INTRODUCTION- Medicinal plants constitute an effective source of traditional
and homeopathy medicine. Herbal medicine has been shown to have
genuine utility. In India, about 80% of the rural population depends on
medicinal herbs and/or indigenous systems of medicine. In fact today,
approximately 70% of synthetic medicines are derived from plants.
Herbal adulteration is one of the common malpractices in herbal raw-
material trade.
Adulteration is described as intentional substitution with another plant
species or intentional addition of a foreign substance to increase the
weight or potency of the product or to decrease its cost.
In general, adulteration is considered as an intentional practice.
However, unintentional adulteration also exists in herbal raw-material
trade due to various reasons, and many of them are unknown even to the
scientific community.
Definition- The term adulteration is defined as substituting original crude drug
partially or wholly with other similar looking substances. The substance, which is
mixed, is free from or inferior in chemical and therapeutic property.
Generally, the drugs are adulterated by substitution with substandard commercial
varieties, inferior drugs or artificially manufactured commodities. The different
types of adulterants found in market are given here.
1) Adulteration using manufactured substances-
In this type of adulteration the original substances are adulterated by material
that are artificially manufactured. The materials are prepared in a way that their
general form and appearance resemble with various drugs.
2. Eg. Cargo of ergot from Portugal was adulterated with small masses of flour
dough moulded to the correct size and shape and coloured, first using red ink,
and then into writing ink.
Artificial invert sugar is used in place of honey.
Paraffin wax coloured yellow and is been substituted for beeswax.
Compressed chicory is used in place of coffee berries.
Bass-wood is cut exactly the required shape of nutmeg and used to adulterate
2)substitution using inferior commercial varieties-
In this type, the original drugs are substituted using inferior quality drugs that may
be similar in morphological characters, chemical constituents or therapeutic
Eg. Hog gum or hog tragacanth for tragacanth gum,
Mangosteen fruits for bael fruits,
arabian senna, obovate senna and provence senna are used to adulterate senna,
ginger being adulterated with cochin,African and Japanese ginger.
3)substitution using exhausted drugs-
In this type of substitution, the active medicaments of the main drugs are extracted
out and are used again. this could be done for the commodities that would retain its
shape and appearance even after extraction, or the appearance and taste could be
made to the required state by adding colouring or flavouringagents. This technique
is frequently adopted for the drugs containing volatile oil, such as clove, Fennel,
Eg. After extraction, Saffron and red rose petals are recoloured by artificial dyes.
The bitterness of exhausted gentian is restored by adding aloes.
4)substitution of superficially similar inferior natural substance-
The substituents used may be morphologically similar but will not be having any
relation to the genuine article in their constituents or therapeutic activity.
3. Eg. Ailanthusleaves are substituted for belladonna, senna leaves,
Saffron admixed with saff flower
Peach kernels and apricot kernel for almonds
5)Adulteration using the vegetative part of the same plant-
The presence of vegetative parts of the same plant with the drug in excessive
amount is also an adulteration.
Eg. Epiphytes, such as mosses, liverworts and lichens that grow over the barks also
may occur in unusual amounts with the drugs,
Excessive amount of stems in drugs like lobelia, stramonium, hamamelis
6) Addition of toxic materials-
In this type of adulteration, the materials used for adulteration would be toxic in
nature. A big mass of stone was found in the centre of a bale of liquorice root. lime
stone pieces with asafoetida, lead shot in opium, amber coloured glass pieces in
7) Adulteration of powders-
Powdered drugs are found to be adulterated very frequently. Adulterants used are
generally powdered waste products of a suitable colour and density. Powdered
olive stones for powdered gentian, liquorice or pepper, brick powder for barks.
8) Addition of synthetic principles-
Synthetic pharmaceutical principles are used for market and therapeutic value.
Eg. Citral is added to lemon oil, diabetes angel containing glyburide and
phenformin , sleeping buddha containing estazolam.
