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White	Paper
AdvanFile_C-Profit_White Paper
AdvanFiles	c-profit	is	a	web	based	complete	Accounts	
Receivables	Management	suite	designed	to	operate	in	
multi-entity,	multi	ERP	enterprise	environments.	C-profit	
is	not	intended	to	replace	any	existing	ERP	solution	but	
to	extend	its	functionality	by	means	of	data	integration.		
C-profit,	being	web-based	solution	can	be	operated	
from	any	commonly	used	device		personal	computer,	
tablet	or	smartphone.		
C-profit	is	user-friendly	tool,	supporting	day-to-day	
operations	of	financial	departments		AR	staff,	
accounting		as	well	as	customer	relations	and	sales	
C-profit	has	proven	to	be	effective	add-on	to	ERPs,	
which	has	been	used	widely	for	last	eight	years.
Why	c-profit?	
Contemporary	ERP	systems	tend	to	cover	all	the	
business	requirements	modern	enterprise	can	ever	
have.	It	is	very	difficult	however	to	provide	all	the	
customer	required	functionalities	and	sustaining	
uniformity	of	large	scale	solutions	in	the	same	time,	
especially	in	multi-national	organisations.	.	Flexibility	
and	usability	of	implemented	solution	is	often	limited,	
which	can	create	a	gap,	being	frequently	filled	by	
building	in-house	bespoke	solutions	in	many	cases	on	
inappropriate	platforms.		
C-profit,	being	specialized,	flexible,	fully	customisable	
and	connected	software,	provides	all	the	Account	
Receivables	functionalities	in	the	same	manner	as	
typical	bespoke	solution.	It	has	all	the	features	and	
quality,	robustness	and	scalability	of	enterprise	grade	
software	product.		
By	implementing	c-profit,	customer	can	achieve	
numerous	benefits.	Most	important	of	them	include:	
 Immediate	effect	in	receivables	and	bad	debt	-	
estimated	to	increase	payments	received	15-25%	
 Reduce	manual	workforce	
 Digitizing	the	end-to-end	AR	process	-	billing,	
dunning,	reminders	and	archive	
 Analyze,	understand,	develop	and	automate	
whole	Order-To-Cash	process
c-profit	solution	architecture		
fig.		1	c-profit	architecture	diagram	
Data	exchange	layer	
This	part	of	the	solution	is	responsible	for	
communication	with	its	surrounding	systems	within	
customers	IT	environment.
Typical	data,	that	are	imported	to	the	c-profit	is	
enumerated	below:	
 Invoices		can	be	imported	from	ERP	system,		
Accounting	system	or	external	billing	solution	
depending	on	the	current	setup.	Invoices	are	
imported	both	as	images	and/or	metadata	
describing	the	invoice.		
 Outstanding	data		current	status	of	
paid/unpaid	invoices	taken	usually	from	
Accounting	System	or	ERP.	Individual	payments	
(balance	updates)	can	be	imported	as	well.	
 Customer	data		customer	name,	code,	e-mails,	
addresses,	also	credit	limits	and	other	possible	
data		exported	from	ERP	or	CRM	system.		
It	is	assumed	that	c-profit	does	not	affect	any	data	that	
is	stored	within	external	system.	However	full,	two-way	
interface	can	be	established	as	well.	C-profit	data	
exchange	module	utilises	standard	vendor	provided	
interfaces	like	SAP	iDoc,	but	custom	database	and	file	
based	connectors	can	also	be	provided	on	customers	
Data	feed	can	be	scheduled	according	to	customer	
requirements	and	other	systems	constraints.	
Correctness	of	data	import	is	being	monitored	
constantly	by	data	integrity	mechanisms	implemented.
Detailed	integration	summary	is	shown	further	in	the	
hereby	document.		
c-profit	database	
Main	c-profit	module:	
 Assuring	secure	and	reliable	access	to	the	stored	
 Converting	and	remapping	input	data	to	be	
presented	in	uniform	way	throughout	entire	
 Providing	role-based	access	control	
 Storing	system	master	data	and	configuration	of	
the	implemented	solution		
 Execution	and	orchestration	of	business	activities	
rendered	by	other	c-profit	modules
Outstanding	module	
fig.		2	-	outstanding		module	
Outstanding	module	enables	to	manage	outstanding	
from	different	scope	and	time	perspectives		from	
yearly	view	of	entire	group	down	to	single	customer	in	
one	calendar	week.		
