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Opportunities 2017
Educational Seminars
Co-sponsoring is intended to spread mutual awareness of each other's organizations. Our program
announcements are carried in various manufacturing publications and our newsletter (12,000+ circulation).
The audience at the monthly educational seminars will contain a cross-section of people working, managing
and supporting all facets of manufacturing firms.
Typical seminars have 125  200 attendees.
The Human Resource focused educational seminars have 60-100 attendees with HR responsibilities.
The Manufacturers Alliance will provide the following:
 Listing the sponsoring organization in the Manufacturers Alliance: newsletter, flyer, email broadcast and
 Arranging a 1-2 minute time slot at the beginning of the program for a representative from the
sponsoring organization to give an infomercial.
 Providing space for literature and promotional material at the program.
The Co-Sponsor will be responsible for:
 Announcements in your companies marketing campaign, creating awareness and promoting attendance.
 Paying fee $500 per event.
Dont miss out on this opportunity to get your name and brand in front
of your key customers!
6 Webinars Co-sponorships available in 2017
Typical webinars have 80-100 online attendees and 15-25 in attendance at our training
The Manufacturers Alliance will provide the following:
 Listing the sponsoring organization in the Manufacturers Alliance: newsletter, flyer,
email broadcast and website.
 Arranging a 1-2 minute time slot at the beginning of the program for a representative
from the sponsoring organization to give an infomercial.
 Providing space for literature and promotional material at the program.
 Powerpoint Infomercial will appear in archived webinar downloads
The Co-Sponsor will be responsible for:
 Announcements in your companies marketing campaign, creating awareness and
promoting attendance
 Paying Co- Sponsorship fee $300 per event
MA Insider Newsletter
 Reach your target by advertising in our MA Insider Newsletter
 The MA Insider  Bi-monthly Newsletter- reaches over 12,000+ subscribers
Readership includes key decision makers in:
Operations, Engineering, Human Resources & Executives
Newsletter-bi monthly
 1 month $150
 6 months $900
Ad size
Sponsor the Manufacturers Alliance scholarship program. We award 2 scholarships yearly to Minnesota
manufacturers, distributors or their suppliers who continually seek to improve. This is a great opportunity to promote
your company to thousands of local manufacturers!
The Manufacturers Alliance and Sponsor will share cost of advertising.
Benefits of Sponsorship:
 Partner with Manufacturers Alliance Brand
 Corporate Logo on Scholarship page of website
 Corporate Logo displayed at monthly seminars
 Assist in Selection Process of scholarship finalists
 Company name & link in MA Insider Newsletter
 Flyer display in MA training room
Scholarship Sponsor Commitments:
 Co-sponsor will also promote scholarship program.
Other Benefits:
 MA Insider newsletter reaches over 10,000 contacts
 Website gets over 350 hits per days
 Average 9 events per month in our training room
 Logo displayed at Monthly Seminars average with 125-200 attendees who are local manufacturers
$4,800 - 2 Year commitment
$2,500- 1 Year commitment
Scholarships awarded in
April and October
Manufacturer of the Year Awards
20th Anniversary 2017
Display Table & Recognition at awards event
Banner ad on Manufacturers Alliance website
Corporate Logo on event flyer, email, and direct mailing
Inclusion on invitation to Manufacturing Executives
Company name & link in MA Insider Newsletter
Reserved, priority seating for eight attendees
Corporate Logo in events printed program
Recognition at event in sponsor video
Social media mention
Reserved, priority seating for eight attendees
Corporate Logo on the event printed program
Recognition at event in presentation
Recognition at event in sponsor video
Social media mention
Ceremony Includes:
Breakfast Buffet, Member Recognition, Award Presentations, Keynote Address,
Sponsor Recognition, and Grand Prize Giveaway
Manufacturer of the Year Awards
21th Year
Grand Prize Contributor
Contribute a prize to be awarded at end of ceremony.
