The document provides instructions for a lesson on adding value in industry. It discusses three classifications of industry - primary, secondary and tertiary. Students are asked to identify the classification of various examples. The lesson also covers locality of business - local, national and international. The main topic is adding value, where raw materials are processed to increase their value for consumers. Students are assigned homework to create a poster explaining the value added process for a product from primary sector to consumer.
3. Write down 1-10
1. Fishing
2. Taxi service
3. Quarrying
4. Car manufacturing
5. Steel Mill
6. Insurance
7. Building (houses)
8. Petrol Station
9. Oil refinery
10. Mobile phone network
Write down the
classification of industry
against the number on your
scrap paper
You can put just a letter to
represent the following
P Primary
S Secondary
T Tertiary
4. OK and just a quick start on
Locality of business (where the business
We split this into 3 areas
Local, National and International
Now list 3 examples for each
8. Adding Value
This is where raw materials or
component parts are processed to boost
their value when they are sold on.
9. The adding value process
From primary sector to consumer.
Every product we buy has been processed in a
way that makes it more valuable to us (the
consumer) than it was originally. Even if that is
just delivering something, that service adds
value, making the product more valuable
For example
10. In pairs think of a product
Try to identify every stage this product goes
through (I want original ideas)
From primary sector to consumer
Plot out on paper your value added process
And be prepared to present your idea to the rest
of the class
11. I am setting you homework
For Thursday I want you to have your
added value process made into a poster
suitable for our lovely classroom.
The best will make it to the year 10 wall of
I want colour and detail, explain the
individual processes and how they add
12. Feedback time
I will give you a post-it
Please stick them on the board on
your way out with any comments
you have for me
You do not need to put your name
on these
And if you leave it blank you can
put it at the top of the board if you
enjoyed the lesson, and the bottom
of the board if you did not etc...
If you find the lessons hard or there
are areas you are not clear about
please let me know