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By Dr. Darren Coleman
BSc (Hons) Business Management
Submitted by: Wong See Mun
University ID: 1210610
Word Count: 1876
Question Attempted: Essay 4
This essay serves to examine the extent of brands having a personality through the
comparison with physiologist definition of personality. The evaluation of the widely used
Aaker (1997) brand personality framework will then provide insights to the value of brand
personality in brand marketing. The second part of the essay will briefly illustrate the
importance of the personification of brands in consumers brand choice behavior. The theory
of self-concept and how consumers values influence the choice of brands to project their
personality will also be discussed.
The Extent Of Brands Having A Personality
Personality originated from the psychologist field of study. From the evolution of Freudian to
Neo-Freudian to Trait theory, the Dictionnaire Fondamental de la Psychologie (Bloch et al.,
1997) defined personality as the set of relatively stable and general dynamic, emotional and
affective characteristics of an individuals way of being, in his/her way to react to the
situations in which s/he is. In most cases, the word does not include the cognitive aspects of
the behavior (intelligence, abilities, knowledge). It always deals with the affective, emotional
and dynamic aspects. Personality is [more often than not] described in terms of traits.
(Azoulay & Kapferer, 2003, p.147)
The widely used and accepted Big Five model (McCrae & Costa, 1990) covering the 5
dimensions (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) were
therefore derived to measure personality.
Many literatures have supported that like humans, brands have personalities (Aaker, 1997).
Similar to how personality of a person can be perceived through its behavior, brands
personality can also be perceived through both direct and indirect contact with the brand
(Plummer, 1985). The three distinct properties of personality i.e. reflects individual
differences, are consistent and enduring, and can change over time (Schiffman et al., 2005),
could be observed in both brands and humans. For example, Chanel is personified as a lady
who is ageless, sophisticated, classy and confident, through the use of spokesperson like
Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Tautou and over the decades became younger and louder as the
consumers age range widens.
Despite that, many academics are unable to effectively measure brand personality with the
Big Five model (Caprara et al., 2001), leading us to question the extent of brands having a
personality. Despite the similar conceptualization of brand and human personality traits
(Epstein, 1977), various literatures have acknowledged that how the personalities are formed
differs (Aaker, 1997). With that in consideration, Aaker (1997) came out with a brand
personality framework that seeks to address the differences. The 5-dimension framework
(sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, ruggedness) was thought to be robust and
was widely used till to date. The extent to which brands have personality could be determined
by how well brands possess those traits from Aakers framework.
However, Aakers framework had been criticized for not being a true measurement of the
brand personality but instead a combination of facets of brand identity (Azoulay & Kapferer,
2003, p.144). This is because, Aaker (1997) defines brand personality as the the set of
human characteristics associated with a brand (p.347), without isolating the cognitive
aspects of the brand which has been excluded in the definition of human personality. The
cognitive aspects refer to intellectual capabilities, gender and social class (Aaker, 1997), are
reflected in the culture, physical, relationship, reflected consumer and consumer metallization
facets of brand identity defined by Kapferer (1992, 1998). Kapferer (2008) in his latest book,
referred the three distinct properties of human personality as mentioned above as brand
identity (p.172), suggesting that human personality is in fact equivalent to brand identity. This
further supports the point that Aaker is indeed measuring brand identity and not brand
Therefore, by excluding items like competence, feminine, and those related to social class
(Azoulay & Kapferer, 2003) from the Aaker framework, one can perhaps see the extent of
personality in brands and whether the value of using personality metaphor in brand marketing
is still valid.
For example, Aaker (1997) described Coca-Cola to be cool, all-American and real (p.348)
and Absolut Vodka as a cool, hip, contemporary 25-year old (p.347). By isolating the
abovementioned items, Coco-Cola brand personality would perhaps just be cool and real,
while Absolut Vodka cool and hip. Brands such as IBM, Guinness and Accenture that score
highly on competence might now find them lacking a strong brand personality. With the
reduction of dimension and items from the framework, this might suggest that individual
differences, a key properties in personality, are now limited in brands.
Hence, we may conclude that the extent of brands having a personality is perhaps good
enough to set the tonality in marketing communications, as it no longer holds strong
meanings for consumers. Instead, the personification of brands, a likely result of the
anthropomorphism and metaphorical processing of the brand identity (Delbaere et al., 2011),
with brand personality being one facet of it (Coleman et al., 2011), is the one that elicit strong
emotions and allows consumers to make meaning out of.
