Subtraction involves removing objects from a group to determine how many remain. It can be represented by equations such as 5-2=3, meaning two objects were removed from five, leaving three. Word problems use subtraction to determine amounts remaining after some objects are taken away or used. For example, if a teacher started with 84 gifts and gave 67 to students, subtraction can be used to find the 14 gifts remaining with the teacher. Key words like 'take away', 'less than', and 'subtract' indicate when to use subtraction in word problems.
2. What is Subtraction?Subtraction is removing some objectsfrom a group. The meaning of5-2=3is “Two objects are taken away from a group of five objects and three objects remain".
3. Subtraction EquationsNumbers or ObjectsWord ProblemsWord Problem:Mrs. Kay, teacher of grade 3 students has 84 gifts for her students. There are 67 students and each received one gift from the teacher. Find the number of gifts remaining with Mrs. Kay.Solution:Total number of gifts with Laura           =   84Number of gifts distributed to students= - 67Number of gifts left with Laura               = 14
4. Key Wordsare not take awaydifferencehave left fewer how many more decreased by less than subtractremain tallershorterchange spent how much more
5. Your Turn!Alley had 4 packs of bubble gum she gave 2 away to James. How many packs does Alley have left?
7. Subtraction SummarySubtraction is simply the taken away of any given number of objects. Remember to look for and underline key words when solving word problems. Also, subtraction is the opposite of addition. Good Luck!