This document summarizes the auditions for actors to fill roles in an upcoming production. It provides details on 6 actors auditioning for roles including the Gambino, bodyguards, associates, a victim, and a detective. For each actor, it lists their relevant acting experience, availability, and notes on how they could potentially fit the physical and attire needs of the roles.
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1. This is the portfolio of the actors we
2. Simon Fozard
Acting experience: School plays and short films on
Availability: Weekends
Role: Gambino – Simon is above average height and can
therefore provide the physical presence that the ‘boss’
(Gambino) needs to portray. He also has a black suit that
he can wear for his costume.
3. Sam Pepper
Acting experience: School plays
Availability: Every day
Role: Bodyguard – Sam attends cadets so
knows how to handle a gun, this also means
he has camouflage attire and prop guns to
use on set.
4. Aydin Hussein
Acting experience: School plays and short
films on YouTube
Availability: Every day
Role: Bodyguard – Aydin is quite tall so
provides a physical presence. Also, Aydin has
airsoft guns so knows how to handle a gun
which will be part of his costume.
5. Malcolm Harding
Acting Experience: None
Availability: Saturday and weekdays
Role: Associate – Malcolm dresses smart
and so would fit the role of an ‘casual’
6. Jamie Gibbins
Acting experience: School plays
Availability: Every day
Role: Associate – Jamie can act
serious and has a physical presence.
He looks like he means business.
7. Freddie Higgs
Acting experience: School plays and short
films on YouTube
Availability: Weekends
Role: Victim – Freddie can pull of a variety
of facial expressions, this is key to the
victim’s character because he will have to
look tired and disorientated as his hood is