Management is a process that includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling organizational resources and activities to achieve goals. It involves setting goals and objectives, structuring the organization, addressing motivation, leadership, communication and behavior of individuals and groups, and establishing controls like rules, measures, comparisons, and corrective actions. Management emphasizes that all managers perform interrelated activities through the process to achieve desired outcomes.
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Administrative process
Management isthe process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling
theactivities of membersof the organizationand employmentof all otherorganizational
resources, in order to achievethe targets set forthe organization.
A process isa systematic way ofdoing things.We talk aboutmanagement as aprocessto
emphasizethe fact thatall managers,whatever theirskills orpersonal skills,perform
certaininterrelated activitiesin order toachieve the goalsthey desire.
- Goals
- Objectives
- Strategies
- Structure
- Administration
- Leadership
- Communication
- Behavior
- Individualand group
- Rules
- Measures
- Comparisons
- Action