The document evaluates a social media campaign for an internship and travel program using a 12-point checklist. It focuses on the program's Facebook page, which covers 10 of the 12 checklist elements. The page includes information about the program, a content strategy focusing on career and travel topics, and consistent branding across social media platforms. However, engagement could be improved by growing the fan base and adding more interactive elements.
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INTERN & TRAVEL | A Social Media Report: Facebook + Twitter
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To evaluate our social media campaign we decided to use the
checklist presented by ShortStack (left). The checklist includes 12
elements and helps to evaluate the quality of our Facebook Page.
This report will mostly focus on these elements and present the
examples of our Facebook fan page in work.
We added to this report a bit of interactivity, so that you can
navigate through different elements of this checklist by clicking on
the visual side bar to the left. To go back to this page click .
Our social media campaign mostly focused on Facebook. The
Twitter-account was made as a substitution to broadcast our FB
activities and share come news on the go. But as the program
hasnt been launched yet, there were also no news 束on the go.損
Social media report
Facebook + Twitter
prepared by team two
Advertising and Sales
KIMEP U Spring 2013
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In our 束About損 section we put a short description of the
program, the date it was 束founded損 (here we started
from our first class in Spring semester 2013), and added
the website URL.
As the social media campaign mostly focused on
Facebook, this is a primary social media tool were
using. Unfortunately, we couldnt find the Twitter app at
Facebook to connect it to FB page.
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We decided to preserve the
corporate style of Intern & Travel.
Top picture: Cover photo (CP).
Below left: CP description.
Below right:
Profile picture
with a logo of
Intern & Travel
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Even though the program now has no active campaigns
or sales promotions, we decided to put a Wix app with
basic information about the program, the application
procedure and our contacts in social media, icluding both
Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as a physical
address of the Virtual University in the 束About損 section.
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User engagement percentage:
18 23 = 0.7878%
Content strategy
Concering our content strategy, we decided to
shuffle a bit the evalutation elements listed on the
first page and to combine the elements 8 and 12
into one: Content strategy.
While designing our content strategy and schedule
we decided to focus on the following topics:
- How to write resumes and cover letters;
- Job searching tips;
- Interesting places in the USA;
- PR agencies in the USA;
- Leadership development;
- New PR tools and technologies.
We chose these specific topics as we think that
the tarhet audience of this page are young people,
students with strong leadership skills and willingness
to find a nice job and get profound experience.
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Content strategy
To the left you can see our full
content strategy in work.
Posts include:
Photo albums;
YouTube video links;
Facebook videos.
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Exclusive content
Our content strategy included posts that we consider
must interest the target audience, like tips on writing
cover letters successfully and tricks on writing good
Unfortunately in that short period of time that we
started publishing our content, we got only 23 likes
and havent yet built a strong and participating
audience. So, the commneting element of our FB
page was not develeoped.
We tried to have a
unique and persistent
brand image with the
same pictures and style
used in all our corporate
including Facebook.
Twitter and the program
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And this is our Twitter
account: @intern_n_travel.
As you can see, Tweets
are made on the basis
of the content shared on
Twitter profile picture also
follows the corporate style
used for the website and
the Facebook page.
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So, heres our checklist.
You can see that we have
10 out of 12 elements on
the FB page with just two
elements missing.
This means, we ahve still
space for improvement. A
few suggestions:
Advertise the page
among the target
audience to increase
the current fan base;
Add other social
media tools to SMM
plan and connect new
tools with 束About損
section of the page.
Use opinion polls and
questions to engage
the current audience
and convert fans into
prospective interns.