The document discusses various sources and causes of back pain from an anatomical perspective. It identifies prolonged sitting, improper lifting techniques, sleeping on soft or firm mattresses, wearing high-heeled shoes, smoking, being overweight, and poor posture as potential causes of back pain. The document provides references from scientific studies and articles to support each point.
4. Presenter:
Dr. Md. Riadul Zannat Riad
Resident, MS Anatomy
Phase- A, Year- 2, Block- 5
Dr. Latifa Nishat
Assistant professor
Dept. of anatomy, BSMMU
5. Objective
After attending the seminar, the audience will be able to
explain anatomical perspective of the advices for back pain.
17. Do not stand or sit long enough
18. Insufficient nutrition of the intervertebral discs
due to lack of spinal motion
Sitting and back pain
Sitting and low back pain: the positive effect of rotatory dynamic stimuli during prolonged sitting, Leo L. van Deursen et al, 1999.
19. 20
Cause increased stress of the back, neck, arms and legs
and can add a tremendous amount of pressure to the back muscles
and spinal discs.
Sitting and back pain
33. Higher the heel
Shorter and tighter the tendon
Shoes and back pain
47. Sitting and low back pain: the positive effect of rotatory dynamic stimuli during prolonged
sitting, Leo L. van Deursen et al, 1999.
#12: Theprimarycurves (thoracic and sacralcurvatures) form during fetal development. The secondary curves develop after birth. The cervicalcurvatureforms as a result of lifting the head and the lumbarcurvatureforms as a result of walking.
#16: Figure 1(Left) Unhealthy sitting position: pelvic crest leaning back, strained spinal column, lower abdomen compressed and breathing and circulation restricted
Figure 2(Right) Healthy sitting position: pelvic crest rotated forwards, spinal column extended, circulation and breathing unrestricted and less strain on the back
#17: Bend your knees at a right angle. Keep your knees even with or slightly higher than your hips. (use a foot rest or stool if necessary). Your legs should not be crossed.
adjust your chair height and work station
. Rest your elbows and arms on your chair or desk, keeping your shoulders relaxed.
don't twist at the waist while sitting. Instead, turn your whole body.
Avoid bending forward at your waist.
#18: Chronic Pain and Osteoarthritis
If youve learned anything from reading my articles its that your body was made to move. Without movement your muscles become weak from a lack of freshly oxygenated blood flow. A build-up of lactic acid can lead to muscle spasms and trigger points. Joints that do not move do not produce the synovial fluid necessary to lubricate the joint and protective cartilage, eventually leading to breakdown, calcification, pain, and osteoarthritis. These are basic body mechanics that are pretty easy to understand once they are explained.
#19: Sitting for prolonged periods of time can be a major cause of back pain, cause increased stress of the back, neck, arms and legs and can add a tremendous amount of pressure to the back muscles and spinal
#33: The heels lean forward the body and the muscles of the back should work twice as hard to do their job of protecting the spine
#34: This excess pressure compresses the plantar nerves, causes inflammation, fibrosis and decreased blood flowwhich results in tingling, pain, burning worse when walking
#38: Smoking inhibits circulation to the disc, dehydrating it and making it difficult for these discs to absorb the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
Degenerative disc disease occurs when these discs dry out, thin, or crack.
Nicotine restricts blood flow to the disks that cushion your vertebrae and increases the rate of degeneration, Shin says. This loss of cushioning can causeback pain.
#41: Centre of gravityis the point at which the distribution of weight is equal in all directions, and does depend on gravitational field