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106 Australasian Dental Practice	 January/February 2015
chieving patient engagement
is one of the fundamental ele-
ments of succeeding in your
dental practice. If you do not
engage your dental patients,
you will struggle to build the relationships
that are required to effectively manage
and treat your patients and also struggle
to build the foundations that will see your
practice grow in production and referrals.
Robert Cialdini is an American Psy-
chologist who, after many years of
research, identified the six principles that
influence consumers:
	 Reciprocity: when we feel the need to
return a favour when someone gives us
something for nothing or does some-
thing generous in our eyes;
	 Consistency: we make decisions that
are consistent with our own personal
values or statements we have expressed;
	 Social Proofing: we will be inclined to
do that which many others are doing;
	 Authority: we tend to obey those in an
authoritative position;
	 Likeability: we choose to do more
business with people whom we like; and
	 Scarcity: if something is in short
supply or difficult to attain, our demand
for it goes up.
Applying Cialdinis six principles
to the practise of dentistry provides a
highly effective and proven process and
system for building and maintaining
patient engagement.
These 6 Elements of Engagement
can be easily and successfully applied in
dental practice.
When you hand out toothbrushes and
toothpaste at recall visits, you are
generating desires for reciprocity. You are
giving something to the patient for nothing.
The patient leaves feeling a little indebted
to you for your generosity. Reciprocity
can also be developed with the itemised
account of services. List every service you
provide on the invoice. Remove the fee for
the items you would normally not charge
for, for example oral hygiene instruction
or cusp capping when the filling price may
be all included in the filling item number.
Even list on the invoice the toothbrush and
toothpaste that you hand out yet have no
cost against it. Take these opportunities to
show your patients that they are receiving
things of value from you at no charge.
Their natural response will be of apprecia-
tion and a desire to reciprocate.
The element of consistency in dental
practices is when you and your team
provide, at all times, your great customer
service and quality treatments in the
manner that is consistent with your core
values and marketing. It is when you can
be relied upon to be consistent that you
build trust, rapport and engagement.
Social proofing
Referrals is a great example of social
proofing. Someone comes to you
because others they trust already attend
your clinic. Social proofing is also effec-
tive in the encouragement of patients
keeping to their six monthly recall visits.
Indicate the benefits that all of your reg-
ular patients experience by coming and
maintaining their oral health. Patients will
be naturally inclined to move and do what
most people accept is a good thing to do.
You communicate that you, as a dentist
in your practice, are in a position of
authority by displaying your certifications
on the walls, discussing your latest semi-
nars with your patients and quoting other
people of authority when describing how
to achieve successful treatment outcomes.
Be friendly. Have a laugh with your
patients. Ensure your patients see you
being positive and friendly with all of
Achieving patient engagement
through the 6 elements of influence
By Julie Parker
practice | MANAGEMENT
January/February 2015	 Australasian Dental Practice 107
practice | MANAGEMENT
your staff. If issues arise with your patient,
manage them in a caring and effective
way. Likeability is the foundation of great
customer service. All staff should be dis-
playing great likeability. Your patients
are less likely to leave you if they like you!
Scarcity comes from your appointment
book. Indicate to patients that it is
difficult to find an ideal time, while still
giving them exactly what they want. For
example, even if there are plenty of vacant
times, offer only one or two. If these do
not suit, ask the patient what their prefer-
ence is. Then search some more. Say
to your patient, You know, I think I can
help you with that time. Ill just make this
little adjustment in the book so you can
have it. The patient will:
1.	Grasp the perception of scarcity and how
fortunate they are to be your patient;
2.	Appreciate your great customer service
in going the extra mile to please them;
3.	Have a higher sense of importance over
their appointment, contributing to their
commitment to it.
So, you can see how Robert Cialdinis
6 principles can be applied to dental
practices in the achievement of highly
successful patient engagement with your
services. We encourage you to adopt
these 6 Elements of Engagement into your
practice. Coach your team in the under-
standing and use of them. And like a golf
swing improvement process, be willing to
do the repetitious work to ensure you gain
the benefits.
About the author
Julie Parkers whole career has been devoted to the dental industry, starting in 1987 as a
dental nurse. In 2003, Julie became the first non-dentist to buy a dental practice in Aus-
tralia. She owned and managed her practice in Brighton, Victoria for 10 years. During
this time, she more than trebled the turnover and her staff base grew from 3 to 12 mem-
bers. Julie successfully cultivated a winning team and a winning business. Her business
programs on how to accomplish a dream dental business are gleaned from her wealth
of experience, intensive education and an inquisitive business mind. Julie is a Certified
Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy.
