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Constellation Energy/Exelon  Nine Mile Point /Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2
 Currently leading design efforts for implementation of open phase detection scheme at the primary side of
115kV reserve station transformers utilizing SEL multifunction relays (SEL-487 and SEL-421). Responsible for
presenting project scope and challenges during formal meetings with client throughout the project.
 Prepared scoping study, technical specification, and lead team of approximately 10 multi-discipline
engineers/designers to design for the replacement of the main generator voltage regulator with a digital
automatic voltage regulator. Design included updating/creating station drawings (i.e. schematics, single lines,
wiring diagrams, physical layout, cable routing, etc.). Frequently interfaced with client and vendor for schedule
and status updates, and to discuss technical challenges throughout the project. Provided onsite installation
support. Project was successfully installed in 2015 on schedule and received praise from the client.
 Performed design and for installation of 13.2kV outdoor padmounted reclosers in order to provide ground and
phase fault protection for site power transformers. Design included routing 750MCM direct buried cable in
addition to installation of underground cable splices. Analytical work included coordination/setpoint analysis
between recloser controller and upstream SEL-551 relay using ETAP.
 Frequently performs technical reviews of coordination, load flow, short circuit, and motor starting power system
studies prepared by junior engineers to evaluate engineering changes made to the station.
 Prepared modification package and lead design team to replace feeder cables for 16,500HP feedwater pump
 Calculated current and voltage transformer accuracy for 345KV relaying and revenue metering equipment.
 Designed dual 480V sump pump motor control circuits and control panels with multiple alarms and
manual/off/auto capabilities.
Entergy  Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
 Replaced Ni-Cad backup battery for outdoor switchgear breaker control to facilitate transfer of power from
onsite source to emergency diesel generators. Scope included battery sizing study, development of minimum cell
temperatures and correction factors, development of battery testing requirements, as well as special
consideration for min/max temperatures and their effect on battery capacity and aging.
Entergy  James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Station
 Modeled entire medium and low voltage AC auxiliary system and performed load flow and short circuit
calculations using ETAP. Study included a full report of inputs, assumptions, methodology, results, acceptance
criteria, and conclusions. Where input was not available, plant walkdowns were performed.
 Developed modification package to replace station reserve auxiliary transformers to enhance acceptable offsite
power operating voltage range using automatic load tap changers. Scope of work included electrical analysis,
development of wiring drawings, schematics, one-line diagrams, outline drawings, power system studies, and
post-modification test plan. Developed optimal transformer tap settings as well as alarm setpoints by performing
ETAP simulations.
 Supported the resolution of multiple emergent unplanned plant events onsite on short notice (i.e. transformer
explosion, high voltage CCVT fire due to ferroresonance). Received praise from the client on each occasion. As
a result, client selected our company as their engineer of choice for projects moving forward.
Dominion Energy  Kewaunee Nuclear Power Station
 Performed 125VDC safety related and non-safety related battery sizing, battery charger sizing, and DC short
circuit analysis for plant emergency systems using ETAP. Developed battery load profile for postulated plant
emergencies based on review of elementary drawings and station operating procedures. Plant walkdowns were
conducted for data gathering. This was a first of its kind calculation utilizing ETAP at the time and as a result,
became a DC system analysis subject matter expert.
 Prepared study to develop settings for main generator protection and coordination. Protection scheme included
transformer and generator differential (87), backup distance (21), negative phase sequence (46), over excitation
protection, etc.
References available upon request Page 1 of 1

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  • 1. ENGINEERING PROJECTS Constellation Energy/Exelon Nine Mile Point /Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Currently leading design efforts for implementation of open phase detection scheme at the primary side of 115kV reserve station transformers utilizing SEL multifunction relays (SEL-487 and SEL-421). Responsible for presenting project scope and challenges during formal meetings with client throughout the project. Prepared scoping study, technical specification, and lead team of approximately 10 multi-discipline engineers/designers to design for the replacement of the main generator voltage regulator with a digital automatic voltage regulator. Design included updating/creating station drawings (i.e. schematics, single lines, wiring diagrams, physical layout, cable routing, etc.). Frequently interfaced with client and vendor for schedule and status updates, and to discuss technical challenges throughout the project. Provided onsite installation support. Project was successfully installed in 2015 on schedule and received praise from the client. Performed design and for installation of 13.2kV outdoor padmounted reclosers in order to provide ground and phase fault protection for site power transformers. Design included routing 750MCM direct buried cable in addition to installation of underground cable splices. Analytical work included coordination/setpoint analysis between recloser controller and upstream SEL-551 relay using ETAP. Frequently performs technical reviews of coordination, load flow, short circuit, and motor starting power system studies prepared by junior engineers to evaluate engineering changes made to the station. Prepared modification package and lead design team to replace feeder cables for 16,500HP feedwater pump motor. Calculated current and voltage transformer accuracy for 345KV relaying and revenue metering equipment. Designed dual 480V sump pump motor control circuits and control panels with multiple alarms and manual/off/auto capabilities. Entergy Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Replaced Ni-Cad backup battery for outdoor switchgear breaker control to facilitate transfer of power from onsite source to emergency diesel generators. Scope included battery sizing study, development of minimum cell temperatures and correction factors, development of battery testing requirements, as well as special consideration for min/max temperatures and their effect on battery capacity and aging. Entergy James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Station Modeled entire medium and low voltage AC auxiliary system and performed load flow and short circuit calculations using ETAP. Study included a full report of inputs, assumptions, methodology, results, acceptance criteria, and conclusions. Where input was not available, plant walkdowns were performed. Developed modification package to replace station reserve auxiliary transformers to enhance acceptable offsite power operating voltage range using automatic load tap changers. Scope of work included electrical analysis, development of wiring drawings, schematics, one-line diagrams, outline drawings, power system studies, and post-modification test plan. Developed optimal transformer tap settings as well as alarm setpoints by performing ETAP simulations. Supported the resolution of multiple emergent unplanned plant events onsite on short notice (i.e. transformer explosion, high voltage CCVT fire due to ferroresonance). Received praise from the client on each occasion. As a result, client selected our company as their engineer of choice for projects moving forward. Dominion Energy Kewaunee Nuclear Power Station Performed 125VDC safety related and non-safety related battery sizing, battery charger sizing, and DC short circuit analysis for plant emergency systems using ETAP. Developed battery load profile for postulated plant emergencies based on review of elementary drawings and station operating procedures. Plant walkdowns were conducted for data gathering. This was a first of its kind calculation utilizing ETAP at the time and as a result, became a DC system analysis subject matter expert. Prepared study to develop settings for main generator protection and coordination. Protection scheme included transformer and generator differential (87), backup distance (21), negative phase sequence (46), over excitation protection, etc. References available upon request Page 1 of 1