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We had the chance to chose between, A music video A soap Or a trailer for a film We decided to produce the music video. With this we had to design a CD cover for its release as part of a digipak and also a magazine advertisement.  We aimed our video at mid teens and people in there twenties, aging between 15  26. mostly aimed at the middle class and those who are unemployed or not in education. So they can listen to this rock music and escape their problems in the real world. This audience is a wide audience and are the most interested in this genre of music, unlike 30  50 year olds.
Genre is French for type. The typical conventions of music video is, Fast paced editing Close ups Story lines and performance videos  In our music video we have included these. The pace keeps up with the music and we have used a lot of close ups. After careful planning and researching on music videos, we decided that we liked the idea of a ROCK music video with performance. We changed this a number of times between a video with a story line to performance then to just performance. The album cover from Green Day inspired us, due to there being no artist shown on the front of the cover. We used this idea to build on our own because even though it looked plain and simple, it stands out and is loud and bold.
We have kept to our black and white theme but on the back of the CD cover we have added red in to the colour scheme. Also we have added a city outline in black so show are urban style of music. GENRE
At the beginning of the project we had to research branding. The brand of an object is the make of the product.  Branding is about creating an image that people link with and the images and messages will get across to the targeted audiences for them to take an interest and buy the product. Our music video is under the genre of rock.  We liked the idea of just having a simple cover and we took inspiration from Green Day and also Billy Talent.  We kept to a simple colour scheme, as you can see here this cover is white and black, keeping to the rock genre.  The font of the writing is almost gothic and blends in will with the image that we are trying to create. Throughout our project we tried to keep the theme of blacks and whites and reds. You can see this clearly in the music video itself as well as in the covers and magazine advertisement.
Brand image is important to an industry because they need to know what their target audience is. They need to understand weather the project is worth signing and taking on if they can make a profit and are sure that they aim it at the right audience Our music project I has a strong genre of rock running al the way through it and there fore would be a strong project to aim at 15  26 year olds, who would enjoy this kind of music.
 Green Day succeeded in making an album that spoke to and about its generation at a time of political anxiety, fear and anger. Unlike those bands, Green Day was an unmitigated hit. During a decade when CD sales plummeted, American Idiot sold nearly 6 million copies domestically and 12 million worldwide. By Greg Kot Green Days album, American idiot spoke out to its audience and but its image across to the audience that they were aiming for, and came out successful.
Since starting this project I have learnt new skills and also built up on old skills. I have worked with this year, Photoshop and final cut express. Having not used these before I was surprised at what you could do with this software. Having already worked with blogger in the previous year I already understand what you can achieve through it. Also at using the cameras, both stills and video. This yea we managed to use the performance theatre in college and we got to use the lights which gives the video that finishing look.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNENxbVvxI8&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULSODQOMza8 http://www.brusheezy.com/ https://www.blogger.com/start
Even though Joe and I had some different ideas, we both worked together to produce a successful music video. Working as a team there are always going to be debates and maybe the little argument here and there, but that's what working in a team means. We argue because we both have ideas, and by combining them together means that we get the best out of each other. We help each other and work of one another. We are friends that can work together and are able to share and express our ideas and thoughts when we want to or need to. We worked well over this project and I would be happy to work with Joe again.
Our end music video includes . . . Performance  both backstage rough style, showing the band rehearsing, and also a live performance of the band on stage. Colour scheme  we have red, white and black running all the way throughout our music video. Conventions  we have used the typical conventions of music videos, including close ups and fast paced editing.
Sitting in the media classroom, re-watching our music video being played in front of the class had a different out come then we expected.  We showed our music video in front of our targeted audience, and received the outcome that we hope for, if not better. The complete video looked like a real music video, and the response was better then we hoped for. Of course we had some negative feed back for just giving the audience a performance video, but apart from that the rest of the audience enjoyed it. They replied by saying that the pace was fast and it was right for the music and that the lighting and use of black and white worked well to complete the video. If we could redo are music video over, the only thing that we regret doing is adding in a story line. As the audience said would of made it more interesting.
This chart shows the amount of people who thought that our music video would be better with a story line as well as a performance part. It also shows the amount of people who enjoyed the music video and liked it with just the performance part.
I am happy with what has come out of this project. Joe and I can work well together and  listen to each other, even at rough times. I am proud that we could work together as a time and share our ideas, while other groups in our class argued. Although we had some mix ups about filming we manage to pull trough at the end and come out of audience feed back with a positive look on our music video. We had fun making this project and enjoyed doing it.
Although the music video turned out a success, Joe and I could of work better as a team. He never informed me of changing songs. Never said anything about re-filming. Tried to take over the project. Did a lot of the editing, while I did the ancillary tasks. We did get on well together and we both pulled our weight and listened to each other, to create a completed music video that we are both happy with. we could of included a story line but apart form that everything has worked out well. Our CD cover and magazine advertisement ties in well to the music video and stays in the right genre and aims at the right targeted audience.

