This document discusses ADO.NET, which is a data access technology that allows applications to connect to and manipulate data from various sources. It describes the core ADO.NET objects like Connection, Command, DataReader, DataAdapter, DataSet and DataTable. It also explains the differences between connected and disconnected data access models in ADO.NET, detailing the objects used in each approach and their advantages. Finally, it provides an overview of commonly used .NET data providers like SqlClient, OleDb and Odbc.
2. OverviewOverview
What is ADO.NET?
ADO.NET Architecture
Ado.NET Data Providers
ADO.NET Core Objects
Disconnected Data Objects
Connected Data Objects
Understanding .NET Data Providers
3. What is ADO.NET?What is ADO.NET?
A data-access technology that enables
applications to connect to data stores and
manipulate data contained in them in
various ways
An object oriented framework that allows
you to interact with database systems
4. Objective of ADO.NETObjective of ADO.NET
Support disconnected data architecture,
Tight integration with XML,
Common data representation
Ability to combine data from multiple
and varied data sources
Optimized facilities for interacting with a
6. ADO.NETADO.NET Data ProvidersData Providers
Core namespace: System.Data
.NET Framework data providers:
Data Provider Namespace
SQL Server System.Data.SqlClient
OLE DB System.Data.OleDb
ODBC System.Data.Odbc
Oracle System.Data.OracleClient
7. ADO.NET Core ObjectsADO.NET Core Objects
Object Description
Connection Establishes a connection to a specific data source.
(Base class: DbConnection)
Command Executes a command against a data source. Exposes
Parameters and can execute within the scope of a
Transaction from a Connection. (The base class:
DataReader Reads a forward-only, read-only stream of data from a
data source. (Base class: DbDataReader)
DataAdapter Populates a DataSet and resolves updates with the
data source. (Base class: DbDataAdapter)
DataTable Has a collection of DataRows and DataColumns
representing table data, used in disconnected
DataSet Represents a cache of data. Consists of a set of
DataTables and relations among them
8. Connection objectConnection object
Connects to databases.
Two provider-specific classes
Connections can be opened in two ways:
oExplicitly by calling the Open method on the
oImplicitly when using a DataAdapter.
Connections handle transactions
9. Connection (Cont.)Connection (Cont.)
String connString = string.Empty;
connString = server = sqlexpress; integrated security =
true; // Window Authentication
connString = server = sqlexpress; user id = sa; password =
1234567; // SQL Authentication
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString);
// Code
10. ConnectedConnected DataData ObjectsObjects
ADO.NETs connected architecture relies on a
consistent database connection to access data and
perform any operations on the retrieved data.
ADO.NET offers the following objects to help you
build your application with a connected
11. Command ObjectCommand Object
Information submitted to a database as a query via a
Connection object
Two provider-specific classes
o SqlCommand
o OleDbCommand
Input and output parameters are supported, along with
return values as part of the command syntax
Results are returned in the form of streams. Accessed
o DataReader object
o DataSet object via a DataAdapter
12. Command (Cont.)Command (Cont.)
Commands have several different methods for executing
SQL. The differences between these methods depend on
the results you expect from the SQL.
Queries return rows of data (result sets), but the INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE statements dont.
13. DataReader ObjectDataReader Object
Provides methods and properties that deliver a
forward-only stream of data rows from a data
When a DataReader is used, parts of the
ADO.NET model are cut out, providing faster
and more efficient data access
15. Steps of Data Acces : ConnectedSteps of Data Acces : Connected
Create connection
Create command (select-insert-update-delete)
Open connection
If SELECT -> use a DataReader to fetch data
If UPDATE,DELETE, INSERT -> use command
objects methods
Close connection
16. Disconnected Data ObjectsDisconnected Data Objects
ADO.NETs disconnected architecture offers
flexible application design and helps organizations
save database connections. ADO.NET offers the
following objects to help you build your
application with a disconnected architecture:
17. DataAdapter ObjectDataAdapter Object
Provides a set of methods and properties to
retrieve and save data between a DataSet and
its source data store
Allows the use of stored procedures
Connects to the database to fill the DataSet and
also update the database
18. DataSet ObjectDataSet Object
Replaces the ADO Recordset
Represents a cache of data that contains tables,
columns, relationships, and constraints, just like
a database
Regardless of where the source data comes
from, data can all be placed into DataSet
Tracks changes that are made to the data it
holds before updating the source data
21. Steps of Data Access: DisconnectedSteps of Data Access: Disconnected
Defining the connection string
Defining the connection
Defining the command
Defining the data adapter
Creating a new DataSet object
SELECT -> fill the dataset object with the result of
the query through the data adapter
Reading the records from the DataTables in the
datasets using the DataRow and DataColumn
UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE -> update the
database through the data adapter
22. Pros and ConsPros and Cons
Connected Disconnected
- +
Network Traffic - +
Memory Usage + -
Data Access - +
27. SummarySummary
This presentation was about two main types of
data access that are provided from ADO.NET;
Connected Data Objects and Disconnected Data
Objects. Both types have their own advantages
to fulfill the full-functionality to access data. Both
types have their own main components.
Connected Data Objects : Connection,
Command, and DataReader.
Disconnected Data Objects : DataSet,
DataAdapter, DataTable, DataColumn and