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Administration and Compliance Manager
Reports to: CEO Approved by:
Prepared by: CEO Location:
Incumbent: Irene Casey Date Revised: 17/11/11
Position Description:
To coordinate and implement the administration and compliance of Alpha to Omega Academy Pty Ltd. The
Administration and Compliance Manager is responsible for maintaining staff and student records, and is the
first point of contact for students requiring non-academic assistance. In addition to this the Administration
and Compliance Manager is responsible for assisting the CEO in conducting audits according to the audit
schedule in order to oversee the effective and efficient implementation of the management system to
promote compliance with AQTF requirements
 Ensure that the RTO complies with the latest VRQA/AQTF Standards
 Ensuring compliance with Skills Victoria Funding Contract
 Resource / Document management
 Assist in the upgrade and development of Assessment tools and Learner Guides
 Mapping Units of competency across assessment
 Assessment evidence, Policy and Procedure review
 Ensuring that the Trainers are supported
 Preparation of audit materials for both internal and external audits
 Attending to Internal Audits
 Completing External Audits conducted by Skills Victoria and the VRQA
 Ensuring all training records are entered and kept up to date
 Maintain Student Files in accordance with AQTF compliance guidelines
 Document control and continuous improvement
 Management of Scope registration
 Maintain the currency and accuracy of student and staff information.
 To maintain a file of all audit reviews and reports
 Update documents as required by Compliance and approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
 Review accuracy, currency and compliance of website information at least quarterly.
 Ensure all RTO staffing records are up to date and meet required compliance
Administrative Duties:
 Supervise RTO (Trainee) employees.
 Coordinate RTO administration and administration support
 Ensure the proper implementation and coordination of all finances of the RTO
 Liaise with all RTO staff
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Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer 15/11/11 2 145
 Manager and others as required.
 To receive and oversee student access to their personal files.
 Oversee access to the Local Area Network by non Alpha to Omega Academy Pty Ltd staff with the
approval of the Chief Executive Officer.
 Maintain record of computer assets.
 Forward employment application documents to applicants.
 Forward confirmation of employment documents to successful applicants.
 Photocopy employment documents of successful applicants.
 Obtain approval for the use of testimonials, photos or other personal items from the owners for use
in marketing and advertising information prior to its use.
 Participate in annual review of management system.
 Practice safe work practices in accordance with OH&S practices including class room orientation
when required.
 Ensure records and contracts are kept and secured in accordance with legal requirements.
 To ensure a high standard of excellent customer service is being provided to all students and staff.
 Participate in student and staff complaints as required.
 Assist in the collation of material for training as required.
 Participate in and take minutes for meetings and arrange distribution of both agenda and minutes in
a timely manner.
 To ensure collation and accurate entry of all data into the student administration database.
 Liaise with the Australian Apprenticeship Centres to ensure traineeship requirements are adhered
 Provide regular reports to trainers, employers, CEO and others as required.
 Make recommendations to the CEO for any changes to administration procedures as they become
 Actively participate in AVETMISS reporting as required.
Performance Measures (Describe the measures of success for this role in lines with listed accountabilities)
1. Successful delivery & implementation of AQTF accredited training to students on a national basis
2. Effective leadership of staff in the RTO
3. Compliance in terms of all actions in all aspects of RTO operations in Victoria including ISO, AQTF &
Alpha to Omega Academy Pty Ltd policies and procedures.
4. Client, Staff and Student satisfaction
5. National RTO Compliance in terms of audits
6. Successful outcomes for students and clients via delivery and assessment
Decision Making Authority: (Describe the types of decisions this role is accountable for)
1. Day to day educational decisions in relation to RTO Training
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2. Day to day compliance in relation to AQTF accredited training courses and the RTO operations
3. Day to day decision s in relation to administration of the RTO
4. All decisions made in consultation with the CEO
5. Day to day management and leadership of appropriate staff
Desired Experience Profile: (Describe the knowledge and skills needed for competent performance of the position.)
1. Extensive experience in the area of VET education, customer service, business administration and
education compliance.
2. Sound knowledge and abilities in the delivery and assessment of AQTF accredited and competency
based training
3. Sound knowledge of the implementation and continual development of business policies and
procedures, business compliance and education experience
4. Great Management Skills and experience managing a Team
5. Excellent Time Management, administration and computing skills
6. Excellent written and verbal communication skills
7. Strong attention to detail
8. Excellent knowledge of RTO Standards, AQTF and traineeships
9. Previous experience with audits
10. A sound working knowledge of VETtrak
11. High level user of Microsoft Outlook/Word
12. Previous experience with SVTS (Skills Victoria Training Systems)
1. An appropriate AQTF or industry body recognized qualification at Certificate III level in business or
higher or a related field
2. Minimum of Certificate IV in Assessment and Work Place Training or the equivalent qualification.
3. 5 years industry/ vocational experience in addition to appropriate qualifications
1. An appropriate AQTF or Industry body recognized qualification in Business/ Business Administration
or a related field at Diploma level or above
2. A Diploma in teaching or education with a focus on adult education, training and assessment.
Specifically an appropriate AQTF Diploma of Training and Assessment
Experience and Skills:
1. 5 years industry/ vocational experience in education administration in a VET, TAFE of Higher
Education level
2. Extensive business administration practice
3. Extensive experience in the area of VET education, customer service, business administration and
education compliance.