For you generous contribution we provide:
Reserved, priority seating for eight attendees
Corporate Logo on the event printed program
Prize displayed in lobby with company logo
Recognition at event in presentation
Thank you to some of our previous contributors:
Windscape display- Skyline
Paint sprayer- Graco
Lawn Mower- Toro

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Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities 2017

  • 2. Educational Seminars Co-sponsoring is intended to spread mutual awareness of each other's organizations. Our program announcements are carried in various manufacturing publications and our newsletter (12,000+ circulation). The audience at the monthly educational seminars will contain a cross-section of people working, managing and supporting all facets of manufacturing firms. Typical seminars have 125 200 attendees. The Human Resource focused educational seminars have 60-100 attendees with HR responsibilities. The Manufacturers Alliance will provide the following: Listing the sponsoring organization in the Manufacturers Alliance: newsletter, flyer, email broadcast and website. Arranging a 1-2 minute time slot at the beginning of the program for a representative from the sponsoring organization to give an infomercial. Providing space for literature and promotional material at the program. The Co-Sponsor will be responsible for: Announcements in your companies marketing campaign, creating awareness and promoting attendance. Paying fee $500 per event. Dont miss out on this opportunity to get your name and brand in front of your key customers!
  • 3. Webinars 6 Webinars Co-sponorships available in 2017 Typical webinars have 80-100 online attendees and 15-25 in attendance at our training facility The Manufacturers Alliance will provide the following: Listing the sponsoring organization in the Manufacturers Alliance: newsletter, flyer, email broadcast and website. Arranging a 1-2 minute time slot at the beginning of the program for a representative from the sponsoring organization to give an infomercial. Providing space for literature and promotional material at the program. Powerpoint Infomercial will appear in archived webinar downloads The Co-Sponsor will be responsible for: Announcements in your companies marketing campaign, creating awareness and promoting attendance Paying Co- Sponsorship fee $300 per event
  • 4. MA Insider Newsletter Reach your target by advertising in our MA Insider Newsletter The MA Insider Bi-monthly Newsletter- reaches over 12,000+ subscribers Readership includes key decision makers in: Operations, Engineering, Human Resources & Executives Newsletter-bi monthly 1 month $150 6 months $900
  • 6. Scholarships Sponsor the Manufacturers Alliance scholarship program. We award 2 scholarships yearly to Minnesota manufacturers, distributors or their suppliers who continually seek to improve. This is a great opportunity to promote your company to thousands of local manufacturers! The Manufacturers Alliance and Sponsor will share cost of advertising. Benefits of Sponsorship: Partner with Manufacturers Alliance Brand Corporate Logo on Scholarship page of website Corporate Logo displayed at monthly seminars Assist in Selection Process of scholarship finalists Company name & link in MA Insider Newsletter Flyer display in MA training room Scholarship Sponsor Commitments: Co-sponsor will also promote scholarship program. Other Benefits: MA Insider newsletter reaches over 10,000 contacts Website gets over 350 hits per days Average 9 events per month in our training room Logo displayed at Monthly Seminars average with 125-200 attendees who are local manufacturers $4,800 - 2 Year commitment $2,500- 1 Year commitment Scholarships awarded in April and October
  • 7. Manufacturer of the Year Awards 20th Anniversary 2017 Buildyourbrand&reputationamong MidwestManufacturersandtheBusinessCommunity! $2100-PLATINUM LEVEL Display Table & Recognition at awards event Banner ad on Manufacturers Alliance website Corporate Logo on event flyer, email, and direct mailing Inclusion on invitation to Manufacturing Executives Company name & link in MA Insider Newsletter Reserved, priority seating for eight attendees Corporate Logo in events printed program Recognition at event in sponsor video Social media mention $800-GOLD LEVEL Reserved, priority seating for eight attendees Corporate Logo on the event printed program Recognition at event in presentation Recognition at event in sponsor video Social media mention Ceremony Includes: Breakfast Buffet, Member Recognition, Award Presentations, Keynote Address, Sponsor Recognition, and Grand Prize Giveaway
  • 8. Manufacturer of the Year Awards 21th Year Grand Prize Contributor Contribute a prize to be awarded at end of ceremony. For you generous contribution we provide: Reserved, priority seating for eight attendees Corporate Logo on the event printed program Prize displayed in lobby with company logo Recognition at event in presentation Thank you to some of our previous contributors: Windscape display- Skyline Paint sprayer- Graco Lawn Mower- Toro