The 4-bit CPU was designed to execute 18 distinct operations from a lookup table. It was tested by executing an instruction set that performed operations like load, store, add, and jump instructions. The accumulator and program counter displays were observed after each instruction to verify the correct operations. Various components like a RAM, ALU, program counter, and decoders were used in the design. The group members demonstrated different parts of the instruction set to verify the CPU was functioning properly.
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ADS Lab 5 Report
1. Advanced Digital Systems
Dr. Megherbi
Lab #5 4-bit Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Due date : 11/24/15
Prepared by : Javier Guzman
Edson Montrond
Riddhi Shah
2. Objective:
The objective of thislabwasto designa 4-but CPU whichexecutes18distinctoperations(theycanbe
foundonthe attachedLook-uptable (LUT)),asrequired.
Instruction Definition
NOP Perform No operation Acc->Acc
INV Invert the value stored in Accumulator Acc->ACC
SHIFT Add the value of Accumulator with Accumulator and Store in Accumulator
LDI Load Immediate Data DB->ACC
LOAD Load the value of RAM to ACC RAM->ACC
STORE Store the value of ACC in RAM ACC->RAM
ADD ADD the values of ACC, RAM and store it in ACC
ACC plus RAM -> ACC
SUB Subtract the value of RAM from ACC and store in ACC
ACC minus RAM-> ACC
AND Perform logical AND function for ACC and RAM
OR Perform logical OR function for ACC ACC (OR) RAM->ACC
ADDI Perform addition for the values of ACC and DB ACC plus DB->ACC
SUBI Subtract the value of DB from ACC ACC minus DB -> ACC
ANDI Perform logical AND function for ACC and DB ACC (AND) DB->ACC
ORI Perform logical OR function for ACC and DB ACC (OR) DB-> ACC
JMPZ Load the value of PC with Zero 0-> PC
JIFZ Load the value of PC with zero only if ACC is equal to zero 0->PC if ACC=0
JIFN Load the value of PC with zero only if ACC is equal to 1111 0->PC if ACC=F
JIFP Load the value of PC with zero only if ACC is equal to 0001 0->PC if ACC=1
List of Components Used
Components Part Number & Range Count Description
BCD to Seven Segment
SN74LS247 2 Decoder
16X4 RAM 7489 1 RAM
Hex D Flip Flop 74LS174 2 D Flip Flop
DIP Switch 3 DIP Switch
Dual 7 Segment Display 08TIE524 1 Display
Toggle Switch 17TOGSD-M SPDT 1 Toggle Switch
2-Input Multiplexer SN54/74LS157 1 4 bit 2-1 Mux
Hex Inverter SN54/74LS04 1 Inverter
Resistors 220 Ohms 2 Resistor
Program Counter 74LS569N 1 Program Counter
Quad 2 Input NAND gate 74LS00 1 NAND Gate
3. Arithmetic Logic Unit 74LS181 1 ALU
DC Power Supply 5V 1 Power Supply
Proto Board PB-105 1 Board
Connecting Wires wires
Experimental Approach:
The purpose of this assignment was to realize the functionality and understanding the working of
instruction register sets (assembly language) Central Processing unit (CPU). Two DIP switch BYTE
0(MUX, R/W, M, Cn, Control bus S0-S3) and BYTE 1(Data bus DB3-DB0, RAM3 – RAM0) were used to
input byte instructions. A debounce switch made up from cross-coupled NAND gate is used as
clock input to Program Counter, Instruction register and accumulator. The Data bits are given to
ALU either as External Data Bits (DB) or from the location in internal scratchpad memory. The
values from Accumulator are stored in RAM to perform the desired operations. As the data
outputs of the RAM are active low, they are sent to inverter and then the values are given to
Multiplexer. The select signal to the Multiplexer selects either external Data Bits or the data
stored in RAM. A single step clock is used for moving through sequential even and odd counts.
At each count, Dipswitches set proper values of particular instruction. The Program Counter
counts the sequence of operations while the ALU executes the instruction set, displays the
obtained values in Accumulator. The control circuit consists of JMPZ and JIFZ instructions, which
load the value of zero to Program Counter either when interrupted or when the Accumulator is
loaded with the value of zero.
Instruction Set Table:
Figure 1 LUT
5. Hardware:
The 4 bit CPU executes as per the given instruction set by displaying the necessary values of
Program Counter and Accumulator in Dual Segment Display.
6. Conclusion:
Schematic, Simulation and Hardware Implementation of this assignment is successfully
implemented and results are displayed to TA
Fault Tolerance Question:
1: Execute the following instruction set in the 4 Bit CPU and make a note on each instruction.
The following instruction set is executed and the required values in both Accumulator and
Program Counter are observed.
Instruction Accumulator
LDI 4 4 7 The value of 4 is displayed in Accumulator.
STORE 10 4 8 The value of 4 is stored in 10-memory location of
LDI 1 1 9 The value of 1 is displayed in Accumulator
LOAD 10 4 10 The value of 4 is loaded from RAM and displayed in
LDI 2 2 11 The value of 2 is displayed in Accumulator
ADD 10 6 12 The value stored in 10 memory position of RAM is
added to value of Accumulator and gets displayed in
JIFZ 6 12 The Program Counter is same value if not clocked
but if clocked then the PC changes to 13 since
accumulator is not zero the value remains the same.
JMPZ 6 0 The value of Program counter is set to zero.
ADD I 2 8 1 The external Data bit 2 is added to Accumulator and
the value is stored in Accumulator.
LOAD 0 0 2 The value of zero is loaded in Accumulator
JIFZ 0 0 The program counter executes the jump instruction
as the value of Accumulator is zero and JIFZ
instruction is set.
Javier: Demonstrated the first to three instructions.
Edson: Demonstrated four to seven instructions
Riddhi: Demonstrated eight to eight to eleven instructions