Mr. Mamunur Rashid Redoy is a registered student with ACCA who has successfully passed the ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business. ACCA is a self-regulating professional accountancy body responsible for regulating statutory auditors in the UK. Completion of the Fundamentals Level of ACCA's 2007 syllabus is equivalent to obtaining a UK Bachelor's degree.
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advanced diploma equivalency
1. Mr Mamunur Rashid Redoy
Chartered University College
Cuc Id 106112797 House No 51
Road No 10 A Dhanmondi
19 February, 2015
Our Ref: CR/2426265
Dear Mr Mamunur Rashid Redoy
I can confirm that you are a registered student with ACCA and have and have
successfully passed the ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business.
ACCA is a self-regulating professional accountancy body whose Council is responsible
under its UK Royal Charter to the UK Privy Council. Under the Companies Act, ACCA is
also responsible to the UK Professional Oversight Team (POT) for the regulation of
statutory auditors, making ACCA a Recognised Supervisory Body (RSB). ACCA's
recognition as a Recognised Qualifying Body (RQB) under the UK Companies Act 2006
means that it has to set professional examinations which were at least equivalent in
standard to those required to obtain a degree from a university in the UK.
Completion of the Fundamentals Level of the 2007 syllabus has been equated to the
standard of a UK Bachelors degree.
For further information on the education recognition of ACCA and ACCA's qualifications
please refer to:
Please do not hesitate to contact ACCA on +44(0) 141 582 2000, or by fax on +44(0)
141 582 2222, or by email to if you have any enquiries
regarding this matter.
Yours sincerely
Lorna McAndrew
Operational Delivery