Digital signature creation and verification within trusted e-business workflows
ADSS Server provides [1] centralised digital signature creation and verification, [2] enables end-user and server-side signatures, and [3] integrates with business applications via APIs, watched folders, or email. It supports a variety of signing and verification options for documents, data, and workflows to increase security, accountability, and audit compliance for both internal and external use.
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1. Digital signature creation and verification within trusted e-business workflows
ADSS Server
- Apply corporate digital signatures
- Enable end-user client-side
or server-side digital signatures
- Provide centralised signature verification
- Provide centralised certificate validation
Organisations today are facing a variety of The following business workflows benefit from
pressures to provide enhanced security of the enhanced traceability of requests and
data, better accountability, traceability and approvals, instant document or data integrity
audit to aid compliance with local legislation, checking, audit and compliance:
regional directives and internal needs. From a Sending documents with digital signatures to
commercial and efficiency perspective there is external parties:
also a strong drive to replace paper-based
Receipts, Invoices, Quotations
processes with secure, electronic ones. User
Reports - consultancy and project reports,
Identity, system identity and digital signature
regulatory data, case notes, next actions etc
verification and validation can add significant
value to providing trust and traceability within Approved agreements (Loans, insurance)
such business processes. Government submissions
ADSS Server is designed to provide these trust Sending documents with digital signatures
services for a wide range of business internally:
documents, data and information workflows. Personnel documentation
It can be simply and easily integrated with Internal policy documents
ECM, CRM or ERP business applications via Verifying received digital signatures:
APIs, Watched Folder or even Email. A On quotations and tender documents
minimum of application development or
On Orders, Reports, Regulations etc
integration is required since ADSS Server
Invoices, Internal policy documents
maintains all the management knowledge to
understand how to sign, where to sign, with Authorising/approving expense sheets, time
what keys, where these are kept, which CAs to sheets, HR forms, design documents
trust how to validate certificates, etc. Thus Creating a signed notary archive of received
small changes do not affect the applications. documentation
A Business Workflow with accountability, traceability and archive services
ERP, CRM, ECM Business Applications
Approval required Approval granted
business flows Orders,
Sign, verify, timestamp Order confirmations
ADSS Server Statements
ADSS Secure Reports
eMail Server FDA Submissions
Inbound email ADSS GoSign
Outbound email G
ADSS Expenses
Archive Project Plans Sign Orders
Compliance reports Agreements
Server Proposals
Tenders / submissions
HR documents e-Tender
Notary sign / timestamp submissions
Retention policy control Payment requests
Ascertia : Identity proven, Trust delivered
2. Digital signature creation and verification within trusted e-business workflows
ADSS Server provides high level security ADSS Server Integration Options
services whilst removing all the lower-level Sign Verify
ADSS Server Web Services
complexities from the business environment. - via XML/SOAP messaging
ADSS Server administrators define acceptable - via a provided high level .NET API
policies and profiles as well as how they will be - via a provided high level Java API
applied and how they will be presented. They Using ADSS GoSign
then permit or deny client applications the right - Within a web-browser (GoSign Applet)
- Within a desktop .NET app (GoSign .NET)
to use these, e.g. the invoice signing profile - Within a desktop Java app (GoSign Java)
should only be allowed by the specific finance
Using ADSS Server Auto File Processor
department invoicing application. - For one or more watched folders
The following tables show the multiple different Using ADSS Gateway for confidentiality
ways in which ADSS Server can be integrated - to extract signatures from documents -
within a business workflow environment to suit Using the Secure eMail Server
existing systems and technologies and the - to handle emails and/or attachments
signing and verification options that exist.
Signing Capabilities Verification Capabilities
Sign various document / data formats Verify & Trust various document / data formats
PDF, XML, File, Form (PKCS#7) and S/MIME PDF, XML, File, Form (PKCS#7) and S/MIME
Sign using various format options Verify various signature types
Embedded e.g. PDF, XML Embedded e.g. PDF, XML
Wrapping e.g. PKCS#7 / CMS / XML) Wrapping e.g. PKCS#7 / CMS / XML)
Detached (XML, PKCS#7, CMS) Detached (XML, PKCS#7, CMS)
Plus timestamp information (ETSI / PDF) Special options
Plus validation status information (ETSI / PDF) Add/check timestamp information (ETSI / PDF)
Notary / archive / timestamp / evidence archive Add/check validation status information (ETSI / PDF)
For use with any internal or external document Optional Historic verification of any signature
Use Corporate server signatures For use with any internal or external document
User individual client-side signatures via GoSign Use with any received signatures at a server
Use with any received signature at a desktop
With so many options Ascertia and its delivery partners can help you to define the best options to
meet the various business, legislative and regulatory needs and reduce the risks and costs involved in
creating, sending, receiving and storing unprotected business documents. The multiple capabilities of
ADSS Server can be used to solve todays needs and also offer tremendous investment protection to
meet the changing needs of tomorrow.
ADSS Server meets the needs of small, large national and multi-national organisations. It does this
by providing flexibility, resilience, scalability, combined with well designed internal security,
management, audit logging and reporting. ADSS Server also offers CA, OCSP, XKMS, SCVP, TSA and
LTANS Archiving services designed for Enterprise or Managed Service Provider use.
ADSS Server Standards Compliance:
Signature generation: ETSI CAdES, XAdES (ES, -T, -C, -X-Long, -EPES, -A), PAdES, PDF & XML CMS/PKCS#7, S/MIME signatures
Signature verification: One or multiple PDF, XML DigSig, ETSI CAdES, XAdES, PAdES, CMS/PKCS#7, S/MIME signatures
Certificate validation: OCSP, CRLs, Delta CRLs, XKMS and SCVP
Certificate generation: Generates PKCS#10 and accepts PKCS#12, PKCS#7, X.509v3 keys and certificates
Time stamping: TSP (RFC3161)
HSM Support: Any PKCS#11 compliant HSM, smartcard or token, e.g. SafeNet, nCipher and others
Operating Systems: Windows 2003 / 2008 (32/64) Server, Solaris 10 and Linux versions
Databases: SQL Server 2000/ 2005, Oracle 10g, MySQL, PostgreSQL
Interfaces: OASIS DSS and DSS-X web services (including over SSL/TLS), HTTP(s) interface for administrators,
Auto File Processor (AFP) Watched folders, S/MIME support for email integration, Java and .NET APIs
Options: ADSS Server can be used to provide advanced trust services, e.g. TSA, OCSP
Ascertia Limited Signed By: Rod Crook
Web: Reason: I approve this document
Email: 29/06/2010 12:54:28 GMT +01:00
Tel: +44 1256 895416 US: +1 508 283 1890
40 Occam Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7YG, UK
息 Copyright Ascertia Limited 2010. All Rights Reserved, E&OE
Ascertia : Identity proven, Trust delivered