Unintentional adulteration may be due to the following reasons:
4. 1)confusion in vernacular names between indigenous systems of medicine and
local dialects
2) lack of knowledge about the authentic plant
3) non availability of the authentic plant
4) similarity in morphology and or aroma
5) careless collection
6) other unknown reasons
Name confusion-
In Ayurveda ,Parpatta refer to Fumaria parviflora. In siddha, Parpadagamrefer
to Mollugo Pentaphylla. Owing to the similarity in the names in traditional system
of medicine , these two herbs are often interchanged or adulterated or substituted.
Because of the popularity of siddha medicine in some parts of south India, traders
in these regions supply M.Pentaphylla as Parpatta/Parpadagam and the north
Indian suppliers supply F.Parviflora. These two can be easily identified by the
presence of pale yellow to mild brown coloured, thin wiry stems and small simple
leaves of M.Pentaphylla and black to dark brown -coloured, digitate leaves with
narrow segments of F.Parviflora.
Lack of knowledge about authentic source-
Nagakesar is one of the important drugs in Ayurveda. The authentic source is
Mesua ferrea. However, market sample are adulterated with flowers of
calophyllum inophyllum. Though the authentic plant is available in plenty
throughout the western ghats and parts of the Himalayas, suppliers are unaware of
it. There may also be some restrictions in forest collection. Due to these reasons, C.
inophyllum is sold as Nagkesar. Authentic flowers can be easily identified by the
presence of two- celled ovary, whereas in case of spurious flowers they are single
Similarity in morphology-
Mucuna pruriens is the best example for unknown authentic plant and similarity in
morphology. It is adulterated with similar papilionaceae seeds. M.utilis(sold as
5. white variety) and M.deeringiana (sold as bigger variety) are popular adulterants.
Apart from this, M.cochinchinensis, Canavalia variso and C.ensiformis are also
sold in Indian markets. Authentic seeds are upto 1cm in length with shining mosaic
pattern of black and brown colour on their surface. M.deeringiana and M.utilis are
bigger (1.5-2cm) in size. M.deeringgiana is dull black, whereas M.utilis is white or
buff coloured.
Lack of authentic plant-
Hypericum perforatumis cultivated and sold in European markets. In India,
availability of this species in very limited. However, the abundant Indo-Nepal
species H.patulumis sold in the name of H.perforatum. Market sample is a whole
plant with flowers, and it is easy to identify them taxonomically. Anatomically,
stem transverse section of H.perforatum has compressed thin phloem, hollow pith
and absence of calcium oxalate crystals. On the other hand,H.patulum has broader
phloem, partially hollow pith and presense of calcium oxalate crystals.
Similarity in colour-
It is well known that in course of time, drug materials get changed to or substituted
with other plant species.
Eg. Ratanjot On discussion with supplier and non-timer forest product (NTFP)
contractors, it came to be known that in the past, roots of ventilago madraspatana
were collected from western Ghats, as the only source of Ratanjot. However, that
is not the practice now. It is clearly known that Arnebia euchroma var euchroma is
the present source. Similarity in yielding a red dye, A. euchroma substitutes V.
madraspatana. The description to identify these two is unnecessary because of the
absence of V. madraspatanain market. Whatever is available in the market, in the
name of Ratanjot, was originated from A.euchroma.
Careless collections-
some of the herbal adulterations are due to the carelessness of herbal collectors and
suppliers. Parmelia perlata is used in ayurveda, unani, and siddha. It is also used
as grocery. Market samples showed it to be admixed with other species
(P.perforata and P.cirrhata). Sometimes, Usnea sp. is also mixed with them.
Authentic plants can be identified by their thallus nature.
6. Unknown reasons-
Vidari is another example of unknown authentic plant. It is an important ayurvedic
plant used extensively. Its authentic source is Pueraria tuberosa, and its substitute
is Ipomoea digitata. However, market samples are not derived from these two. It is
interesting to know that an endangered gymnosperm cycas circinalis is sold in
plenty as vidari. The adulterated materials originated from Kerala, India. Although
both the authentic plant and its substitute are available in plenty throughout India,
how C.circinalis became a major source for this drug is unknown. P.tuberosa can
be easily identified by the presence of papery flake-like tubers, I.digitata by the
presence of its concentric rings of vascular bundles and their adulterant
C.circinalis by its leaf scars and absence of vessel elements.