4. Sound knowledge and abilities in the delivery and assessment of AQTF accredited and competency
based training
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Position holders signature: Date:
Supervisors signature: Date:
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Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer 15/11/11 2 145

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Administration and Compliance Manager Position Description

  • 1. POSITION DESCRIPTION Administration and Compliance Manager Reports to: CEO Approved by: Prepared by: CEO Location: Incumbent: Irene Casey Date Revised: 17/11/11 Position Description: To coordinate and implement the administration and compliance of Alpha to Omega Academy Pty Ltd. The Administration and Compliance Manager is responsible for maintaining staff and student records, and is the first point of contact for students requiring non-academic assistance. In addition to this the Administration and Compliance Manager is responsible for assisting the CEO in conducting audits according to the audit schedule in order to oversee the effective and efficient implementation of the management system to promote compliance with AQTF requirements Compliance Ensure that the RTO complies with the latest VRQA/AQTF Standards Ensuring compliance with Skills Victoria Funding Contract Resource / Document management Assist in the upgrade and development of Assessment tools and Learner Guides Mapping Units of competency across assessment Assessment evidence, Policy and Procedure review Ensuring that the Trainers are supported Preparation of audit materials for both internal and external audits Attending to Internal Audits Completing External Audits conducted by Skills Victoria and the VRQA Ensuring all training records are entered and kept up to date Maintain Student Files in accordance with AQTF compliance guidelines Document control and continuous improvement Management of Scope registration Maintain the currency and accuracy of student and staff information. To maintain a file of all audit reviews and reports Update documents as required by Compliance and approved by the Chief Executive Officer. Review accuracy, currency and compliance of website information at least quarterly. Ensure all RTO staffing records are up to date and meet required compliance Administrative Duties: Supervise RTO (Trainee) employees. Coordinate RTO administration and administration support Ensure the proper implementation and coordination of all finances of the RTO Liaise with all RTO staff Approved By Maintained By Revised Date Version Document Form No Page 1 of 4 Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer 15/11/11 2 145
  • 2. POSITION DESCRIPTION Manager and others as required. To receive and oversee student access to their personal files. Oversee access to the Local Area Network by non Alpha to Omega Academy Pty Ltd staff with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer. Maintain record of computer assets. Forward employment application documents to applicants. Forward confirmation of employment documents to successful applicants. Photocopy employment documents of successful applicants. Obtain approval for the use of testimonials, photos or other personal items from the owners for use in marketing and advertising information prior to its use. Participate in annual review of management system. Practice safe work practices in accordance with OH&S practices including class room orientation when required. Ensure records and contracts are kept and secured in accordance with legal requirements. To ensure a high standard of excellent customer service is being provided to all students and staff. Participate in student and staff complaints as required. Assist in the collation of material for training as required. Participate in and take minutes for meetings and arrange distribution of both agenda and minutes in a timely manner. To ensure collation and accurate entry of all data into the student administration database. Liaise with the Australian Apprenticeship Centres to ensure traineeship requirements are adhered to. Provide regular reports to trainers, employers, CEO and others as required. Make recommendations to the CEO for any changes to administration procedures as they become apparent. Actively participate in AVETMISS reporting as required. Performance Measures (Describe the measures of success for this role in lines with listed accountabilities) 1. Successful delivery & implementation of AQTF accredited training to students on a national basis 2. Effective leadership of staff in the RTO 3. Compliance in terms of all actions in all aspects of RTO operations in Victoria including ISO, AQTF & Alpha to Omega Academy Pty Ltd policies and procedures. 4. Client, Staff and Student satisfaction 5. National RTO Compliance in terms of audits 6. Successful outcomes for students and clients via delivery and assessment Decision Making Authority: (Describe the types of decisions this role is accountable for) 1. Day to day educational decisions in relation to RTO Training Approved By Maintained By Revised Date Version Document Form No Page 2 of 4 Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer 15/11/11 2 145
  • 3. POSITION DESCRIPTION 2. Day to day compliance in relation to AQTF accredited training courses and the RTO operations 3. Day to day decision s in relation to administration of the RTO 4. All decisions made in consultation with the CEO 5. Day to day management and leadership of appropriate staff Desired Experience Profile: (Describe the knowledge and skills needed for competent performance of the position.) 1. Extensive experience in the area of VET education, customer service, business administration and education compliance. 2. Sound knowledge and abilities in the delivery and assessment of AQTF accredited and competency based training 3. Sound knowledge of the implementation and continual development of business policies and procedures, business compliance and education experience 4. Great Management Skills and experience managing a Team 5. Excellent Time Management, administration and computing skills 6. Excellent written and verbal communication skills 7. Strong attention to detail 8. Excellent knowledge of RTO Standards, AQTF and traineeships 9. Previous experience with audits 10. A sound working knowledge of VETtrak 11. High level user of Microsoft Outlook/Word 12. Previous experience with SVTS (Skills Victoria Training Systems) Qualifications: Mandatory 1. An appropriate AQTF or industry body recognized qualification at Certificate III level in business or higher or a related field 2. Minimum of Certificate IV in Assessment and Work Place Training or the equivalent qualification. 3. 5 years industry/ vocational experience in addition to appropriate qualifications Preferable 1. An appropriate AQTF or Industry body recognized qualification in Business/ Business Administration or a related field at Diploma level or above 2. A Diploma in teaching or education with a focus on adult education, training and assessment. Specifically an appropriate AQTF Diploma of Training and Assessment Experience and Skills: 1. 5 years industry/ vocational experience in education administration in a VET, TAFE of Higher Education level 2. Extensive business administration practice 3. Extensive experience in the area of VET education, customer service, business administration and education compliance. 4. Sound knowledge and abilities in the delivery and assessment of AQTF accredited and competency based training Approved By Maintained By Revised Date Version Document Form No Page 3 of 4 Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer 15/11/11 2 145
  • 4. POSITION DESCRIPTION Position holders signature: Date: Supervisors signature: Date: Approved By Maintained By Revised Date Version Document Form No Page 4 of 4 Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer 15/11/11 2 145