Why consumers may choose to use certain brands to project their personality
Personification of brand is important because consumers evaluates products not just in terms
of what it can do (functional) but also in terms of what they mean (symbolism) (Levy, 1959),
thus brands that consumers can make meaning out of often have a strong call for action.
Studies have shown that purchases are made based on emotions (Finucane et al., 2000) and
that brands holding symbolic meanings are often used by consumers to express their multiple
selves (Aaker, 1997), satisfying their social and psychological needs (Chernatony et al.,
2011). Various studies have also suggested the validity of self-image congruence, that
consumers prefer brands that enhance or maintain their self-image and psychological well-
being (Hosany & Martin, 2012).
In the recent research by Aguirre-Rodriguez et al. (2012), it was said that brands having
strong brand-as-person personality (versus brand-user image) can foster strong self-
congruity experiences with targeted consumers (p.1185), affirming the importance of
personification of brands in consumer behavior.
By examining the theory of self-concept, the totality of the individuals thoughts and feelings
in reference to themselves as an object (Schiffman et al., 2005, p.119), one can better
understand why consumers may choose to use those brands with strong personality to
project their own personality.
Self-concept, which was influenced by the Big Five, the situation and the consumers history
(Schiffman et al., 2005) was identified by Nobel and Walker (1997) as a construct of 5 types
of perception of self; i.e. actual self-image (how consumers see themselves), ideal self-image
(how consumers would like to see themselves), social self-image (how consumers feel others
see them), ideal social self-image (how consumers would like others to see them) and
expected self-image (how consumers expect to see themselves at some specific future time)
(Schiffman et al., 2005, p.120).
In different situations, given the perception of others in the specific situation, consumers will
select a different self-image (actual self, ideal social etc.) as their situational self-image to
guide their attitudes and behavior (Schenk & Holman, 1980). The situational self-image
includes attitudes, perceptions, and feelings the individual wishes others to associate with
him/her (Sirgy, 1982, p.289). Motivated by self-esteem or self-consistency or both	
1980), consumers will then use brands projecting symbolic meanings congruent to their self-
image in order to make expressions about their personalities, and avoid brands that are not.
The stronger the brand personality, the easier it is for consumers to comprehend the brands
symbolic meaning, and thus, increasing the likelihood of consumers selecting the brand to
project its self-image.
For example, when a person is attending an important office dinner, motivated by self-
esteem, he may choose its ideal social self-image as his situational self-image because he
wants to be perceived as someone mature, sophisticated and stylish to impress his boss who
is sophisticated and affluent. His brand choice in this case would perhaps be a Hugo Boss
suit that holds similar symbolic meanings. In a family dinner where, motivated by self-
consistency, he may choose a GAP jacket to express his ideal self as a laid-back chap
instead as he is not under any pressure to impress.
Another concept to consider is the influence of values on consumers choice of brands in
different situations. Culture peer groups influence consumers values. These values that
consumers hold forms the basis of their beliefs and drives behavior (Chernatony et al., 2011).
Consumers often use brands in different situations that are inline with their values to achieve
their desired consequence. For example, a person who values being seen as part of a team
will use the brands that the team uses when he is out socializing with them. Shetht et al.
(1991) suggested the 5 values i.e. functional, conditional, social, emotional and epistemic
value, determines consumer brand choice in any given situation. The values that consumers
are particularly concerned with differ in situations and brands that can best maximize the
required values are often chosen.
For example, when going for a college camp, a person wants to be perceived as sporty and
trendy as he valued being seen as one of the cool kids in school. He will choose a brand of
shoe that is able to best maximize the social and emotional value, e.g. Nike, which also holds
symbolic meanings that is congruent to his ideal social self-image. In another situation, if he is
just going to play a match with his pals, he may choose to use his Adidas shoes that can best
maximize the functional value at also aids to enhance his ideal self-image as oppose to a pair
of Pumas that may holds similar function but does not hold symbolic meaning congruent to
his situational self-image.
