The document defines and provides examples of the five types of adverbs: manner, time, place, frequency, and degree. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs by expressing place, time, manner, degree, and other relationships. Examples are given for each type of adverb to illustrate how they answer questions about how, when, where, how often, and how much regarding the words they modify.
3. Adverb is a word or phrase
that modifies or qualifies
an adjective, verb or other
adverb or a word group,
expressing a relation of
place, time, circumstance,
manner, cause, degree, etc.
4. Adverb answers the question how?, in what
way?, when?, where?, how much? and how
She swims quickly. (the adverb quickly
modifies the very swims)
5. There are five (5) kinds of adverbs
Adverb of Manner
Adverb of Time
Adverb of Place
Adverb of Frequency
Adverb of Degree
7. Adverb of Manner answers the question
The lion roars ferociously.
How does the lion roar?
8. The Man walks Carelessly.
How does the man walk?
10. Adverb of Time answers the question When
She flew the plane yesterday.
When did she fly the plane?
11. Alex rode his horse last Monday.
When did Alex ride his horse?
13. Adverb of Place answers the question
I looked everywhere.
Where did I look?
14. There are many flowers outside.
Where are the many flowers?
16. Adverb of FREQUENCY answers the question
How often
She usually comb her hair?
How often she comb her hair?
19. Adverb of DEGREE answers the question How
much or How
The baby drank nearly all the milk.
How much did the baby drink?
(Nearly all)
20. Barbie is very beautiful
How beautiful is Barbie?