Monitoring	outstanding	
 Group	level		total	outstanding	aggregated	
 Business	entity	level		divided	by	department,	
branch,	business	type,	etc	
 Country	level		legal	entity,	country	agency,	etc	
 Customer	level		single	customer	outstanding	
 Ability	to	analyse	outstanding	within	defined	
timeframe	in	Calendar	Week	-	snapshots.	
Indicator	calculation	
 DSO		Daily	Sales	Outstanding	-	measure	of	the	
average	number	of	days	that	a	company	takes	to	
collect	revenue	after	a	sale	has	been	made.	DSO	
is	presented	in	form	of	a	line	chart	and	number	
value	and	is	being	calculated	using	the	following	
o 91	*	(outstanding	/	turnover_in_91_days)	
fig.		3	-	DSO	chart
 ADL	Average	Days	Late		average	number	of	
days	the	invoice	is	paid	after	its	due	date,	
presented	as	a	line	chart	
fig.		4	-	ADL	chart	
Analysis	tools	
 Top25	Debtors		bar	chart	representing	25	
customers	with	largest	outstanding.	The	chart	
can	be	limited	to	business	entity	under	
consideration	and	time	frame.	
fig.		5	-	Top25	debtors	chart
 Outstanding	analysis		line	chart	showing	overall	
outstanding	within	the	group,	business	entity	or	
the	customer.		
fig.		6	-	outstanding	chart	
 Aging	analysis		summary	and	pie	chart	showing	
outstanding	based	on	aging	buckets,	typically:	
o not	due	
o 1-7	days	late	
o 8-30	days	late	
o 31-90	days	late	
o 91-365	days	late	
o over	365	days	late
c-profit	can	be	configured	to	use	many	of	other	built-in	
KPIs	related	to	Accounts	Receivables	process.	
 Export	to	Excel		export	tabular	outstanding	
data	as	XLSX	file	based	on	current	view	setup	(if	
operator	is	viewing	only	certain	business	entity	
or	customer,	the	resulting	Excel	spreadsheet	will	
only	contain	the	data	being	considered)
Distribution	module	
fig.		7	-	Distribution	module	
C-profit	distribution	module	is	capable	to	output	
invoices	imported	from	customer	system	in	different	
formats,	including:	
 Document	images	(usually	in	form	of	PDF	files)	
are	being	imported	from	customers	ERP	system,	
so	if	any	other	format	is	used	by	customers	
system	to	generate	invoices,	c-profit	is	able	to	
distribute	them	as	well	
 Invoice	data	
o XML		AdvanFile	custom	XML	format	of	
single	or	consolidated	invoice		XML	
format	available	upon	request	
o Finvoice
 Consolidated	Billing	Invoices		for	longer-term	
collaboration	between	customers,	especially	in	
the	situation	where	large	invoice	volumes	are	
involved,	it	is	more	convenient	to	deliver	invoices	
in	consolidated	format,	rather	than	sending	out	
single	invoices.	Consolidated	invoices	can	be	
generated	based	on	issued	invoices	in	a	given	
time	period	in	a	form	of	XLS	or	CSV	files.	Layout	
of	consolidated	invoice	XLS	can	be	configured	by	
the	user	who	can	choose	columns	included	and	
their	placement	on	the	spreadsheet.	User	is	also	
able	to	enable	consolidated	billing	for	selected	
customer	and	setup	scheduling	of	consolidated	
invoices	creation.		
 Distribution	media	
o Printer		ability	to	mass	print	on	available	
network	printers	
則 Scheduling	of	print	jobs	
則 Ability	to	assign	invoice	type	or	
single	customer	to	a	given	printer	
則 Ability	to	exclude	customers	or	
invoice	types	from	hardcopy	
o SFTP	target		invoices	can	be	distributed	
to	remote	FTP	server	
o E-mailing		simple	e-mailing	based	on	e-
mail	setting	within	customer	settings,	as	
well	as	advanced	features	including:
則 Setting	different	e-mail	creation	
rules,	i.e.	number	of	invoices	per	
則 Ability	to	enter	multiple	e-mail	
addresses	for	the	customer	and	
assign	those	addresses	to	the	
invoice	types	to	be	distributed.	
