How to make Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 go faster by querying the Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) to build new indexes and drop ones that aren't being used.
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10. Indexes On An Item TableIndex #1:UPC_CodeIndex #2:SupplierIDIndex #3:CategoryQtyInStockPhoto licensed with Creative Commons from:
27. The End ResultCREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [_dta_index_Activity_11_1977058079__K1_K4_K7_K5_K3] ON [dbo].[Activity] ( [ServerName] ASC, [ActivityTypeID] ASC, [StatusTypeID] ASC, [StartTime] ASC, [DatabaseID] ASC)
28. Rename Each IndexCREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ServerName_ActivityTypeID_StatusTypeID_StartTime_DatabaseID] ON [dbo].[Activity] ( [ServerName] ASC, [ActivityTypeID] ASC, [StatusTypeID] ASC, [StartTime] ASC, [DatabaseID] ASC) ON [PRIMARY]