The above example illustrates that consumers not only use brands to communicate their
values in different situation, it also facilitate the projection of their situational self-image, thus
reflecting consumers personality. Therefore, the personification of brands as discussed in the
earlier part of the essay is exceptionally important. Such brands are able to effectively
communicate their brand values and allow consumers to better identify and relate to, and in
turn, consumers use those brands to communicate their values in different situation and to
enhance or maintain their self-image.
Given that the psychologist definition of personality isolates cognitive elements of a person,
the measurement and definition of brand personality must seek to do so too. The widely used
Aaker brand personality framework failed to effectively measure brand personality, but it
enables us to measure the brand identity as a whole. Through the examples, it can be noted
that the anthropomorphism and metaphorical processing of the brand identity itself holds
more meaning to consumers than brand personality.
The value of using a personality metaphor in brand marketing is of great importance as
consumers evaluate products not on what it do for them but what it means. Thus, brands with
strong personality are able to communicate values and symbolic meanings to and for
consumers effectively. Consumers project personality through the brands they use, their
attitudes towards different brands and the meanings the brands have for them (Chernatony et
al., 2011, p.131). The brand choice takes into account the congruency of the brand symbolic
meaning with the situational self-image as well as the value that the brand holds that enables
consumers to achieve their desired consequence in different situations.
 Aaker, J.L., 1997. Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research,
34(3), pp.347-56.
 Aguirre-Rodriguez, A., Bosnjak, M. & Sirgy, M.J., 2012. Moderators of the self-
congruity effect on consumer decision-making: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business
Research, 65, p.11791188.
 Azoulay, A. & Kapferer, J.-N., 2003. Do brand personality scales really measure
brand personality? Brand Management, 11(2), pp.142-55.
 Bloch, J. et al., 1997. Dictionnaire Fondamental de la Psychologie. France, Paris:
 Caprara, G.V., Barbarabelli, C. & Guido, G., 2001. Brand personality: How to make
the metaphor fit? Journal of Economic Psychology, (22), pp.337-95.
 Chernatony, L.D., Wallace, E. & McDonald, M., 2011. Creating powerful brands. 4th
ed. UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. Available from: 23 September 2012.
 Coleman, D., Chernatony, L.d. & Christodoulides, G., 2011. B2B service brand
identity: Scale development and validation. Industrial Marketing Management, 40,
 Delbaere, M., McQuarrie, E.F. & Phillips, B.J., 2011. Personification In Advertising.
The Journal of Advertising, 40(1), pp.121-30.
 Epstein, S., 1977. Traits are Alive and Well. Personality at the crossroads, pp.83-98.
 Epstein, S., 1980. The Self-Concept: A Review and the Proposal of an Integrated
Theory of Personality. Prentice Hall.
 Finucane, M.L., Alhakami, A., Solvic, P. & Johnson, S.M., 2000. The Affect Heuristic
in Judement of Risks and Benefits. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 13(1),
 Hosany, S. & Martin, D., 2012. Self-image congruence in consumer behavior. Journal
of Business Research, 65, pp.685-91.
 Kapferer, J.N., 2008. The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and
Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page.
 Kapferer, J.-N., 1992. Strategic Brand Management. London: Kogan Page.
 Kapferer, J.-N., 1998. Strategic Brand Management. 2nd ed. London.
 Levy, S.J., 1959. Symbols for sale. Harvard Business Review, 37, pp.117-19. Levy
SJ. Symbols for sale. Harv Bus Rev 1959;37:1179 (July/Aug)..
 McCrae, R.R. & Costa, P.T., 1990. Personality in Adulthood. New York: Guildford
 Nobel, C.H. & Walker, B.A., 1997. Exploring the relationships among liminal
transitions, symbolic consumption and the extended self. Psychology and Marketing,
14(1), pp.29-47.
 Plummer, J.T., 1985. Brand Personality: A Strategic Concept for Multinational
Advertising. In Young & Rubicam. New York, 1985.
 Schenk, C.T. & Holman, R.H., 1980. A Sociological Approach to Brand Choice: The
Concept of Situational Self Image. Advances in Consumer Research, 7, pp.610-14.
 Schiffman, L. et al., 2005. Consumer Behaviour. 3rd ed. Australia: Pearson Education
 Sirgy, M.J., 1982. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review. Journal of
Consumer Research, 9(3), pp.287-300.
