6. Where we dont market
PVF has gone from 100% wholesale to 1% in 45 years
Few Restaurants
No Wholesale (other stands, stores)
No Agritainment (beyond simple tours)
7. Major Decisions: Longstanding
Becoming an S-Corporation
Organic Certification or Not
Marketing Mix begin and grow CSA
Major Equipment upgrade (spader, compost turner)
Use black plastic
I want to make MONEY
8. Why become a Corporation?
To ensure continuity into the future
To reward longevity of service
10. Begin and then Grow CSA
Now our most profitable channel
Split season
Other products some grown by us, some by others
Market Style pick up
22. Become a better manager stop pretending this is less
important than tillage or fertility
Individual Talk
Management Training
23. Pay better to hire better
people, and to keep the good ones
27. Labor Distribution on
Successful Farms from
Market Midwest
30% Pick and
Pack PVF Labor Distribution
Pick and
Grow Pack
25% 50%
28. Knowing that pick, pack and wash is where you are
spending big labor dollars
How to make picking, packing and washing more
Streamline the harvest by being super organized and
delegating the right person for the right task
37. How to use less labor in marketing? And is it a good
trade off?
Market style CSA?
Special market staff?
Stop trying to have a roadside stand?
38. 1. Fun (high quality of life is a Must)
2. Make a Living
3. No or Low Debt
4. We like people
5. Keep investing in capital assets (the future!)
6. Machines are cool
7. Organic Practices The Soil Comes First
39. Value #1 High Quality of Life
9 month farm season
no Sunday market (once did 2!)
8 ish hour work days
Long lunch experiment
Hire plenty of people and use experts
Machines help my back
Very few animals make me happy
Avoiding debt = stress avoidance
40. Value #2 Make a Living
Good wages to owners: $42,000/year
Good wages to workers: $7-10/hour
Health Insurance for permanent employees
401-K for permanent employees
41. Value #3 Avoiding Debt
Pay as you go cash for capital improvements
Work with what we have
Blessed by previous generation
42. What are new economic goals?
More pay for everyone
Higher quality employee housing = more permanent
Enough money to make major capital investment in
additional housing and/or new washing station
43. Value #4 We Like People
Team Management of tri-woman owned farm
Hire lots of help
All retail sales
On-farm tours, limited PYO
Hire experts to do some of our work for us:
Mechanic, tax prep, waste management, fences
Lani grows eggs
Zach and Heinz grow early and late veggie
46. Ways we hide from people
Private homes for owners
Farm is generally not open to the public
Chefs are too ego-centric
Downside to Lots of People
Interpersonal stresses
Inefficiency Management Intensive
Wages and benefits
47. Value #5 Continue to Invest
Building worker housing
Deer Fence
Tractor modernization
Roadside stand improvement
51. Value #6 Machines are Cool
I like having and using equipment, it allows me to be
bigger and better
Save some back breaking labor (quality of life)
Ecoganic principles achieved more easily
Spader and harrow
Compost turner and spreader
56. Drawbacks to Equipment
Noise, smell of fumes
Isolation/Boredom of Operator
Petroleum Dependence
57. Value #7 Organic Practices
Safe and Beautiful Work Environment
Market Advantage
Tasty nutritious food for all of us
Long term land improvement to make life easier over
58. Who Helps us Decide?
Mostly other growers
Far flung farmer buds
friends and family
Experts (becoming an S-corp)
Conference mania for inspiration and networking
59. CSA
pro and cons
Good early money Stress of the Promise
Weatherproof income Pushes you to increase
Builds customer loyalty variety even if its not
Builds connections
your best crop
w/other farms Administration
Spreads economic
impact of any one crop Recipe handholding
62. Farmers Market
Pros and Cons
Fun to set up (for me!) Bad weather = bad $
Great customer rapport Gone from farm
No promise, no Serious competition
69. Roadside Stand
Pros and Cons
You are HOME! Relentless hours
Sell other farmers Infrastructure cost
product Zoning issues
Total control