Samkuniya Chetan Jivanlal provides his curriculum vitae, including personal details like his father's name, date of birth, languages known, and address. He lists his educational qualifications including a Diploma in Information Technology Engineering from Gujarat Technological University. His work experience includes positions at Omkar net solution, maven-InfoTech, and currently at Datatech Media PVT LTD where he has worked on web development projects using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery and JavaScript. He also lists IT proficiencies in Microsoft Office and internet browsing, along with achievements in school competitions and being named a star performer at his current job. Interpersonal skills highlighted include relationship building, confidence,
Un hub de red conecta m炭ltiples dispositivos a trav辿s de cables para funcionar como un solo segmento de red. Existen hubs pasivos que no requieren energ鱈a, hubs activos que regeneran la se単al y necesitan alimentaci坦n, e hubs inteligentes que detectan errores como colisiones. Un switch tambi辿n conecta dispositivos pero env鱈a datos solo a la m叩quina destinataria usando direcciones f鱈sicas, evitando colisiones, mientras que un hub env鱈a a todos los canales compartiendo la velocidad. Un router env鱈a paquetes usando direcciones IP
Rick Garza has over 15 years of experience managing projects in manufacturing, with a focus on production operations, process improvements, construction, engineering, and vendor management. He has extensive skills in areas such as equipment operation, troubleshooting, scheduling, procurement, and ensuring safety. Garza has managed over $4 million in capital spending on projects and provides project management consulting services to industrial clients.
Christina Davies is seeking a career in facilities management or health and safety. She has over 5 years of experience in facilities management roles, currently working as a facilities manager for ISS Facility Services. Previously, she held roles as a PPM and maintenance manager and administration manager for UPP Residential Services. She has qualifications in NEBOSH, IOSH, and a BIFM level 4 diploma. Her experience includes managing teams, facilities maintenance, health and safety compliance, budgeting, and project management.
Applying Climate Information to Achieve the Sustainable Development GoalsGreg Benchwick
The document discusses how improving climate information and early warning systems in Africa could help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines how better weather data can boost agricultural production, protect lives from extreme weather like lightning strikes, and support climate-resilient development. Providing this information to vulnerable groups like smallholder farmers has the potential to increase incomes, food security and education opportunities on the continent.
The document summarizes a student's school project on layer production over 45 weeks. Some key points:
- The student conducted the project at a farm, housing 100 chickens to collect eggs for sale. Materials and costs were estimated upfront.
- Over the period, 264 trays of eggs were collected for $316,800 in income. However, costs were $375,900 resulting in a $5,140 shortfall.
- Mortality rates and egg production were lower than estimated, resulting in income $83,200 lower than projected. Costs were also $49,000 higher than expected.
- Ultimately there was a $124,000 difference between the projected $183,100 surplus
David K. Beverly has over 40 years of experience as a consulting engineer providing civil engineering and surveying services to a wide range of clients. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee. He is a registered professional engineer in Tennessee and Texas. His recent experience includes working independently as a consulting engineer since 2006, where he has completed residential and commercial developments, landfill design and permitting, and stormwater pollution prevention plans. Prior to that, he held various engineering and management roles with other firms.
Blue Apron is a meal kit delivery service that sends pre-portioned ingredients and recipes to customers. It currently sends 3 million meals per month, generating $30 million in monthly revenue. The company was valued at $2 billion after raising $193 million from investors. The meal kit market is growing rapidly and is predicted to be worth between $3-5 billion within 10 years as companies like Blue Apron, Plated, and HelloFresh make home cooking more convenient and help people live healthier lifestyles.
A telemedicine expert with extensive experience in the United States and abroad, Dr. Peter Pete Killcommons serves as the CEO of Medweb, a medical imaging and telemedicine firm he founded. Also a sought-after speaker, Dr. Peter Killcommons was the keynote presenter at the First Armenian International Telemedicine Congress, during which he donated a Medweb telemedicine system to the Armenian Telemedicine Association
Eve Wanza Mueni is a Kenyan national seeking an administrative position that allows her to utilize her 10 years of experience in administration, IT, and sales. She has a bachelor's degree in business administration and various technical certificates. Her resume highlights administrative roles she has held with organizations like Dakota Limited and Cretum Properties Ltd, where her duties included office management, client relations, and logistics coordination. She possesses strong computer skills and qualifications in accounting, web design, and entrepreneurship.
