predictive Data Models 1 Walking 99.90 99.15 99.90 100 - - SCOPE OF EXPLORATION . . . ?????? 2 Jogging 97.23 93.33 97.94 95.46 - - 3 Running 96.19 92.74 91.86 91.33 - - 4 Knees Bending 100 99.86 100 100 - - 5 Lying down 100 100 100 100 - - 6 Jump F & B 93.18 93.18 97.77 91.61 - - Further study is focused on the investigation of advance data mining algorithms and their evaluation on ECG Lead data signals of mHealth data sets Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 31. The following activities need to predictive Vital sign Climbing Stair VITA SIGN PREDICTION FOR CLIMBING STAIR Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 32. Running person Heart rate, BP, Temperature, & respiration rate Cycling Person HR, BP, Temperature, Respiration rate The Vital sign varies, which are varying with age, weight, gender, and different physical activities Running Cycling Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 33. According to mHealth dataset it contains 12 different physical activities and do 12 different vital function of all activities 12 different physical from mHealth Running person Heart rate, BP, Temperature, & respiration rate Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 34. Conclusions: Aim is to Develop classification methods for human activity recognition and Vital prediction models. Literature survey is done on both human activity classification methods and vital sign classification. Data Science approach is proposed for design , deployment , operation of the proposed models. Primary data sets are obtained from mHealth Sensors. Plane of research is proposed. Little work carried out on the primary data sets using WEKA Tool. Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 35. Reference 2. Banos, O., Garcia, R., Holgado, J. A., Damas, M., Pomares, H., Rojas, I., Saez, A., Villalonga, mHealthDroid: a novel framework for agile development of mobile health applications. Proceedings of the 6th International Work-conference on Ambient Assisted Living an Active Ageing (IWAAL 2014), Belfast, Northern Ireland, December 2-5, (2014). Data set available at Download mHealth data sets. http://www .northbridgeasia.com/research_reports.aspx Friday, August 12, 2016
  • 38. Thanks Your suggestions and comments Yogesh K M Friday, August 12, 2016

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