 Sheth, J.N., Newman, B.I. & Gross, B.L., 1991. Why we buy what we buy: A theory of
consumption values. Journal of Business Research, 22(2), p.159170.

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  • 1. ADVERTISING By Dr. Darren Coleman BSc (Hons) Business Management (2012) Submitted by: Wong See Mun University ID: 1210610 Word Count: 1876 Question Attempted: Essay 4
  • 2. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Introduction This essay serves to examine the extent of brands having a personality through the comparison with physiologist definition of personality. The evaluation of the widely used Aaker (1997) brand personality framework will then provide insights to the value of brand personality in brand marketing. The second part of the essay will briefly illustrate the importance of the personification of brands in consumers brand choice behavior. The theory of self-concept and how consumers values influence the choice of brands to project their personality will also be discussed. The Extent Of Brands Having A Personality Personality originated from the psychologist field of study. From the evolution of Freudian to Neo-Freudian to Trait theory, the Dictionnaire Fondamental de la Psychologie (Bloch et al., 1997) defined personality as the set of relatively stable and general dynamic, emotional and affective characteristics of an individuals way of being, in his/her way to react to the situations in which s/he is. In most cases, the word does not include the cognitive aspects of the behavior (intelligence, abilities, knowledge). It always deals with the affective, emotional and dynamic aspects. Personality is [more often than not] described in terms of traits. (Azoulay & Kapferer, 2003, p.147) The widely used and accepted Big Five model (McCrae & Costa, 1990) covering the 5 dimensions (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) were therefore derived to measure personality. Many literatures have supported that like humans, brands have personalities (Aaker, 1997). Similar to how personality of a person can be perceived through its behavior, brands personality can also be perceived through both direct and indirect contact with the brand (Plummer, 1985). The three distinct properties of personality i.e. reflects individual differences, are consistent and enduring, and can change over time (Schiffman et al., 2005), could be observed in both brands and humans. For example, Chanel is personified as a lady who is ageless, sophisticated, classy and confident, through the use of spokesperson like
  • 3. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Tautou and over the decades became younger and louder as the consumers age range widens. Despite that, many academics are unable to effectively measure brand personality with the Big Five model (Caprara et al., 2001), leading us to question the extent of brands having a personality. Despite the similar conceptualization of brand and human personality traits (Epstein, 1977), various literatures have acknowledged that how the personalities are formed differs (Aaker, 1997). With that in consideration, Aaker (1997) came out with a brand personality framework that seeks to address the differences. The 5-dimension framework (sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, ruggedness) was thought to be robust and was widely used till to date. The extent to which brands have personality could be determined by how well brands possess those traits from Aakers framework. However, Aakers framework had been criticized for not being a true measurement of the brand personality but instead a combination of facets of brand identity (Azoulay & Kapferer, 2003, p.144). This is because, Aaker (1997) defines brand personality as the the set of human characteristics associated with a brand (p.347), without isolating the cognitive aspects of the brand which has been excluded in the definition of human personality. The cognitive aspects refer to intellectual capabilities, gender and social class (Aaker, 1997), are reflected in the culture, physical, relationship, reflected consumer and consumer metallization facets of brand identity defined by Kapferer (1992, 1998). Kapferer (2008) in his latest book, referred the three distinct properties of human personality as mentioned above as brand identity (p.172), suggesting that human personality is in fact equivalent to brand identity. This further supports the point that Aaker is indeed measuring brand identity and not brand personality. Therefore, by excluding items like competence, feminine, and those related to social class (Azoulay & Kapferer, 2003) from the Aaker framework, one can perhaps see the extent of personality in brands and whether the value of using personality metaphor in brand marketing is still valid.