Samkuniya Chetan Jivanlal provides his curriculum vitae, including personal details like his father's name, date of birth, languages known, and address. He lists his educational qualifications including a Diploma in Information Technology Engineering from Gujarat Technological University. His work experience includes positions at Omkar net solution, maven-InfoTech, and currently at Datatech Media PVT LTD where he has worked on web development projects using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery and JavaScript. He also lists IT proficiencies in Microsoft Office and internet browsing, along with achievements in school competitions and being named a star performer at his current job. Interpersonal skills highlighted include relationship building, confidence,
Un hub de red conecta m炭ltiples dispositivos a trav辿s de cables para funcionar como un solo segmento de red. Existen hubs pasivos que no requieren energ鱈a, hubs activos que regeneran la se単al y necesitan alimentaci坦n, e hubs inteligentes que detectan errores como colisiones. Un switch tambi辿n conecta dispositivos pero env鱈a datos solo a la m叩quina destinataria usando direcciones f鱈sicas, evitando colisiones, mientras que un hub env鱈a a todos los canales compartiendo la velocidad. Un router env鱈a paquetes usando direcciones IP
Rick Garza has over 15 years of experience managing projects in manufacturing, with a focus on production operations, process improvements, construction, engineering, and vendor management. He has extensive skills in areas such as equipment operation, troubleshooting, scheduling, procurement, and ensuring safety. Garza has managed over $4 million in capital spending on projects and provides project management consulting services to industrial clients.
Christina Davies is seeking a career in facilities management or health and safety. She has over 5 years of experience in facilities management roles, currently working as a facilities manager for ISS Facility Services. Previously, she held roles as a PPM and maintenance manager and administration manager for UPP Residential Services. She has qualifications in NEBOSH, IOSH, and a BIFM level 4 diploma. Her experience includes managing teams, facilities maintenance, health and safety compliance, budgeting, and project management.
Applying Climate Information to Achieve the Sustainable Development GoalsGreg Benchwick
The document discusses how improving climate information and early warning systems in Africa could help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines how better weather data can boost agricultural production, protect lives from extreme weather like lightning strikes, and support climate-resilient development. Providing this information to vulnerable groups like smallholder farmers has the potential to increase incomes, food security and education opportunities on the continent.
The document summarizes a student's school project on layer production over 45 weeks. Some key points:
- The student conducted the project at a farm, housing 100 chickens to collect eggs for sale. Materials and costs were estimated upfront.
- Over the period, 264 trays of eggs were collected for $316,800 in income. However, costs were $375,900 resulting in a $5,140 shortfall.
- Mortality rates and egg production were lower than estimated, resulting in income $83,200 lower than projected. Costs were also $49,000 higher than expected.
- Ultimately there was a $124,000 difference between the projected $183,100 surplus
David K. Beverly has over 40 years of experience as a consulting engineer providing civil engineering and surveying services to a wide range of clients. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee. He is a registered professional engineer in Tennessee and Texas. His recent experience includes working independently as a consulting engineer since 2006, where he has completed residential and commercial developments, landfill design and permitting, and stormwater pollution prevention plans. Prior to that, he held various engineering and management roles with other firms.
Blue Apron is a meal kit delivery service that sends pre-portioned ingredients and recipes to customers. It currently sends 3 million meals per month, generating $30 million in monthly revenue. The company was valued at $2 billion after raising $193 million from investors. The meal kit market is growing rapidly and is predicted to be worth between $3-5 billion within 10 years as companies like Blue Apron, Plated, and HelloFresh make home cooking more convenient and help people live healthier lifestyles.
A telemedicine expert with extensive experience in the United States and abroad, Dr. Peter Pete Killcommons serves as the CEO of Medweb, a medical imaging and telemedicine firm he founded. Also a sought-after speaker, Dr. Peter Killcommons was the keynote presenter at the First Armenian International Telemedicine Congress, during which he donated a Medweb telemedicine system to the Armenian Telemedicine Association
Eve Wanza Mueni is a Kenyan national seeking an administrative position that allows her to utilize her 10 years of experience in administration, IT, and sales. She has a bachelor's degree in business administration and various technical certificates. Her resume highlights administrative roles she has held with organizations like Dakota Limited and Cretum Properties Ltd, where her duties included office management, client relations, and logistics coordination. She possesses strong computer skills and qualifications in accounting, web design, and entrepreneurship.
Paternitate si Contestarea Filiatiei. Aspecte JuridiceSidonia Tudor
Paternitate si Contestarea Filiatiei. Aspecte Juridice.
In societatea contemporana, chestiunile legate de paternitate si filiatie pot ridica numeroase provocari juridice si sociale. De la presupuneri legale la posibilitatea contestarii filiatiei, aceste aspecte pot afecta profund vietile indivizilor implicati.