則 Per	customer	distribution	
schedules	(example:	send	invoices	
for	customer	on	Monday	and	
Thursday	only)	
o SOAP	Web	Service	/	HTTP	REST	API	
 Other	features	
o Invoice	searching,	selecting,	printing	or	e-
mailing		invoice	stored	in	the	database	
can	be	searched	for,	viewed,	printed	and	
o Cover	sheet	creation		coversheet	
containing	summary	of	all	invoices	
distributed	in	current	batch	can	be	
created	and	attached	to	printed	or	e-mail	
batch	of	invoices.		
o Excel	export		table	of	invoices	that	is	
currently	displayed,	can	be	saved	as	an	
Excel	document
e-finance	is	a	dedicated	portal	for	chosen	end-
customers	to	provide	them	with	financial	data	in	form	of	
issued	invoices	and	current	outstanding	situation.		
From	e-finance	portal	end-customer	is	able	to:	
 Search	for,	view	and	download	invoices	issued	
for	him	
 Observe	outstanding	status	for	each	invoice		
what	was	already	paid	and	what	is	still	
 Raise	a	dispute	for	any	invoice	together	with	
reason	of	disputing	
 Monitor	status	of	registered	disputes	
fig.		8	-	e-finance	
Since	sensitive	financial	data	is	involved,	e-finance	portal	
is	significantly	protected	against	unauthorised	accessing	
by	means	of:
 e-finance	portal	is	not	enabled	for	all	customers	
by	default.	Single	customer,	or	customer	group	is	
able	to	access	the	portal,	only	when	c-profit	
operator	enables	it.		
 Upon	inviting	selected	customers	to	the	e-
finance,	secure,	strong	password	is	being	
generated	by	the	system	and	send	to	the	
customer	by	e-mail		
To	further	protect	the	data,	e-finance	can	be	secured	
even	more	using:	
 Database	separation		e-finance	data	can	be	
stored	on	other	database	server	than	the	one	
used	by	main	c-profit	system.	Data	is	being	
synchronised	in	a	daily	manner.	Only	enabled	
customers	data	is	replicated.	
 SMS	authorisation		customers	are	able	to	enter	
the	e-finance	portal	using	single	SMS	distributed	
Collection	workflow	
fig.		9	-	Workflow	
In	large	organisations,	especially	in	shared	services,	
dedicated	collection	team	is	necessary.	In	many	cases	
such	teams	are	serving	multiple	business	entities	and	
having	thousands	of	customers	involved.	Such	volume	
cannot	be	orchestrated	by	means	of	standard	ERP	
functionalities	or	ad-hoc	bespoke	solutions.	C-profit	
workflow	was	generated	with	approach	to	bring	
collection	staff	efficiency	to	its	pinnacle.	The	modules	
idea	is	straightforward	and	easily	comprehensible,	yet	
very	effective	in	operation.
Collection	workflow	is	based	on	three	principle	ideas:	
 Collection	actions		within	c-profit,	collector	is	
able	to	complete	the	whole	process	by	means	of	
the	following	actions:	
o Call		ordinary	telephone	conversation	
with	a	person	responsible	for	payments.	