  • 4. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 For example, Aaker (1997) described Coca-Cola to be cool, all-American and real (p.348) and Absolut Vodka as a cool, hip, contemporary 25-year old (p.347). By isolating the abovementioned items, Coco-Cola brand personality would perhaps just be cool and real, while Absolut Vodka cool and hip. Brands such as IBM, Guinness and Accenture that score highly on competence might now find them lacking a strong brand personality. With the reduction of dimension and items from the framework, this might suggest that individual differences, a key properties in personality, are now limited in brands. Hence, we may conclude that the extent of brands having a personality is perhaps good enough to set the tonality in marketing communications, as it no longer holds strong meanings for consumers. Instead, the personification of brands, a likely result of the anthropomorphism and metaphorical processing of the brand identity (Delbaere et al., 2011), with brand personality being one facet of it (Coleman et al., 2011), is the one that elicit strong emotions and allows consumers to make meaning out of. Why consumers may choose to use certain brands to project their personality Personification of brand is important because consumers evaluates products not just in terms of what it can do (functional) but also in terms of what they mean (symbolism) (Levy, 1959), thus brands that consumers can make meaning out of often have a strong call for action. Studies have shown that purchases are made based on emotions (Finucane et al., 2000) and that brands holding symbolic meanings are often used by consumers to express their multiple selves (Aaker, 1997), satisfying their social and psychological needs (Chernatony et al., 2011). Various studies have also suggested the validity of self-image congruence, that consumers prefer brands that enhance or maintain their self-image and psychological well- being (Hosany & Martin, 2012). In the recent research by Aguirre-Rodriguez et al. (2012), it was said that brands having strong brand-as-person personality (versus brand-user image) can foster strong self- congruity experiences with targeted consumers (p.1185), affirming the importance of personification of brands in consumer behavior.
  • 5. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 By examining the theory of self-concept, the totality of the individuals thoughts and feelings in reference to themselves as an object (Schiffman et al., 2005, p.119), one can better understand why consumers may choose to use those brands with strong personality to project their own personality. Self-concept, which was influenced by the Big Five, the situation and the consumers history (Schiffman et al., 2005) was identified by Nobel and Walker (1997) as a construct of 5 types of perception of self; i.e. actual self-image (how consumers see themselves), ideal self-image (how consumers would like to see themselves), social self-image (how consumers feel others see them), ideal social self-image (how consumers would like others to see them) and expected self-image (how consumers expect to see themselves at some specific future time) (Schiffman et al., 2005, p.120). In different situations, given the perception of others in the specific situation, consumers will select a different self-image (actual self, ideal social etc.) as their situational self-image to guide their attitudes and behavior (Schenk & Holman, 1980). The situational self-image includes attitudes, perceptions, and feelings the individual wishes others to associate with him/her (Sirgy, 1982, p.289). Motivated by self-esteem or self-consistency or both (Epstein, 1980), consumers will then use brands projecting symbolic meanings congruent to their self- image in order to make expressions about their personalities, and avoid brands that are not. The stronger the brand personality, the easier it is for consumers to comprehend the brands symbolic meaning, and thus, increasing the likelihood of consumers selecting the brand to project its self-image. For example, when a person is attending an important office dinner, motivated by self- esteem, he may choose its ideal social self-image as his situational self-image because he wants to be perceived as someone mature, sophisticated and stylish to impress his boss who is sophisticated and affluent. His brand choice in this case would perhaps be a Hugo Boss suit that holds similar symbolic meanings. In a family dinner where, motivated by self-
  • 6. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 consistency, he may choose a GAP jacket to express his ideal self as a laid-back chap instead as he is not under any pressure to impress. Another concept to consider is the influence of values on consumers choice of brands in different situations. Culture peer groups influence consumers values. These values that consumers hold forms the basis of their beliefs and drives behavior (Chernatony et al., 2011). Consumers often use brands in different situations that are inline with their values to achieve their desired consequence. For example, a person who values being seen as part of a team will use the brands that the team uses when he is out socializing with them. Shetht et al. (1991) suggested the 5 values i.e. functional, conditional, social, emotional and epistemic value, determines consumer brand choice in any given situation. The values that consumers are particularly concerned with differ in situations and brands that can best maximize the required values are often chosen. For example, when going for a college camp, a person wants to be perceived as sporty and trendy as he valued being seen as one of the cool kids in school. He will choose a brand of shoe that is able to best maximize the social and emotional value, e.g. Nike, which also holds symbolic meanings that is congruent to his ideal social self-image. In another situation, if he is just going to play a match with his pals, he may choose to use his Adidas shoes that can best maximize the functional value at also aids to enhance his ideal self-image as oppose to a pair of Pumas that may holds similar function but does not hold symbolic meaning congruent to his situational self-image. The above example illustrates that consumers not only use brands to communicate their values in different situation, it also facilitate the projection of their situational self-image, thus reflecting consumers personality. Therefore, the personification of brands as discussed in the earlier part of the essay is exceptionally important. Such brands are able to effectively communicate their brand values and allow consumers to better identify and relate to, and in turn, consumers use those brands to communicate their values in different situation and to enhance or maintain their self-image.
