This document outlines the syllabus for a Child Care Administration II course taught by Catina Anderson. The student's grade will be based mainly on portfolio assignments completed in groups. Students must complete weekly discussion questions and are allowed only 3 absences. The course will cover topics like leadership, burnout, and communication. Homework includes summarizing a textbook chapter, discussing a question online, and completing two portfolio assignments about leadership.
2. Instructor Information
Catina Anderson
Virtual Office hours:
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Skype)
Skype ID: allsmilez77
3. Syllabus
Students Grade will be based on:
Portfolio 80%
We will be completing level I
Homework 10%
Reading assignments will be made from the
textbook and outside articles assigned
Participation 10%
Will be divided into 6 sections
4. Syllabus
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to be present and arrive on time
Credential requires a certain amount of hours
Only allowed to miss 3 classes
Any more student must contact the instructor
5. Discussion Boards
In this course you will have weekly discussion
questions that correspond with the topic. Each person
is responsible for completing the discussion questions
each week.
Once you have submitted your initial post, then you
must respond to two (2) individuals responses.
Failure to complete weekly discussion questions will
impact your overall participation grade.
Discussion questions CANNOT be made up.
6. Portfolio Assignments and Group Work
Each person will be assigned to a group in which you will work
together to complete your portfolio assignments. Groups will
be selected by the instructor.
Portfolio assignments MUST be submitted via Blackboard. Each
portfolio assignment will be reviewed and suggestions made if
Each portfolio assignment will be graded individually and will
count as part of the 80% of the final portfolio.
No late portfolio assignments will be submitted with prior
approval from the instructor.
10. Leadership
What makes a good leader ?
Understanding Delegate
Confidence Consistent
Knowledge Reliable
Trust Flexible
Patience Dedicated
Compassion Friendly
Role Model Approachable
Facilitator Communicates well
Listens well Supportive
12. Leadership
What is hard about being a new director?
Getting respect Time management
Getting into routine Making changes
Being firm w/Parents Filling another
and staff directors shoes
Learning your staff Being accepted by
Learning Parents & staff & families
Children Building on some elses
Learning your role foundation
14. Leadership
What is burnout?
Ready to quit No time for staff
Fed up Elevated stress levels
Memory Loss Job consuming life
Not being able to cope Job has lost its sizzle
w/situation Lack of delegation
Moody Trying to do it all yourself
Over worked Performance suffering
No time off long hours
16. Leadership
How does a director recover from burnout?
Change fields
Take a day off
Delegate responsibility
Clean House
Take Sanity Breaks
Vent to friends
17. Leadership
Small and Class Discussions
Small Group Discussion
Five suggestions for becoming a more
effective leader
Five suggestions for becoming a more
effective communicator
Whole Class Discussion
Discuss findings
18. Handouts
Definitions of Manager and Leader
Roles Leader Play
Xvxry Pxrson is Important
Staff Motivation Ideas
20. Homework
Read and Summarize Chapter 1 of
your text book
Complete Week 1 Discussion Question
Portfolio Assignment: Leadership
Level I, Letter B & C.