Calls	to	be	made	are	suggested	by	the	
system,	together	with	relevant	contact	
details.	After	the	call	is	being	made,	it	is	
recorded	with	collectors	note	on	the	
o Statement	distribution		unawareness	of	
existing	outstanding	is	the	most	common	
reason	for	payment	delays.	C-profit	is	
able	to	generate	and	distribute	current	
statement	of	outstanding	to	the	
customer.	Statement	can	be	also	
generated	by	the	operator	for	manual	
o Dunning	letter		formal	letter	calling	the	
customer	for	outstanding	payment.	C-
profit	enables	to	define	three	templates	
of	dunning	letters	with	increasing	level	of	
strictness		the	first	one	for	example	can	
only	be	polite	reminder	to	pay,	while	the
last	one	should	suggest	further	legal	
o Payment	promise		if	the	customer	
makes	any	consistent	declaration	on	the	
date	when	invoice	is	going	to	be	paid,	it	
can	be	registered	in	the	c-profit	system	as	
well.	When	the	payment	promise	is	not	
fulfilled,	the	collector	is	being	notified	
suggesting	subsequent	actions	to	the	
o Legal	action		this	action	tells	the	
collection	team,	that	no	further	action	is	
required	from	collection	team,	as	the	
outstanding	item	has	been	handed	to	the	
legal	department.	
 Customer	segmentation		process	of	cash	
collection	usually	is	not	the	same	for	entire	
clientele.	While	only	certain	actions	enumerated	
above	are	applicable	to	certain	customers,	it	is	
common	that	the	customers	are	being	divided	
into	groups	with	individual	collection	policy	
applied	to	each	of	them.	It	is	possible	to	create	
as	many	customer	groups	as	required.	Policy	of	
each	group	can	be	setup	based	on:	
o Workflow	enabled		especially	applicable	
to	special,	important	customers.	If	this
option	is	selected,	the	workflow	module	
does	not	create	any	collection	tasks.	
Those	customers	are	being	maintained	in	
fully	manual	mode	
o Blacklisted		customers	belonging	to	that	
group	are	highlighted	within	entire	c-
profit	system	
o Automated	mode		if	enabled,	all	the	
collection	documents	and	actions	are	
being	created	and	distributed	
automatically,	without	collectors	
o Collection	action	levels	enabling		it	is	
possible	to	include	or	exclude	certain	
collection	actions	for	given	customer	
group.	For	example	important	customers	
should	be	rather	called	each	time	
overdue	invoices	appear,	while	for	
others,	there	is	no	need	to	call		the	
dunning	documents	can	be	sent	at	once	
any	invoice	become	overdue.	
o Workflow	reaction	time		number	of	days	
since	the	invoice	become	overdue	and/or	
previous	action	has	been	completed	to	
create	a	new	collection	task
fig.		10	-	Customer	segmentation	
 Workflow	operating	model	
o Fully	automatic		all	tasks	are	being	
created	automatically	by	the	system.	If	
the	task	involves	document	creation	and	
distribution	(statements	and	dunning
letters),	they	are	going	to	be	sent	out	
without	collector	involvement.		
o Semi	automatic		all	tasks	are	being	
created	automatically	by	the	system,	but	
the	collector	triggers	any	distribution	of	
o Manual		no	tasks	are	created	
automatically		collector	creates	all	tasks	
and	distributes	documents		
Based	on	above,	c-profit	workflow	orchestrates	
collection	process		either	by	creating	actions	together	
with	applicable	documents	based	on	customer	group	
setting,	or	allowing	the	collector	to	register	the	actions	
done	himself.	Following	features	supports	the	collector	
in	the	process:	
 Full	activity	logging		all	actions	are	being	
registered	in	the	system	together	with	date	of	
single	action,	responsible	person,	comments,	
status	and	free	word	note
fig.		11	-	Full	activity	logging	
 Concern	codes		it	is	common,	that	one	large	
organisation	can	contain	many	smaller	legal	
entities.	They	all	must	exist	in	the	system,	as	they	
usually	issue	invoices,	but	accounting	and	
account	payables	are	being	maintained	on	the	
group	or	corporate	level.	C-profit	allows	to	
define	such	structures	as	single	concerns	and	all	
the	collection	tasks	are	then	created	on	the	
concern	level.		
 Document	layout	editor		ability	to	edit	
collection	document	templates	by	the	c-profit	
user	with	relevant	access	level.	Templates	can	be	
defined	on	business	entity	and	customer	group	
level,	meaning	full	compliance	of	the	system	with	
multi-national,	multi	entity	structures,	especially	
shared	service	centres.			