  • 7. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Conclusion Given that the psychologist definition of personality isolates cognitive elements of a person, the measurement and definition of brand personality must seek to do so too. The widely used Aaker brand personality framework failed to effectively measure brand personality, but it enables us to measure the brand identity as a whole. Through the examples, it can be noted that the anthropomorphism and metaphorical processing of the brand identity itself holds more meaning to consumers than brand personality. The value of using a personality metaphor in brand marketing is of great importance as consumers evaluate products not on what it do for them but what it means. Thus, brands with strong personality are able to communicate values and symbolic meanings to and for consumers effectively. Consumers project personality through the brands they use, their attitudes towards different brands and the meanings the brands have for them (Chernatony et al., 2011, p.131). The brand choice takes into account the congruency of the brand symbolic meaning with the situational self-image as well as the value that the brand holds that enables consumers to achieve their desired consequence in different situations.
  • 8. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Bibliography Aaker, J.L., 1997. Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research, 34(3), pp.347-56. Aguirre-Rodriguez, A., Bosnjak, M. & Sirgy, M.J., 2012. Moderators of the self- congruity effect on consumer decision-making: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 65, p.11791188. Azoulay, A. & Kapferer, J.-N., 2003. Do brand personality scales really measure brand personality? Brand Management, 11(2), pp.142-55. Bloch, J. et al., 1997. Dictionnaire Fondamental de la Psychologie. France, Paris: Larousse-Bordas. Caprara, G.V., Barbarabelli, C. & Guido, G., 2001. Brand personality: How to make the metaphor fit? Journal of Economic Psychology, (22), pp.337-95. Chernatony, L.D., Wallace, E. & McDonald, M., 2011. Creating powerful brands. 4th ed. UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. Available from: 23 September 2012. Coleman, D., Chernatony, L.d. & Christodoulides, G., 2011. B2B service brand identity: Scale development and validation. Industrial Marketing Management, 40, pp.1063-71. Delbaere, M., McQuarrie, E.F. & Phillips, B.J., 2011. Personification In Advertising. The Journal of Advertising, 40(1), pp.121-30. Epstein, S., 1977. Traits are Alive and Well. Personality at the crossroads, pp.83-98. Epstein, S., 1980. The Self-Concept: A Review and the Proposal of an Integrated Theory of Personality. Prentice Hall. Finucane, M.L., Alhakami, A., Solvic, P. & Johnson, S.M., 2000. The Affect Heuristic in Judement of Risks and Benefits. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 13(1), pp.1-17. Hosany, S. & Martin, D., 2012. Self-image congruence in consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, 65, pp.685-91. Kapferer, J.N., 2008. The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page. Kapferer, J.-N., 1992. Strategic Brand Management. London: Kogan Page. Kapferer, J.-N., 1998. Strategic Brand Management. 2nd ed. London. Levy, S.J., 1959. Symbols for sale. Harvard Business Review, 37, pp.117-19. Levy SJ. Symbols for sale. Harv Bus Rev 1959;37:1179 (July/Aug).. McCrae, R.R. & Costa, P.T., 1990. Personality in Adulthood. New York: Guildford Press. Nobel, C.H. & Walker, B.A., 1997. Exploring the relationships among liminal transitions, symbolic consumption and the extended self. Psychology and Marketing, 14(1), pp.29-47. Plummer, J.T., 1985. Brand Personality: A Strategic Concept for Multinational Advertising. In Young & Rubicam. New York, 1985.
  • 9. University of Birmingham Advertising (Essay 4) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Schenk, C.T. & Holman, R.H., 1980. A Sociological Approach to Brand Choice: The Concept of Situational Self Image. Advances in Consumer Research, 7, pp.610-14. Schiffman, L. et al., 2005. Consumer Behaviour. 3rd ed. Australia: Pearson Education Australia. Sirgy, M.J., 1982. Self-Concept in Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(3), pp.287-300. Sheth, J.N., Newman, B.I. & Gross, B.L., 1991. Why we buy what we buy: A theory of consumption values. Journal of Business Research, 22(2), p.159170.