In 3000 BC, early forms of advertising included outdoor stands and wall paintings in Babylon and room for rent signs in Pompeii. Advertising expanded with the growth of print media starting with Gutenberg's printing press in 1450 and the first English newspaper advertisement in 1472. The advertising industry developed as a profession over the centuries, with the first advertising agency, N.W. Ayer & Sons, established in 1869 which introduced copywriting and market research practices. Mass media like radio in the 1920s and television in the 1940s revolutionized advertising by allowing it to reach wider audiences and influence consumers through dramatic programs and emphasis on product benefits and brand image.
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4. Archaeologists found evidence in
3000 B.C
• BABYLON Outdoor Stands &
• Wall Painting
• POMPEI Room for Rent
• Medieval Times Town Criers
5. 1450 Gutenberg…..Print
1472 English advertisement
Prayer book
200 Years advertisement
12 stolen horses
1704 American newspapers
1841 Volney B. Palmer
Shop – Advertising Agency
6. 1869 Francis Ayer buys- Palmer
N.W.Ayer & Sons
Copy – Market Research
1920 – RADIO
1930 – Radio Dramatic/soap opera
1940 – Television
TV Sets-Expensive
7. TV – Took over Radio
Product Benefit Product Image
Bill Bernbach / Leo Burnett / David Ogilvy