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Advanced Portfolio 2

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. We had the chance to chose between, A music video A soap Or a trailer for a film We decided to produce the music video. With this we had to design a CD cover for its release as part of a digipak and also a magazine advertisement. We aimed our video at mid teens and people in there twenties, aging between 15 26. mostly aimed at the middle class and those who are unemployed or not in education. So they can listen to this rock music and escape their problems in the real world. This audience is a wide audience and are the most interested in this genre of music, unlike 30 50 year olds.
  • 4. Genre is French for type. The typical conventions of music video is, Fast paced editing Close ups Story lines and performance videos In our music video we have included these. The pace keeps up with the music and we have used a lot of close ups. After careful planning and researching on music videos, we decided that we liked the idea of a ROCK music video with performance. We changed this a number of times between a video with a story line to performance then to just performance. The album cover from Green Day inspired us, due to there being no artist shown on the front of the cover. We used this idea to build on our own because even though it looked plain and simple, it stands out and is loud and bold.
  • 5. We have kept to our black and white theme but on the back of the CD cover we have added red in to the colour scheme. Also we have added a city outline in black so show are urban style of music. GENRE
  • 6. At the beginning of the project we had to research branding. The brand of an object is the make of the product. Branding is about creating an image that people link with and the images and messages will get across to the targeted audiences for them to take an interest and buy the product. Our music video is under the genre of rock. We liked the idea of just having a simple cover and we took inspiration from Green Day and also Billy Talent. We kept to a simple colour scheme, as you can see here this cover is white and black, keeping to the rock genre. The font of the writing is almost gothic and blends in will with the image that we are trying to create. Throughout our project we tried to keep the theme of blacks and whites and reds. You can see this clearly in the music video itself as well as in the covers and magazine advertisement.
  • 7. Brand image is important to an industry because they need to know what their target audience is. They need to understand weather the project is worth signing and taking on if they can make a profit and are sure that they aim it at the right audience Our music project I has a strong genre of rock running al the way through it and there fore would be a strong project to aim at 15 26 year olds, who would enjoy this kind of music.
  • 8. Green Day succeeded in making an album that spoke to and about its generation at a time of political anxiety, fear and anger. Unlike those bands, Green Day was an unmitigated hit. During a decade when CD sales plummeted, American Idiot sold nearly 6 million copies domestically and 12 million worldwide. By Greg Kot Green Days album, American idiot spoke out to its audience and but its image across to the audience that they were aiming for, and came out successful.
  • 9.
  • 10. Since starting this project I have learnt new skills and also built up on old skills. I have worked with this year, Photoshop and final cut express. Having not used these before I was surprised at what you could do with this software. Having already worked with blogger in the previous year I already understand what you can achieve through it. Also at using the cameras, both stills and video. This yea we managed to use the performance theatre in college and we got to use the lights which gives the video that finishing look.
  • 12. Even though Joe and I had some different ideas, we both worked together to produce a successful music video. Working as a team there are always going to be debates and maybe the little argument here and there, but that's what working in a team means. We argue because we both have ideas, and by combining them together means that we get the best out of each other. We help each other and work of one another. We are friends that can work together and are able to share and express our ideas and thoughts when we want to or need to. We worked well over this project and I would be happy to work with Joe again.
  • 13. Our end music video includes . . . Performance both backstage rough style, showing the band rehearsing, and also a live performance of the band on stage. Colour scheme we have red, white and black running all the way throughout our music video. Conventions we have used the typical conventions of music videos, including close ups and fast paced editing.
  • 14. Sitting in the media classroom, re-watching our music video being played in front of the class had a different out come then we expected. We showed our music video in front of our targeted audience, and received the outcome that we hope for, if not better. The complete video looked like a real music video, and the response was better then we hoped for. Of course we had some negative feed back for just giving the audience a performance video, but apart from that the rest of the audience enjoyed it. They replied by saying that the pace was fast and it was right for the music and that the lighting and use of black and white worked well to complete the video. If we could redo are music video over, the only thing that we regret doing is adding in a story line. As the audience said would of made it more interesting.
  • 15. This chart shows the amount of people who thought that our music video would be better with a story line as well as a performance part. It also shows the amount of people who enjoyed the music video and liked it with just the performance part.
  • 16. I am happy with what has come out of this project. Joe and I can work well together and listen to each other, even at rough times. I am proud that we could work together as a time and share our ideas, while other groups in our class argued. Although we had some mix ups about filming we manage to pull trough at the end and come out of audience feed back with a positive look on our music video. We had fun making this project and enjoyed doing it.
  • 17. Although the music video turned out a success, Joe and I could of work better as a team. He never informed me of changing songs. Never said anything about re-filming. Tried to take over the project. Did a lot of the editing, while I did the ancillary tasks. We did get on well together and we both pulled our weight and listened to each other, to create a completed music video that we are both happy with. we could of included a story line but apart form that everything has worked out well. Our CD cover and magazine advertisement ties in well to the music video and stays in the right genre and aims at the right targeted audience.