Este documento proporciona consejos sobre el dise?o de recursos educativos digitales. Se?ala que los profesores a menudo carecen de formaci¨®n en dise?o visual y accesibilidad. Recomienda seguir una maquetaci¨®n coherente con simetr¨ªa, orden y espacios equilibrados para facilitar la lectura. Tambi¨¦n ofrece pautas sobre el uso de colores, tipograf¨ªa, im¨¢genes, multimedia y contenido para mejorar la usabilidad y accesibilidad de los recursos digitales educativos.
O documento discute as rela??es entre sociedade, natureza e capitalismo. Apresenta diferentes perspectivas te¨®ricas sobre como o sistema capitalista explora os recursos naturais e gera problemas ambientais. Tamb¨¦m analisa como quest?es ambientais e sociais est?o interligadas e como ¨¦ necess¨¢rio superar dicotomias entre homem e natureza.
Este documento presenta 10 principios para el uso responsable y ¨¦tico de las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC), incluyendo respetar a los dem¨¢s, proteger la privacidad e integridad personal, usar las TIC para mejorar la calidad de vida y trabajar en grupo, y respetar la ley y los derechos de autor.
Conflict arises when one party feels another has negatively affected something they care about. There are different views on conflict's role in business, from it being seen as always bad, to sometimes functional. Conflict can be task, process, or relationship-based. It progresses through potential opposition, cognition, behavior, and outcomes. Methods for resolving conflict include passive avoidance, win-win solutions, structured problem-solving, confrontation, choosing a winner, alternatives, and prevention. No single method is best for all situations.
European Location Framework and how it related to e-government and INSPIREAntti Jakobsson
The European Location Framework (E.L.F.) is a proposed technical infrastructure that would deliver authoritative, interoperable geospatial reference data across Europe. It would provide geolocated information to support eGovernment, INSPIRE and other EU policy initiatives. The E.L.F. would connect national geospatial data into a single framework, starting with global/regional data and progressing to more granular national and local coverage. It relates to eGovernment and INSPIRE by addressing issues of integrating data from multiple sources and ensuring quality, edge-matching and interoperability at both the European and national levels. A proposed ELFI project would implement the E.L.F. over three phases with funding from
Distributed search solutions and comparison zingopen
The document discusses solutions for distributed search on large datasets. It compares centralized search which can be slow for large indexes, to distributed search using Katta, Elastic Search, or an HBase directory. An HBase directory stores the Lucene index across an HBase cluster for scalability and fault tolerance. It discusses indexing and searching phases when using an HBase directory in either lazy or active modes. Performance tests showed the active HBase directory method is suitable but still needs improvement.
This document outlines an itinerary for a school group called ABJ_Mass consisting of two students, Fahad AL_yafei and Ali ahmad qasem. Their itinerary includes 5 activities exploring smart sensors - evading motion detection, taking a tour of sensors, making a microphone, exploring the piezoeffect, and measuring piezoelectric or pyroelectric effects.
O documento discute as rela??es entre sociedade, natureza e capitalismo. Apresenta diferentes perspectivas te¨®ricas sobre como o sistema capitalista explora os recursos naturais e gera problemas ambientais. Tamb¨¦m analisa como quest?es ambientais e sociais est?o interligadas e como ¨¦ necess¨¢rio superar dicotomias entre homem e natureza.
Este documento presenta 10 principios para el uso responsable y ¨¦tico de las tecnolog¨ªas de la informaci¨®n y la comunicaci¨®n (TIC), incluyendo respetar a los dem¨¢s, proteger la privacidad e integridad personal, usar las TIC para mejorar la calidad de vida y trabajar en grupo, y respetar la ley y los derechos de autor.
Conflict arises when one party feels another has negatively affected something they care about. There are different views on conflict's role in business, from it being seen as always bad, to sometimes functional. Conflict can be task, process, or relationship-based. It progresses through potential opposition, cognition, behavior, and outcomes. Methods for resolving conflict include passive avoidance, win-win solutions, structured problem-solving, confrontation, choosing a winner, alternatives, and prevention. No single method is best for all situations.
European Location Framework and how it related to e-government and INSPIREAntti Jakobsson
The European Location Framework (E.L.F.) is a proposed technical infrastructure that would deliver authoritative, interoperable geospatial reference data across Europe. It would provide geolocated information to support eGovernment, INSPIRE and other EU policy initiatives. The E.L.F. would connect national geospatial data into a single framework, starting with global/regional data and progressing to more granular national and local coverage. It relates to eGovernment and INSPIRE by addressing issues of integrating data from multiple sources and ensuring quality, edge-matching and interoperability at both the European and national levels. A proposed ELFI project would implement the E.L.F. over three phases with funding from
Distributed search solutions and comparison zingopen
The document discusses solutions for distributed search on large datasets. It compares centralized search which can be slow for large indexes, to distributed search using Katta, Elastic Search, or an HBase directory. An HBase directory stores the Lucene index across an HBase cluster for scalability and fault tolerance. It discusses indexing and searching phases when using an HBase directory in either lazy or active modes. Performance tests showed the active HBase directory method is suitable but still needs improvement.
This document outlines an itinerary for a school group called ABJ_Mass consisting of two students, Fahad AL_yafei and Ali ahmad qasem. Their itinerary includes 5 activities exploring smart sensors - evading motion detection, taking a tour of sensors, making a microphone, exploring the piezoeffect, and measuring piezoelectric or pyroelectric effects.
1. Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d¡¯Ensenyament
Escola ?ngel Guimer¨¤
C/. Bonaventura Pedemonte,2
08740 Sant Andreu de la Barca
Tel. i Fax: 93 653 06 79
En/Na ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡..¡¡¡¡
amb DNI ..................................................
Com a pare/mare/tutor de l¡¯alumne/a ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
AUTORITZO que li sigui subministrat el seg¨¹ent medicament dins de l¡¯horari
escolar o de menjador, sota la meva responsabilitat i per prescripci¨® m¨¨dica.
NOM MEDICAMENT: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡.
DOSIS A ADMINISTRAR: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡..
HORARI DE L¡¯ADMINISTRACI?: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡.
L¡¯escola ?ngel Guimer¨¤ queda totalment exclosa de les responsabilitats pels
efectes que aquesta medicaci¨® pugui ocasionar.
Sant Andreu de la Barca a .......... de ...................................... de 20.....
Signatura pare, mare, tutor o responsable
(Cal adjuntar fotoc¨°pia de la recepta o informe m¨¨dic)