Julie Parker Dental Management offers a subscription based program that educates all
dental staff in the building and managing of their practices. Members receive monthly
audio CDs and workbooks that lead them along the path to personal and team success. All
team members, including the dentists, receive Certificates of Completion each month for
submission for non-clinical CPD points and inclusion on resumes. Memberships are avail-
able for $395 per month. For more info, see www.julieparkerdentalmanagement.com.au or

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ADPM Article - Achieving patient engagement

  • 1. 106 Australasian Dental Practice January/February 2015 A chieving patient engagement is one of the fundamental ele- ments of succeeding in your dental practice. If you do not engage your dental patients, you will struggle to build the relationships that are required to effectively manage and treat your patients and also struggle to build the foundations that will see your practice grow in production and referrals. Robert Cialdini is an American Psy- chologist who, after many years of research, identified the six principles that influence consumers: Reciprocity: when we feel the need to return a favour when someone gives us something for nothing or does some- thing generous in our eyes; Consistency: we make decisions that are consistent with our own personal values or statements we have expressed; Social Proofing: we will be inclined to do that which many others are doing; Authority: we tend to obey those in an authoritative position; Likeability: we choose to do more business with people whom we like; and Scarcity: if something is in short supply or difficult to attain, our demand for it goes up. Applying Cialdinis six principles to the practise of dentistry provides a highly effective and proven process and system for building and maintaining patient engagement. These 6 Elements of Engagement can be easily and successfully applied in dental practice. Reciprocity When you hand out toothbrushes and toothpaste at recall visits, you are generating desires for reciprocity. You are giving something to the patient for nothing. The patient leaves feeling a little indebted to you for your generosity. Reciprocity can also be developed with the itemised account of services. List every service you provide on the invoice. Remove the fee for the items you would normally not charge for, for example oral hygiene instruction or cusp capping when the filling price may be all included in the filling item number. Even list on the invoice the toothbrush and toothpaste that you hand out yet have no cost against it. Take these opportunities to show your patients that they are receiving things of value from you at no charge. Their natural response will be of apprecia- tion and a desire to reciprocate. Consistency The element of consistency in dental practices is when you and your team provide, at all times, your great customer service and quality treatments in the manner that is consistent with your core values and marketing. It is when you can be relied upon to be consistent that you build trust, rapport and engagement. Social proofing Referrals is a great example of social proofing. Someone comes to you because others they trust already attend your clinic. Social proofing is also effec- tive in the encouragement of patients keeping to their six monthly recall visits. Indicate the benefits that all of your reg- ular patients experience by coming and maintaining their oral health. Patients will be naturally inclined to move and do what most people accept is a good thing to do. Authority You communicate that you, as a dentist in your practice, are in a position of authority by displaying your certifications on the walls, discussing your latest semi- nars with your patients and quoting other people of authority when describing how to achieve successful treatment outcomes. Likeability Be friendly. Have a laugh with your patients. Ensure your patients see you being positive and friendly with all of Achieving patient engagement through the 6 elements of influence By Julie Parker practice | MANAGEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 2. January/February 2015 Australasian Dental Practice 107 practice | MANAGEMENT your staff. If issues arise with your patient, manage them in a caring and effective way. Likeability is the foundation of great customer service. All staff should be dis- playing great likeability. Your patients are less likely to leave you if they like you! Scarcity Scarcity comes from your appointment book. Indicate to patients that it is difficult to find an ideal time, while still giving them exactly what they want. For example, even if there are plenty of vacant times, offer only one or two. If these do not suit, ask the patient what their prefer- ence is. Then search some more. Say to your patient, You know, I think I can help you with that time. Ill just make this little adjustment in the book so you can have it. The patient will: 1. Grasp the perception of scarcity and how fortunate they are to be your patient; 2. Appreciate your great customer service in going the extra mile to please them; and 3. Have a higher sense of importance over their appointment, contributing to their commitment to it. So, you can see how Robert Cialdinis 6 principles can be applied to dental practices in the achievement of highly successful patient engagement with your services. We encourage you to adopt these 6 Elements of Engagement into your practice. Coach your team in the under- standing and use of them. And like a golf swing improvement process, be willing to do the repetitious work to ensure you gain the benefits. About the author Julie Parkers whole career has been devoted to the dental industry, starting in 1987 as a dental nurse. In 2003, Julie became the first non-dentist to buy a dental practice in Aus- tralia. She owned and managed her practice in Brighton, Victoria for 10 years. During this time, she more than trebled the turnover and her staff base grew from 3 to 12 mem- bers. Julie successfully cultivated a winning team and a winning business. Her business programs on how to accomplish a dream dental business are gleaned from her wealth of experience, intensive education and an inquisitive business mind. Julie is a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy. Julie Parker Dental Management offers a subscription based program that educates all dental staff in the building and managing of their practices. Members receive monthly audio CDs and workbooks that lead them along the path to personal and team success. All team members, including the dentists, receive Certificates of Completion each month for submission for non-clinical CPD points and inclusion on resumes. Memberships are avail- able for $395 per month. For more info, see www.julieparkerdentalmanagement.com.au or enquiries@julieparkerdentalmanagement.com.au.