2. Adop釘ia
este opera釘iunea juridic prin care
se creeaz legtura de filia釘ie 樽ntre
adoptat i adoptator, precum i
legturi de rudenie 樽ntre adoptat i
rudele adoptatorului.
3. Condiiile adopiei
V但rsta de 18 ani pentru cel adoptat. Poate fi adoptat persoana
care nu a atins v但rsta de 18 ani, dup 18 ani doar ca excepie.
V但rsta de 25 de ani pentru adoptator. Poate s adopte persoana
care a atins v但rsta de 25 de ani (este suficient doar unul dintre soi
s aib 樽mlinit v但rsta de 25 de ani) i este cu cel pu釘in 18 ani mai 樽n
v樽rst dec樽t cel pe care doresc s-l adopte, dar nu cu mai mult de 48
de ani. Instan釘a de judecat poate 樽ncuviin釘a adop釘ia chiar dac
diferen釘a de v樽rst 樽ntre copil i adoptator este mai mic de 18 ani,
dar 樽n nici un caz mai pu釘in de 16 ani.
Cstorii de cel puin 3 ani. Adop釘ia copilului de ctre so釘i este
permis numai 樽n cazul 樽n care cstoria lor dureaz de cel pu釘in 3
ani p樽n la momentul depunerii cererii de adop釘ie. Aceast condiie
este limitativ pentru cuplurile cstorite care doresc s adopte un
copil, pentru a fi asigurat stabilitatea pentru copilul ce urmeaz a fi
Garaniile morale i condiiile materiale. Adoptatorii trebuie s
樽ndeplineasc garan釘iile morale i condi釘iile materiale necesare
dezvoltrii multilaterale i armonioase a personalit釘ii copilului
Ultimii 3 ani trii 樽n Moldova pentru ceteni strini i
4. Nu pot adopta copii
persoanele: deczute din drepturile printeti;
a cror stare de sntate nu le permite 樽ndeplinirea
corespunztoare a obliga釘iilor i responsabilit釘ilor privind
creterea i educarea copiilor;
care se eschiveaz de la exercitarea obliga釘iilor printeti,
inclusiv de la plata pensiei de 樽ntre釘inere a copiilor biologici;
eliberai de obliga釘iile de tutore sau de curator din cauza
樽ndeplinirii necorespunztoare a obliga釘iilor;
care au prezentat documente sau informa釘ii false pentru
樽ncuviin釘area adop釘iei;
care au fost condamnate pentru sv樽rirea unor infrac釘iuni
inten釘ionate: contra vie釘ii i snt釘ii persoanei; contra
libert釘ii, cinstei i demnit釘ii persoanei; referitoare la via釘a
sexual; contra familiei i copiilor.
5. Condiiile adopiei internaionale:
I. Pentru adopia internaional statul stabilete anumite
limite spre adoptare. Astfel, de ctre persoane cu
domiciliul 樽n strintate pot fi adoptai copiii doar dac:
so釘ul adopt copilul celuilalt so釘;
copilul este adoptat, 樽n mod prioritar, de ruda sa de p樽n
la gradul IV inclusiv, cu domiciliul 樽n strintate;
copilul adoptabil cu nevoi speciale este adoptat de ctre
adoptatorul cu domiciliul 樽n strintate dac nu a fost
cerut 樽n adop釘ie na釘ional ori 樽n tutel sau curatel timp
de 6 luni din momentul lurii la eviden釘 drept copil
6. Cum decurg majoritatea adopiilor
樽n mod obinuit, adop釘ia 樽n Republica Moldova este un proces
樽ndelungat i anevoios. Prin noua legislaie din 2011 privind
adop釘ia s-a dorit simplificarea procesului, dar care din contra a
creat mai mult confuzie i paradoxuri.
n prezent, aproape 70 de familii ateapt s 樽nfieze un copii.
Unele din ele stau 樽n r但nd 樽nc din 2007.
7. 5 樽ntrebri eseniale la care sa iti
raspunzi inainte de adoptie
1. Esti gata sa iti asumi munca implicata de procesul de adoptie?
2. Te simti capabila sa te documentezi ca la carte?
3. Esti pregatita sa infrunti eventualele probleme ale familiilor
4. Esti dispusa sa accepti existenta parintilor biologici?
5. Esti pregatita sa primesti ajutor?
Procesul de adoptie implica foarte multe aspecte pe care trebuie
sa ti le asumi de la inceput. Daca te-ai hotarat sa adopti un copil,
ai grija sa iti raspunzi la cateva intrebari esentiale care te ajuta sa
stii in timp util ca decizia va fi, in final, una corecta. Infierea unui
sufletel dornic de protectie si dragoste este un gest minunat, dar
si o responsabilitate majora.