 Notifications		account	receivables	staff	can	be	
notified	by	e-mail	about	different	events,	like	
ignored	action,	or	unfulfilled	payment	promis
Dispute	handling	
fig.		12	-	Dispute	handling	
Disputes	are	being	handled	based	on	the	same	workflow	
model.	C-profit	enables	to	create	task	called	Dispute	
Register.	Dispute	can	be	either	registered	by	the	
collector	or	customer	relationship	staff	member	or	by	
the	end-customer	itself	using	e-finance	portal.	The	
dispute	can	be	further	handled	in	the	following	manner:	
 Insert	dispute	details	communicated	by	the	
 Update	dispute	follow-up,	set	follow-up	date	and	
designate	responsible	person	to	handle	the	
 Solve	the	dispute	in	two	ways:	
o Won	by	customer		meaning	that	dispute	
has	been	raised	correctly,	and	
corresponding	invoice	needs	to	be	
o Won	by	company		the	invoice	was	
issued	correctly	and	the	dispute	is	
Any	updates	on	the	registered	dispute	are	being	shown	
on	the	e-finance	portal	or	notified	by	email.	
Since	it	is	common,	that	customers	raise	disputes	just	to	
prolong	the	payment,	it	is	possible	to	setup	the	
workflow	to	continue	the	collection	process	despite	
there	are	registered	disputes	in	the	system	for	particular	
customer	or	customer	group.
Advanced	Reporting	
C-profit	gathers	massive	amounts	of	financial	data	in	
account	receivables	area.	Advanced	reporting	module	
supports	AR	management	as	well	as	many	layers	of	
organization,	up	to	top-level	financial	decision	makers.	
fig.		13	-	Advanced	reporting	
 OLAP	based	reporting	solution	with	rich	KPIs,	
dimensions,	slices,	data	cubes,	
 Accessible	from	cProfit	using	every	modern	web	
browser	including	mobile	version	
 Contains	set	of	standard	KPIs	based	on	cProfits	
AR	data	+	ability	to	do	design	custom	ones	
 Standard	set	of	dashboards		global	and	
 Anual,	Quarterly,	Monthly,	Weekly	and	Daily	
aggregations	of	data
 Very	good	performance		constant	time	OLAP	
queries	even	for	complicated	scenarios	with	daily	
data	a	lot	of	slices,	filters,	etc	
 Uses	standard	MS	SQL	Analysis	Services	(OLAP)	
being	part	of	MS	SQL	Standard.	
 Possible	to	use	as	data	source	for	Excel		works	
like	Pivot	Tables	but	is	connected	to	database,	
automatic	refresh	of	data,	possible	to	use	
standard	Excel	Pivot	Tables	&	Charting	tools.	
fig.		14	-	Advanced	reporting	
o Organization:	Countries,	Business	Units,	
Business	Areas,	Sales/Cust	Serv/Fin	
teams,	Collectors,	Offices,		
o Invoices:	Invoice	Types,	
o Disputes:	Dispute	Reason,	Case	Status,	
o Customers:	Customers	by	name	of	code,	
Concerns	(defined	groups	of	customers),
o Date:	YQMD	or	YWD	
o Custom		organization	structure	mapped	
during	implementation.	
 Cubes	(facts):	
o AR		all	KPIs	related	to	Accounts	
Receivables:	DSO	(total	and	in	aging	
buckets),	BPDSO	(best	possible	DSO),	
turnovers	(total	or	avg),	outstanding	
amounts	&	shares,	etc	
o Disputes		inflow	of	disputes	(docs	&	
amounts),	outflow	of	disputes	(docs	&	
amounts),	open	disputes	(docs	&	
o Invoicing	Accuracy		analysis	of	Credit	
Note	and	Dispute	influence	of	invoicing	
quality	in	every	possible	combination	of	
filters	and	dimensions.
Technical	architecture/requirements	and	
integration	guide		
The	documents	describing	technical	architecture	and	c-
profit	interface	are	available	upon	request.	Feel	free	to	
contact	us	at	cprofit@advanfile.com	
AdvanFile	Sp.	z	o.o.	
ul.	witojaska	114/10	
81-388	Gdynia	
NIP:	5862209835	
KRS:	0000298658	
Visit	our	website:	
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