Introduction to brackets with basic walkthorugh and some shortcuts.perfect for student demonstration can be use to show a basic demonstration of dream weaver with al the features..
2. 0 Tool for editing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files
0 Written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
0 Extensible
0 Comes in two flavors
0 Brackets open source (free)
0 Edge Code part of Creative Cloud
0 Extended with Adobe specific enhancements
0 Will discuss more when covering web fonts today
4. 0 Beginning students dont need to know Dreamweaver
0 They need to know HTML and CSS
0 Dreamweaver will help their productivity after they
know the basics
0 Think of Brackets as a replacement for:
5. 0 Create HTML/ CSS in Notepad or Text Wrangler/slideshow/adobe-brackets-introduction-walkthrough-some-basic-features/60707945/
0 Save file
0 Open browser, point to saved file
0 Use debug tools to identify problem
0 Modify HTML/ CSS in Notepad or Text Wrangler/slideshow/adobe-brackets-introduction-walkthrough-some-basic-features/60707945/
0 Save file (again)
0 Refresh (or reopen browser)
6. 0 Student focuses on process (painful after time)
0 Brackets live preview
0 Brackets on one side, browser on other side
0 Make a change to code in Brackets and
immediately see change in browser
0 Now student can focus on learning HTML and CSS
9. 0 Ctrl + Shift + o
[quick open file]
0 Ctrl + e [quick edit]
10. 0 Ctrl + k [quick docs]
0 Read more takes you to:
11. Brackets Extensions
0 Extensible
0 Help > Show Extensions Folder
0 Extensions
0 Store zip file locally
0 Extract contents into extensions folder
0 Reload Brackets
0 For example HTML templates extension
0 When create file/slideshow/adobe-brackets-introduction-walkthrough-some-basic-features/60707945/
0 Edit > HTML Templates
18. 0 Fonts add fonts to page Brackets relies on Google fonts,
Edge Code on Edge Web Fonts
0 Edit > Web Fonts/slideshow/adobe-brackets-introduction-walkthrough-some-basic-features/60707945/
0 For Brackets, need to include following line at top of CSS
@import url(/slideshow/adobe-brackets-introduction-walkthrough-some-basic-features/60707945/);
19. 0 Brackets is an editor for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
0 It is highly extensible (and there are already a number of
developed extensions)
0 It is open source (free)
0 There is a corresponding Adobe product (Edge Code)